Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 93 Listen to me, thank you!

"Neville, you idiot, you have no idea what you are doing." Ron gritted his teeth.

Neville took out his wand, assumed a fencer's posture, and said nervously and seriously: "Come on, take out your wand, I'm ready."

Luo Bin: →_→, boy, 1 against 4, so brave! However, don’t you know how high your combat power is?

"He is too difficult to deal with. Let's think of a solution."

Harry said.

"Simple, if he wants to duel, let's have a duel."

Luo Bin took out the ebony wand and drew a circle with a gap counterclockwise from top to bottom. Starting from the point on the right side of the gap, he drew a horizontal line and another diagonally downward. At the same time, he said firmly with his eyes: "Everything is petrified! "



Neville immediately straightened his chest and abdomen, stood at attention with his legs together, and straightened his arms with a snap close to his sides.

His body became as stiff as a clay sculpture. After shaking on the spot a few times, he fell face first to the ground with a thud. When his head hit the floor, it bounced upward three or four times.

"Well, Neville isn't very smart, will he become a fool if he fights like this?" Ron complained.

Luo Bin rushed forward and turned the sword master over. Fortunately, his forehead was not red or swollen, but his eyes were turning red and bloodshot.

"Robin, what kind of curse is this?"

Harry looked at the unlucky guy who was stiff, with his upper and lower jaws locked, and only his eyeballs could move, and asked quietly.

"Oh, this is a kind of full-body restraint spell that doesn't hurt people, but makes people lose their attack power. Come on, lend a hand and lift him to the three-person sofa. The floor is too hard. If you lie down for a long time, your back will uncomfortable."

Neville: ⊙﹏⊙, listen to me, thank you!

After the four people carried Neville to the three-person sofa, they also covered him with a sofa cover, so that if a night owl came out and bumped into him, he would mistakenly think that he was asleep.

After dealing with Neville, the four of them quickly crawled through the portrait hole. After putting on the invisibility cloak in the corridor, they slowed down and moved toward the stairs in the dark.

The corridor was so dark that they couldn't tell whether the black figure standing against the wall in the distance was a sculpture or Filch who was patrolling at night. When they walked closer, they realized that it was a false alarm.

After reaching the stairs, the four of them lined up in twos. The latter hugged the former and walked down the stairs against the handle. When they went down to the fifth floor and turned to the hanging platform on the fourth floor, they met a guy who was even more difficult to deal with than Neville. --Peeves.

Peeves pinched his waist and jumped up the stairs as if playing a game of hopscotch. As he walked, he used his toes to loosen the carpet on the stairs.

Apparently, it's preparing for tomorrow's mischief.

"Little devils, don't think that everything will be fine when the exam is over. Hum, I'll smash you to death, ah ha, I'm going to smash your butts into three pieces. Who's there?"

Peeves narrowed his eyes and stared at the turning platform above, his eyes changing from a sly smile to a suspicious look.

Ron, whose feet were hanging on a step, said: ⊙ω⊙, well, these ears are better than those of the three-headed dog Luwei.

"Hmph, no one can escape the eyes of Lord Peeves, even if you are invisible. I know you are there, on the turning platform."

"Are you a disgusting ghoul, a wandering ghost, or a little ghost who doesn't sleep and wanders around?"

"Tsk, I should go find the bald old man and tell him that there is an invisible stinky guy sneaking around the castle."

Peeves rose into the air and said proudly.

Harry, Hermione and Ron were all shocked when they heard the word 'little devil'.

Robin silently put on the silver butterfly wing mask and shouted angrily in the unique hoarse voice of Bloody Balor: "Get out of here, Peeves, I have my own reasons for being invisible."

After hearing this, Peeves was so frightened that he fell from the air. He lay on the stairs and said flatteringly: "Good evening, Lord Bloody Man. If I knew it was you who was invisible, I would never make such a joke." , Mr. Barrow, please forgive little Peeves."

"Go back to your lair and don't bother me again tonight."

"As you command, Lord Barrow, the young one will leave now."

After Peeves finished speaking, he rose into the air and ran away quickly.

"It's wonderful. With this mask, you can even compete for voice actors." Ron sighed with emotion.

"Go, be careful when you go downstairs, the carpet was torn loose by Peeves." Luo Bin reminded.

Three minutes later, several people reached the far right side of the corridor on the fourth floor, and the door that closed Lu Wei had a small crack one centimeter wide.

"Oops, Quirrell was one step ahead of us. Could he have already obtained the Philosopher's Stone and given it to Voldemort?"

"Not so fast. Harry, you overestimate Quirrell. Let's go in first."


Luo Bin pushed the wooden door wider and led the three people inside.

Although the three-headed dog Luwei couldn't see people, he could smell the scent of strangers. As soon as the four people came in, he bared his fangs, twitched his nose, and barked at the door.

"Look, there is an Irish harp at Lu Wei's feet. It must have been left by Quirrell."

Ron was shocked.

"We have to quiet it down quickly. If it keeps barking like this, it will attract Filch."

Hermione said.

"Here I come, I brought the flute that Hagrid gave me for Christmas."

Harry took off the Invisibility Cloak, put the flute to his mouth, and blew hard. However, his cheeks hurt from playing, and the flute still didn't produce a single note.

"It's weird, it shouldn't be like this! Wait, why are there cracks and glue on the flute?"

Harry looked at the flute in his hand and said in shock.


Ron scratched the back of his head, his eyes evasive, not daring to look at anyone with a guilty conscience.

"I accidentally touched it when pouring water a few days ago and fell off the table. I told you, but you covered your ears and shook your head. You want to review the history of magic. I asked Robin to borrow the glue. Harry, I'm sorry, I'm not on purpose."

"Ron, you should tell me again, can any of us sing?"

Harry said anxiously.

"Isn't there another musical instrument in the house?"

Luo Bin said, and took out a small handful of rope, with a grappling hook attached to the top of the rope. After swinging it a few times, he threw the grappling hook forward, hooked the harp, and quickly pulled it back.

After that, he plucked the strings with his fingernails and played the melody of "Making Dumplings", humming along with it in his heart.

The moment the piano sounded, the three-headed dog Lu Wei's upper eyelids began to droop downwards, and the low and ear-splitting barking gradually stopped. The huge body swayed softly for a few times, and then with a plop, Lying on his side on the floor and fell asleep.

When Lu Wei started snoring, Robin said: "Harry, Ron, and Hermione, you can move now."


The three of them tiptoed forward, endured the smelly and wet breath, moved away Lu Wei's big paw, and then worked together to pull open the living plank.

"It's pitch black, I can't see anything, and there's no rope ladder on the edge of the cave. I have no choice but to jump in. Who wants to be the first to go down?"

Hermione said as she lay beside the hole.

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