Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 40 Training in progress

Thumping! Thumping!

Katie covered her neck, trying to suppress her heartbeat. She blushed and wanted to say thank you to the boy, but the boy went off to chase the damn black ball on a broomstick with one hand.

In the air!

Robin accelerated suddenly, caught up with the Bludger, and hit the top of it with a stick.

Before the black ball could recover from the first blow, it was hit by the second one. It spun and flew downwards in a daze.

Luo Bin dived to catch up. When the Bludger was 2 meters above the ground, he waved his arm from bottom to top and hit the ball at its bottom.

Then the people on the court saw a boy, controlling the broom with one hand and holding the bat with the other. He flew very fast, faster than the black ball. When he flew in front of the black ball, he would hit him with a stick, causing the black ball to Forced to reverse the direction of the sprint.

Ten minutes later, there was a loud bang and a big hole was made in the lawn by the Bludger.

Countless specks of mud splashed out, splashing onto Fred and George's faces and jerseys.

"Robin, did you do this on purpose?" Fred asked, wiping the mud spots on his face.

"Oh my God, there's no need to ask. He's definitely jealous of our handsomeness, haha!"

After George finished speaking, he grabbed the mud in the pit and threw it at Fred.

He laughed when he hit it, and continued to scratch at the mud if he didn't. Fred was not to be outdone. The two of them smashed and then suddenly stopped.

After looking at each other, they grabbed two big handfuls of mud and threw it behind them!

Luo Bin controlled the broom, swung it away, and hid behind Wood. Then, someone's roar resounded throughout the stadium, making the leaves on the trees tremble.

"Fred, George, you two are forced to do 500 sets of sharp turns in the air. If you can't complete them, you are not allowed to return to the castle!"

Wood removed the mud from his mouth and nose and yelled angrily despite the muddy smell.

Fred and George got on their broomsticks, flew Wood around for three or four times, and then jumped into the sky laughing and joking. Obviously, they had long been accustomed to similar punishments.

Wood sighed and picked up the black ball in the pit, "The Weasley brothers are too difficult to discipline, but I have to admit that they cooperate very well in the air and can convey a lot of information with just one look." Luo Bin , your performance just now was really wonderful. I have never seen anyone chase the Bludger and hit it so hard that it can't even hide, but "

Robin followed Wood's gaze and looked up into the sky. The Weasley brothers were playing the game of 'If you hit me, I'll flip 720 degrees in the air'. "Wood, I understand, but I have a problem. The training intensity of substitute players is the same as that of regular players." ?"

"Well, it's the same!"

"Uh, okay!"

Alas, the lazy bubble of hope was ruthlessly burst.

Wood wiped the mud off the Bludger, put it in a wooden crate and attached a restraint strap.

This time, the black ball stopped buzzing, vibrating and provoked. It stayed lifeless in the box like a Muggle toy without magic.

Luo Bin rode his broomstick and looked around the stadium. After seeing a purple dot on the stands in the distance, he flew back to the ground.

It seems that the reason why the black ball is running wildly is not because Dobby appears early, but because Quirinus Quirrell is causing trouble. So, is his target Harry Potter, or something else?

"Robin, come here quickly, Wood is going to talk about the third kind of ball."

Harry's shout interrupted Robin's contemplation. He put the broom away, walked to the wooden box and squatted down.

Wood took out a walnut-sized, golden ball with a pair of silver wings from the wooden box.

"This ball is called the Golden Snitch. When it flies, it is as fast as lightning. Sometimes, it will stop and float in a place where it is difficult to observe."

"The Seeker's only goal is the Golden Snitch. If you catch it, you can win 150 points for your team. This score is enough to determine the outcome of the game."

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing to remember. When the Quidditch match ends, it does not depend on the score of the two teams, nor how long the match lasts, but when the Golden Snitch is caught."

"What if neither team can catch it?" Harry asked.

"Unless there are special circumstances, the game will continue until the Golden Snitch is caught. In my mind, the longest record of the game is three months. Regular players and substitute players take turns to play, otherwise"

"What else?" Harry asked doubtfully and curiously.

"Uh, this and that"

"Otherwise, it's easy to die suddenly!" Robin answered for Wood.

Fighting in the air day and night, the probability of sudden death must not increase.


"It's not that serious. Okay, let's not talk about it anymore. Come on, let's start the formal training."

Wood took out a bag of golf balls and asked Robin and Harry to fly into the air with him. He threw a ball with one hand, Robin was responsible for hitting the ball, and Harry was responsible for catching the ball.

Those golf balls were enchanted. As long as they were hit, or caught and released, they would fly back into the bag. In this way, Wood could throw the ball endlessly.

Robin hit hundreds of hits and never missed a golf ball, and the same was true for Harry. Wood was so happy that he repeatedly claimed that he would defeat the Slytherin team in this year's game.

An hour later, the training was over. Mrs. Wood, as if she was possessed, repeatedly told them to relax and pay attention to their muscles before letting them go.

As soon as the two of them reached the edge of the stadium, they saw Ron and Hermione arguing. One's mouth was pouting, and the other's nose was red with anger.

Clearly, they were both furious.

"Ron, what's wrong with you?"

Harry frowned, his eyes seeming to say: How dare you provoke the evil star?

"Robin, Harry, you two are here to judge. I just said: If you want to see it, go and watch it on the stage. She just stepped on a cannonball and lectured people. The midnight adventure is over. How long has she been holding on to it, huh, her mind is smaller than a sesame seed."

"Ha! Isn't what I said all the truth? If you violate school rules and don't repent, sooner or later Malfoy will take advantage of you. Also, let me reiterate, I was too absorbed in reciting the spell. I didn’t look at the road at all, you think I’m just curious about watching the raw melon balls play ball!”

Hermione rolled her eyes at Ron and left angrily.

"She is lying. I saw it, Luo Bin. She has been staring at you. To be more precise, she was staring at your broomstick!"

Ron said.

"She is so angry. Every time I see her, she is angry!" Harry recalled.

"Maybe she is just greedy for the latest version of the broom. Well, let's not talk about her. I miss my big soft bed very much now!" Luo Bin changed the topic.

"Me too!" Harry said, rubbing his sore shoulders.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go back to the castle!" Luo Bin said.

Under the cover of night, three teenagers walked towards the castle on the neatly manicured lawn.

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