Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 6 Heading to Diagon Alley


"Okay, let's play. We'll play again after tomorrow. Eat dinner first, and then go to bed early. Tomorrow morning, sprinkle Floo powder on your head on time. Ron, go call Percy and Ginny to come down for dinner."

Floo fan?

The floo powder that is sprinkled into the magic fire and the flames splash out, and can take people to a designated place by teleporting? ! !

Luo Bin glanced at the flowerpot and then at the stove, his eyes shining with excitement.

Floo fans!


Just thinking about it makes me excited!

"Yes, Mom!"

Ron pursed his lips and reluctantly went upstairs!

Percy was very thin, with a pointed and tall nose, resembling a real-life version of Pinocchio. After he came downstairs, he politely greeted Robin and sat at the dining table, reading a thick book. book, while taking small bites of apple pie.

Ginny, like Ron, has red hair. She is very shy. After coming downstairs, she has been hiding behind Ms. Molly. When eating, her head is lowered, and the hair hanging down on her cheeks makes her timid. His face was completely blocked.

Robin once suspected that Ginny's little face was accidentally stuck on the apple pie. The reason why she didn't raise her head to look at anyone was because she was worried that everyone would laugh at her for having apple puree on the tip of her nose.

In the evening, Ron proposed to let Robin live in the attic with him, but Ms. Molly rejected the offer on the grounds that the attic was too small and the ghoul was too ugly and would scare the guests.

Finally, with the help of the hostess of the Burrow, Robin was arranged to live in Bill's room.

After Bill graduated, he worked in the Egyptian branch of Gringotts. He didn't go back to London for several years, so his bedroom was naturally empty. In addition, he was the first child of the Weasleys, so his bedroom was much larger than the other children.

In order for Robin to have a good sleep, Ms. Molly also thoughtfully cast a cleaning spell and a deodorizing spell.

Late at night, Luo Bin lay on his side, looking deeply at the distant starry sky through the glass window.

Dasha, Erleng, and Sanque, you three must be so happy when you hear the news of my death, right?

When eating, please keep your laughter down, otherwise, through the thick space barrier, I can't slap you three in the face.

If the three of you had used your whole life's IQ and scraped together half of your brainstem, you would have discovered that under the insoles of those camouflage sneakers that you have never worn since military training, there is a letter of inheritance distribution from me.

Decent clothes and shoes are all stuffed into the used clothes recycling bin, computers, tablets, iPads, hanging salted fish and sold. The money from the sale is donated to the Xiaobaicai Orphanage together with the 56 deposit.

As for the student loan worth 96 yuan, ahem, I don’t favor anyone, the three of you will share it equally, remember, it is not allowed to be overdue.

If you want to eat at a banquet, be prepared to have your pocket empty.

Luo Bin thought about it and slowly fell asleep!

08:00 in the morning, living room of The Burrow!

Robin, Lady Molly, Charlie, and Ginny, standing around the fire!

"Robin, remember, like George, Fred, Percy and Ron, say where you are going as soon as you step into the green flames!"

Ms. Molly warned.

Luo Bin put his hand into the flower pot and grabbed a handful of sparkling powder. "Ms. Mo Li, don't worry. I have rehearsed the steps for using Floo powder no less than three times in my mind!"

"Well, remember, your elbows need to be pinched, and the word 'Diagon Alley' needs to be pronounced very clearly!"

Under Ms. Mo Li's concerned gaze, Luo Bin strode forward and threw the powder into the bright yellow flame.


The fire turned green and rose higher than George!

Robin took a deep breath, walked straight into the fire, and shouted "Diagon Alley" clearly!

In an instant, a strong suction force sucked him into an unknown space!

Luo Bin endured the dizziness and opened his eyes. He found that he was in a socket-shaped, dark space. His body was spinning rapidly with the green flames. This was the source of the dizziness in his brain.

Suddenly, a hard, angular object hit his upper arm, and he quickly clamped his elbow.

The dizziness continued, and he had no choice but to close his eyes to reduce this feeling.

About three minutes later, he smelled a strong smell of soot. After opening his eyes to see the situation clearly, he hurriedly took a big step and stepped out of the burning fireplace.

"Oh, it's boring, it's so boring!"

The shop owner shook his head and said regretfully.

Hey, it's such a hot summer day, most likely because he wants to have fun with the person using Floo powder, the old naughty boy is gone!

"Where are the three of them?" Luo Bin asked as he dusted himself off.

"Percy went to the second-hand bookstore to hunt for goods, and Fred and George probably went to the department store to find guys who can do mischief!" Ron replied.


Ms. Molly picked up her skirt and stepped across the fire. She didn't even have time to brush off the soot on her body. She walked to the bar angrily, "Jin, childish, you never considered that the fire would burn the child."

The shop owner named 'Jin' raised his eyes slightly and replied in a calm tone: "Mrs. Weasley, I don't think a 40°C flame can burn anyone!"


Ms. Molly muttered and was about to step forward to verify the temperature of the flame when a small, red figure suddenly fell from the top of the fireplace.

With a thud, she fell into the middle of the fire.

Miraculously, her red dress was not on fire and her skin was not burned red.


Ms. Molly rushed forward, held little Ginny in her arms, and comforted her for a while before she stopped crying.

"Ginny, where is Charlie? He promised to take good care of you this morning and will take care of you all day!"

"Henry, Taylor, is here. He said he wanted his brother to teach Quidditch, and then"

Charlie Weasley's talent as a Quidditch Seeker once made countless teenagers envious and jealous.

But when he graduated, he gave up Quidditch and resolutely went to Romania, where he stayed with various fire dragons all day long, which made countless people feel sorry for him.

"Hmph, don't use Quidditch as an excuse. Let's see how I deal with him at night!"

Although she said this, most of the anger in her heart had actually disappeared.

Later, with Ms. Mo Li leading the way, the group walked on the cobblestone pavement and passed by one quaint but mysterious store after another.

Finally, we came to a tall white building.

"Ron, look at Ginny, don't be like Charlie and just push your sister to others!"

Ron squeezed Ginny's hand tightly, patted his chest and promised, "Don't worry, Mum!"

"Luo Bin, follow me later!"


As soon as the two passed through the shiny bronze gate, the goblin guards wearing scarlet and gold uniforms bowed to them.

The goblin is very short, only about 80cm tall, with a pointed beard, a dark face, and very long hands and feet.

The second door is silver, with a warning engraved on it, which roughly means that if you have bad intentions and take away wealth that does not belong to you, you will suffer bad consequences.

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