Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 70 The Beginning of the New Semester

Hermione's eyes flickered, as if she was recalling something. Finally, she stood up suddenly and said excitedly: "Oh, I remembered it too, you guys wait here."

She rushed into the girls' dormitory in a hurry. Before the three people on the sofa could exchange doubtful looks, she rushed back with a thick and huge old book in her arms.

"Why haven't I thought about looking for it in this book? I borrowed it a few weeks ago and wanted to read it to pass the time."

"You use it to pass time?" Ron said in shock.

"Quiet, don't disturb me!"

Hermione didn't have time to breathe evenly and rapidly. She lowered her head and quickly turned the pages of the book. When she was two-thirds of the way through, she slapped the table and said excitedly: "I found it. It's on this page."

"Ha! Now I can talk, right?"

Ron said resentfully.

Hermione ignored him. She pulled Robin over to watch together. At the same time, she lowered her voice and said in a drama accent: "Nicolas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone!"

Unfortunately, no one praised her drama performance.

Harry and Ron came over and stood behind them, bending down and searching the open pages for information related to the Philosopher's Stone.

Luo Bin pointed at two lines of small words, reminding them to look here.

The magic stone is a magical substance made by alchemists with amazing functions. It can turn any metal into gold with extremely high gold content. A skilled wizard can also use it to prepare the elixir of life and make people take the medicine. The one who lives forever.

For many centuries, the magic world has never lacked reports related to the Philosopher's Stone. However, according to research, the only remaining Philosopher's Stone in the magic world belongs to the world-famous alchemist and opera lover-Nicolas Flamel. !

It is reported that he, now 666 years old, lives in seclusion in Devon with his wife Perenal (658 years old).

Luo Bin: →_→, 666 years old? I can only say 6 words of praise!

"Do you understand? The three-headed dog Lu Wei is guarding the Philosopher's Stone!" Hermione said firmly.

"A stone can turn countless gold and make people live forever. No wonder Quirinus Quirrell wants it. Who wouldn't be moved by it?" Ron said.

"No wonder I couldn't find any trace of Nicolas Flamel when I looked through "Research on the Development of Modern Witchcraft". He is 666 years old, so of course he cannot be considered a modern person." Harry suddenly realized.

When the four of them wanted to continue discussing, there was a sudden sound from the door of the boys' dormitory.

Neville pushed the door open and walked into the lounge, sniffling and asking aggrievedly: "Have you seen Leif?"

The four of them shook their heads in unison, then collected the things on the table and quickly left the lounge.

As Robin climbed the spiral staircase, he could still hear Neville's miserable cry for Leif.

Well, the only way to bully Neville is to break the toad. If it were another wizard, he would definitely roast it into dried toads or soak it into toad wine.

The holidays are over and the new semester has begun. It seems that everyone has not gotten rid of the holiday laziness, resulting in continuous yawning in the classroom.

However, the professors were frantically instilling magical knowledge into their students, except for one professor - Quirinus Quirrell.

Quirrell has been recuperating for more than half a month. His mental state is much better than that of the days when he was incontinent. He is no longer in a state of panic. It seems to be the combined effect of the continued bewitchment of the braised eggs + the diminished efficacy of Murphy Eli. .

However, it is written on the parchment scroll that some of the mental damage caused by Murphy Eli is irreversible.

And this "irreversible" manifested itself in Quirrell: his teaching style changed drastically, all questions and answers and experimental tests in class were cancelled, he kept his head down throughout the lecture, and stammered out words about the full moon, infection, and lycanthropy according to the textbook. , white fresh, silver powder and other words.

Seamus Finnigan once "kindly" slapped Quirrell on the back. Quirrell suddenly raised his chest and raised his head, and his nervous expression when frightened made the students under the podium burst into laughter.

Quirrell looked at dozens of bloody mouths and big white teeth, and fear once again overwhelmed his reason. After being stunned for more than ten seconds, his legs became weak and he fell to the ground. He curled up and cried bitterly. While crying, he shouted: "Don't eat me, please." Please

In the end, the classroom farce ended with Quirrell being carried to the campus hospital on the first floor by Seamus and Dean.

Harry and Ron stopped going to the library after they figured out who Nico Flamel was and that Lu Wei was guarding the Philosopher's Stone. Robin and Hermione still maintained this habit. However, the two of them went to the library. The purpose is different.

One wants to learn more magic knowledge, and the other wants to get rid of the "illiteracy" pot.

Unfortunately, Luo Bin searched for a long time and still couldn't find any book that could help translate the words in the thick dark red book. He finally understood the mentality of the three little ones when they were busy for a month but to no avail.

This is not the only thing that makes people happy, there is also Quidditch training. Oliver Wood, the king of involution, even on continuous rainy days after a snowstorm, he forcefully asks everyone to go to the Quidditch field for training, and every time When it was dark and everyone was exhausted and out of breath, he announced that the training was over.

High-intensity training will inevitably lead to dissatisfaction from players, such as Fred and George. Their way of countering Wood is by making trouble in the air, playing dive bombing games, and pretending to fall off their broomsticks.

On a sunny afternoon after the rain, the Quidditch pitch.



Fred dive-bombed and scraped the lawn with his leather boots. In an instant, muddy water mixed with grass blades splashed all over Oliver Wood.

"Oh ho, great job!"

George and Fred gave each other a high-five in the air and laughed.

Wood wiped off the mud spots on his face and shouted in the air: "Stop messing around. If you two do this, the team will lose to Hufflepuff. I got the exact information from Professor McGonagall. The Quidditch match in a few months will be refereed by Professor Snape. Judging from past cases, Snape will definitely find thousands of reasons to give Hufflepuff a penalty kick during the match."

Awarding the opposing team a free throw is no different than giving away 10 points!

After hearing this, Fred was so startled that he fell off his broomstick and turned into a mud man covered in grass and leaves. He opened his mouth and spat out a ball of mud.

However, no one present smiled when they saw such a funny scene. Obviously, everyone was worried about Snape becoming the referee of the game.

"When did Snape become interested in Quidditch? He applied to be a referee because he definitely didn't want Gryffindor to defeat Hufflepuff and compete with Slytherin for the House Cup." Fred said after vomiting mud.

"We can't decide who will be the referee. We can only ensure that we strictly abide by the rules of the game when playing against Hufflepuff, so that the referee has no excuse to find fault with us."

Wood's point of view is recognized by everyone, but it is just recognition. After all, everyone has seen the old bat's picky nature.

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