Name: Morbius Kayunt

Species: Dark Ghost

Grade: D

Personality: Bloodthirsty, barking, and sizing up situations

Physical condition: collapse, only 1% of vitality left (treatment period: one month)

Skill: Never reject blood (can absorb 600ml of blood each time)

Dark crawling (the body can hide in darkness \u0026 shadows, time limit is 3 minutes each time)

Magic value: 1000

Combat power: 300

Morbius Kayent?

The name is quite unique, but because of his stupidity of trying to spread onychomycosis, Luo Bin decisively changed his name to Heipizi.

After the modification, he withdrew his consciousness from the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and along with the snoring of the piglet and the crunching of pancakes, he gradually reached a consensus with Zhou Gong, and met the scene in his dream that was not reflected in the magic mirror.

The next day, Luo Bin took his roommate to the library as usual. He urged the two of them to continue looking for Nico Flamel, while he went to translate foreign books to try to get rid of the "illiteracy".

But Harry was caught in the vortex of family happiness. He had no intention of reading, and even stayed up all night.

In the early morning, Robin and Ron were sitting at the door talking and laughing. When they heard the sound of the doorknob turning, their expressions instantly became extremely serious.

"Are you two rehearsing a show?"

After Harry opened the door and came in, he saw the expressions of the two of them and asked in surprise and guilt.

"You should look in the mirror, Harry!"

"I took it."

Moreover, it lasted a full night.

"I'm not talking about the magic mirror, but the big mirror by the bathroom sink. Harry, you look exactly like you now."

He really looks like a teenager who is severely addicted to the Internet. His hair is messy and his eyes are dull. Only when he talks about the addictive substance can there be a glimmer of light. The bags under his eyes are droopy, his back is slightly arched, his walking steps are empty, and he looks like his energy has been sucked away by the devil. The walking dead.

"I feel fine!"

Harry panted slightly and retorted without confidence.

"No, it's not good at all. Apart from the fact that you don't smell of alcohol and are still sober when talking, you are no different from an old drunkard. If you continue like this, your body will collapse. Listen, you are not allowed to go to the devil again tonight. Mirrored." Ron said angrily.

"The tone of your speech is very much like Hermione's. You hate her bossy look the most, don't you?"

"Harry, you, Robin, I can't defeat him, come on!"

Luo Bin: ⊙﹏⊙, Sao Nian, to help people stop looking at themselves in the mirror, a big boss needs to take action. However, on what night does the big boss take action?

After Luo Bin thought for a moment, he came up with a compromise solution: go together and take turns looking in the mirror.

Harry didn't want to be stopped when he looked in the mirror again, and Ron wanted to see his glorious moment again.

So, the two readily agreed to Luo Bin's proposal.

At night, under the protection of the invisibility cloak, the three of them traveled unimpeded and arrived at the abandoned classroom again.

Ron took off his invisibility cloak, rushed to the mirror, looked at himself in the mirror and shouted excitedly.

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't attract Filch." Luo Bin reminded in a low voice.

"So you still know that this is wrong?"

Silence, the kind of silence where everything is still.

The three of them turned around in agreement and saw an old man with a white beard sitting on an abandoned table by the wall. That was Albus Dumbledore!

"I didn't see you when I came in, Headmaster."

Luo Bin was 100% sure that there was no one at the table when he entered the room.

"I didn't see it either," Harry agreed.

"It's strange that you are still near-sighted after becoming invisible."

Dumbledore was smiling. He looked at the three young people who were making trouble at night, and seemed to see his former self.

He slid down from the table, walked to the mirror and sat down cross-legged. He reached out and patted the floor. After the three of them sat around, he said, "I think you, like thousands of people before me, have understood the meaning of Zhao'e." The fun of Lys Mirror.”

"Mirror of Erised!"

Harry and Ron said in unison in shock.

"Yes, it's called Eris, and it's a mirror with magical powers."

"It can predict the future, or illuminate the past, right?" Ron leaned forward and asked anxiously.

Dumbledore shook his head, "No, it's not like that, let me explain it to you!"

"It enables the person who looks in the mirror to see the most urgent and strongest desires deep in his/her heart. When a person whose heart is filled with happiness stands in front of the magic mirror, he/she will only see his/her virtual image. . If I say this, can you understand me?"

"I have never seen my own family. I long for family affection too much, so I saw the Potter family standing behind me."

Harry lowered his eyes and said wilfully.

"Yes, that's right!"

"I, Bill, Charlie, and Percy, they are so good. Even Fred and George, who love to get into trouble, the professors have praised them more than once for how smart they are. I aspire to be better than them all." person, so I see myself getting countless trophies.”

"Child, maybe you haven't even noticed it yourself, but your shining point is never lost to anyone."

"Me? Well, it was pitch black and I didn't see anything. Sir, is there anything special you can say about my situation?"

It can't be that the content is too exciting and has been mosaic, right?

Dumbledore straightened his body, and a flash of dark light flashed through his blue, penetrating eyes, "Lestrange, I have never encountered the situation you are talking about, and I don't know anything about it." The reason. However, I know that this mirror has a strong hallucinogenic effect. I have seen too many people get lost in the scenes created by the magic mirror. They cannot distinguish between reality and illusion, so that they fall into A state close to insanity.”

Luo Bin: →_→, don’t know? No one would believe this!

"I will move it tomorrow. As for where to move it, it is not your business. If one day you happen to encounter the magic mirror again, you must be mentally prepared. Remember, immersed in false There is no benefit at all in imagining and forgetting about the beautiful real life. Okay, it’s getting very late, you three quickly put on your invisibility cloak and go back to sleep!”

Dumbledore stood up and walked towards the door, but Harry called out to him.

"Sir, what did you see when you looked in the Mirror of Erised?"


He looked at the tall and magnificent magic mirror and said quietly: "I saw myself carrying a pair of light golden wool socks. Well, the festive festivals came and went, but the clever little devils only gave away thick and big socks. Books, but I have no shortage of books to read. What worries me the most is that I have no socks to wear."


Harry frowned in confusion, but Robin knew the secret.

In some places, socks are equated with family affection. It seems that Dumbledore always remembered his brother Aberforth and his late sister Ariana.

In the original book, the past of the Dumbledore family is so tragic.

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