"Contain everything!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the white dragon appeared out of thin air in his consciousness space. The dragon's body twisted like a twist. When it was twisted to the end, it turned into a stream of red magic power and floated into the green square where Nagini was.

Luo Bin clicked on the 'little green snake' totem and found that Nagini's treatment cycle had changed from three months to two months!

Tsk, he is indeed an adult fire dragon!

The spoils of war were harvested, and now it was time to consider how to leave the barren valley of Laoshizi.

Luo Bin put his palms against his eyebrows, blocking the sunlight and looking towards the top of the valley. As he looked, he found three black crows in the distance, flying towards the barren valley.

If you want to peck at dragon meat, you have to do it early!

I'm sorry, the white dragon was captured by me, crows, wait until next time, they are not crows, they are people, people riding on broomsticks.

Not long after, three wizards riding broomsticks stopped handsomely in front of Luo Bin like motorcycles flicking.

The leader is a muscular man. The muscular man's hair is dark red, so dark that it's a bit like brown-black. He has a broad face like a good gentleman, with cheeks covered with freckles. There are strips of hair extending upward from his wrists. of scars.

The other two, one is tall and thin with blond hair and blue eyes, and the other is chubby with brown hair and brown eyes.

The three of them all looked kind and looked at Luo Bin with concerned eyes.

"Little guy, don't be afraid. My friends and I are not bad people. My name is Charlie, Charlie Weasley. Why are you here alone?" said the leader of the muscular man.

"Challenge the Dragon Master, Charlie Weasley?!!"

"You know me?"

"Oh, I saw a promotional article about the Romanian Dragon Research Base in the Daily Prophet, and it had your mugshot and name on it."

Charlie scratched the back of his head and said rather shyly: "The title of Dragon Trainer is too high, I can't afford it. Little guy, Albania is not very safe. There are vampires here from time to time. Where is the family that brought you here?" ?”


The great demon lair where Voldemort rested and recuperated! !

Therefore, the bond between Nagini and the village bully happened in Albania!

"my parents"

In Luo Bin's narration, he traveled to Albania with his parents. On the way, they encountered a super hurricane. Unfortunately, his parents were killed and their bodies were washed away by flash floods. However, he was caught by an Australian opal-eyed adult fire dragon in a deserted valley.

Later, a giant snake tens of meters long broke into the deserted valley. After swallowing the dragon egg, it fought with the adult fire dragon. In the end, the fire dragon was defeated. The giant snake swallowed the fire dragon's body and crawled away.

The valley is surrounded by mountains. The mountain walls are slippery and nearly vertical. Next to the mountain wall, there is a large pool of blood, exuding strong fire-attribute magic elements. There are scattered patches of blood and transparent venom all around.

It can be seen that there was a fierce fight here.

But a boy of about eleven years old survived the mouths of adult fire dragons and giant snakes, and he is still alive and well. This is a bit strange.

However, the magical world is never short of miracles!

For example, Harry Potter severely injured Voldemort as a baby, but only left a lightning scar on his forehead!

Charlie strode forward and hugged Robin tightly, "Oh, poor little guy, my father once said that deceased relatives or friends will protect the living people in another form. Cornwall Department, Do you have any relatives? If so, I will send you there, Henry, Taylor, you two."

"The Quidditch International Competition will be held in a few months. I think I have enough time to play with the rumored Cornwall Elf!" the tall and thin man said cheerfully.

"Charlie, my thoughts are the same as Henry's. Don't be stunned. Hurry up and take Luo Bin on the broomstick!"

Luo Bin:......

"Charlie, before the trip around the world, my parents sold the villa in Cornwall. I don't have any relatives there. I am going to London. My parents have saved a lot of things for me in Gringotts. I want to take them take out."

Robin took out the copper key tied around his neck from his collar. Charlie took a closer look. Except for some more wavy lines, it looked similar to the one in Ms. Molly's hand. It was a Gringotts key. No doubt.

"Henry, it seems that your wish to form an elf team cannot be realized for the time being. The destination of our flight is still London!"

Henry lifted his legs and got on the broomstick, "Charlie, Taylor, what are you waiting for?"

After Charlie got on the broomstick, he glanced at Luo Bin, who sat down behind him with a knowing look.

"Little guy, hold on tight, I'm not responsible if you get thrown off!"

"It's so hissing, oh, let me go, it's so fierce!"

Luo Bin knew that the flying broomstick was fast, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

The feeling of the strong wind hitting your face is very similar to riding a roller coaster. The difference is that one goes in a wavy line and the other goes in a straight line!

Luo Bin pressed his forehead against Charlie's back, and the tearing sensation on his face from the strong wind was slightly reduced.

The four of them flew for three days and three nights before they reached their destination.

Otteri St. Catchpol Village, beside the dense forest outside the village!

Robin just got off his broomstick, and he didn't even have time to admire Rowling's famous patchwork building - the Weasley family's Burrow!

An owl with lusterless feathers, chest heaving and panting, landed on his shoulder.

The owl is holding a light yellow letter in its talons. There is a wax seal on the letter, a shield emblem, and the capital letter 'H', surrounded by a majestic lion, an eagle that looks down on the world, and a wise man. Badger, a cold-blooded and arrogant snake.

The envelope was written in green ink: International Air Route 609, received by Robin Lestrange!

Is this the Hogwarts acceptance letter? ! !

"It's a notice from the magic school. I also received one yesterday. Open it and take a look. Maybe we can become alumni."

A little red-haired boy with freckles on his face rushed up and said enthusiastically.

"You are Ron, Ron Weasley. Charlie mentioned you a lot along the way!"

Oh, I saw one of the three living members!

Red hair, dotted freckles, chubby cheeks, big bright eyes, and an expression that often switches back and forth between dullness and cleverness.

"You must be Robin, Robin Lestrange, right? Charlie mentioned you in the letter. Quick, open it and take a look. I hope it's not a letter from another magic school,"

Luo Bin carefully opened the envelope and took out the letter inside.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(President of the International United Guild of Wizards, First-Class Grand Magician of the Order of Merlin, and Chief Magician of the Wizengamot)

Dear Mr. Lestrange:

We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Attached is a list of required books and equipment.

The semester is scheduled to start on September 1st, and we will be waiting for your owl to bring your reply before July 31st.


Sincerely, Minerva McGonagall

Luo Bin opened the second piece of paper, which listed the uniforms, textbooks, equipment that the first-year students needed to purchase, as well as the magical devices that were prohibited from being brought into the school.

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