Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 87 The beautiful, powerful and miserable unicorn

After hearing this, Luo Bin rubbed the tip of his nose guiltily, "You must be careful when walking in the forest. Besides, Hagrid said that there was a dangerous bad guy who sneaked into the forest and attacked a unicorn. Oh, By the way, you live here, have you seen an injured and bleeding unicorn in the past two days?"

It is mentioned in the original book that centaurs are born with powerful talents for observing the stars and divination omens. Unfortunately, their mouths are like 502 glue, which is so tight that it drips.

After hearing this, Ronan sighed, and then he looked up and stared at the night sky, "Look, Mars is beautiful and bright tonight."

Luo Bin also raised his head and glanced at the night sky. Well, it was covered with dark clouds. Not to mention the stars, the moon was covered with only a faint outline.

"Ronan, is that unicorn still alive?"

After Ronan stared at the night sky for a long time, he sighed: "For thousands of years, before big events happen, the first victims are always the innocent people."

Luo Bin also sighed, "So it has no chance of survival! Oh, by the way, Ronan, have there been any abnormalities in the Forbidden Forest recently? For example, some indigenous people suddenly became violent, murderous, etc. .”

This time, Ronan stopped staring at the night sky. Instead, he stared at Luo Bin's eyes. For a long time, he said quietly: "Your eyes are very bright, as bright as Mars."

"Uh, okay, let me ask you another question, when will the Malfoy family go bankrupt?"

"Lestrange." Malfoy gritted his teeth as his jaw returned to its normal position.

Ronan looked up and stared at the night sky again, "It's very bright. The Mars hidden behind the clouds is extremely bright."

Well, I can feel Hagrid's speechless state when talking to the centaur.

"Hey, that weird guy, Robin Lestrange, when will he die?" Malfoy countered.

"Don't say unlucky words at will."

After Ronan glanced at him sadly, he jumped over the bushes, clatter, and his figure quickly disappeared into the darkness.

"Humph, when the summer vacation comes, I asked my father to buy a centaur and keep it for fun. If it refuses to tell me what it found during the divination when observing the stars, hehe, I will whip it with a whip."

"Ha! With your small body, someone could crush your sternum with their hoof. Also, you overestimate the abilities of your father, Lucius Malfoy. Yaya, let's go!"

Dad Baonan's lungs were about to explode with anger, but he was timid and afraid of the dark. When he saw a man and a dog more than ten meters away, he didn't show any signs of stopping and waiting for them, so he trotted to catch up.

Afterwards, the two continued to follow the blood trail and walk through the dark and gloomy forest.

Every time Luo Bin walked three to four hundred meters, he would stop for a few seconds, turn his head and look around cautiously. For some reason, after leaving the open space, he felt an indescribable feeling of tension in his heart.

He trusted his intuition, but he couldn't figure out what it was reminding him.

Is there someone hiding in the dark watching and following?

Pass, my neck was sprained. Except for insects, spiders, and snowy owls, I didn’t see any other living creatures.

Are Hermione and Harry in danger?

Pass, there are no green/red fireworks in the night sky, and Hagrid’s archery skills are still excellent.

Malfoy suppresses evil and harms others?

Pass, it’s strange that a person who is so frightened and calls him daddy when there is any disturbance can hold back the most harmful moves.

However, this doubt did not bother Luo Bin for too long.

Fifty minutes later, the trees on both sides of the path became extremely dense, and the two had to remove branches as they walked.

Suddenly, the blood stains on the ground changed from scattered lumps to dense sheets. There were even skin-breaking scratches and spray-like blood stains at the roots of a certain big tree.

Luo Bin stretched out his hand and twisted some of the blood on the roots of the tree. It was not sticky, slippery, warm, and had a faint fragrance.

The freshness of the blood showed that not long ago, the injured unicorn escaped and was ambushed again.

In other words, unicorns and braised eggs are just ahead.

No wonder, the further you go in, the stronger the tension becomes.

"Malfoy, it may not be safe ahead. You need to take Yaya and go back the way you came."

"Lestrange, what tricks do you want to do?"

Malfoy asked with distrust on his face.

"Follow if you want. Make an agreement in advance. When you see the terrifying scene, you will cover your mouth tightly. If you dare to make the slightest sound, I will definitely kill you before the monster rushes over."

"If you dare to do that, my father will never let you go, huh!"

The two of them walked forward another three to four hundred meters along the bloodstains. Suddenly, an ancient oak tree with intertwined branches blocked the path. Through the gaps between the branches, it could be seen that there was a spacious open space ahead. .

After pushing aside the branches and stepping into the clearing, the sight that greeted me was shocking.

About thirty meters away from the two of them, there lay a sacred, noble, and sparkling unicorn on the ground.

The unicorn's well-proportioned and slender legs were folded unnaturally. Its pearl-like bright white silky hair lay diagonally on the black rotten leaves. Its spiral-shaped horn, which symbolized holiness and purity, was covered with paste. sawdust.

But it is still incredibly beautiful, just like a bright star that falls into the quagmire and still shines brightly.

Luo Bin: (╥╯^╰╥), Alas, it’s a pity that such a beautiful creature was poisoned by Luodan. Oh, no, the white belly is moving, it is still alive. Well, I often walk by the river and my shoes don't get wet. I was actually confused by Ronan's sad look and regretful tone.

Just as Luo Bin was about to step forward to check the unicorn's injury, a rustling sound suddenly came from the opposite side, as if something was sliding against the bushes.

He hurriedly pulled Malfoy to hide behind a nearby bush, observing the movement in the open space through the gaps between the twigs.

Luo Bin saw a cloaked and hooded figure flash out from the shadows opposite. Like a beast driven by primitive instincts, it swished up to its prey, then buried its head into the unicorn's neck, sucking the silver. White blood.

According to its method of sucking, the unicorn will definitely die. If it fails, we have to find a way to save it.

After Luo Bin thought for a moment, he had an idea in his mind. When he lowered his head to look for the person who could take advantage of him, he suddenly found that there was nothing beside him.

Well, I don’t know who will be better at escaping, Brother La or Yaya.

Now that they have escaped, there is no need to avoid people's eyes when doing things.

Luo Bin put on a silver mask with a butterfly wing shape, picked up a walnut-sized stone, and threw it in the direction of the braised egg.


The sound of rocks falling to the ground startled the hooded figure.

It raised its head and looked around with red eyes vigilantly and fiercely.

Pata~ Pata~

Several drops of silver-white blood dripped from the corners of its ferocious mouth onto the black cloak.


Of course, Luo Bin would not answer Luo Dan's question truthfully. He opened the gadget he had collected from the twin brothers, released bursts of thick fog, and then imitated Dumbledore and said in a loud voice: "I knew it was you!"

The thick fog that was so thick that it was almost invisible blocked Voldemort's sight. He wanted to find out whether the person behind the thick fog was the old immortal, so he quickly rushed into the thick fog.

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