Hogwarts Card Drawer

Chapter 56: Hogwarts Grade 2

  Hermione looked at Cronos like a neuropathy. She ignored Chronos and went straight to the second compartment.

   "Pop." Inside the door this time is Hufflepuff's prefect Gabriel Truman (transliteration). He was sitting there in a daze.

   "I'm sorry." Cronos said this for Hermione, and then he closed the door.

   "Hey, hey, hey!" Cronos hurriedly stood in front of Hermione. She had put a hand on the doorknob of the last compartment just now.

   "What's the matter with you? Cronos." Hermione's tone was already a bit angry, and her two best friends were gone. Even if he doesn't help to find it, he has been making trouble here all the time.

   "You think about it, Hermione." Cronos looked at her solemnly and said, "Even if you open this door, you won't get what you want."

   "Get off." Hermione slammed Kronos away.

   With a "click", Hermione opened the door.

   "Excuse me, I'm looking for..."

   "Ah ah!!!"

   "Ah ah!!!"

   Hermione was interrupted by a high-decibel scream before she could finish her words. She was so scared that she also yelled.

  Posey and Penello who had been hugging each other in the prefect's compartment immediately separated. Cronos saw that the faintly interesting crystal water droplets between them were shaking Cronos's eyes.

   Hermione yelled first, then covered her face and ran back.

   "Kronos, you didn't see anything? You didn't see anything... right! Right?" Posey came to Kronos.

   "Don't worry, Prefect Posey. I didn't see anything. But, Hermione..." Cronos didn't continue, but pointed her finger in the direction where Hermione was leaving.

   Bosi nodded, and then walked to the carriage behind. Penello Krivart in the compartment also buried his head deeply in his knees.

   The scream just now attracted many students from other compartments. They poked their heads and looked at Chronos.

  Cronos intimately closed the compartment door for Penello, and then evacuated all the onlookers.

   After such a disturbance, Cronos's heart also relaxed a lot. He thought Hermione would listen to him more in the future.

  Cronos returned to his cubicle, Draco had returned from shopping. "What happened outside just now?" he asked. Daphne also looked to Chronos.

   "It's nothing, just a mouse ran over from the carriage." Cronos casually made up a lie.

   "I hate mice too." Daphne nodded in sympathy.

   "Speaking of mice, the Weasley named Ron has a pet mouse. Only they have such a dirty pet."

  Cronos really admired Draco, he could think of Harry and Ron in everything.


   Time passed quickly, and it was completely dark outside. Cronos felt that the speed of the train had slowed down.

   "It's almost here, we should change our clothes." Cronos got up, then looked at Daphne and said, "Then, ladies first."

  Cronos always hears people say that girls are troublesome, and he always doesn't take it seriously. It wasn't until Daphne and the others changed their clothes for thirty minutes that Chronos deeply agreed with what the friend said.

   Compared with girls, boys are much faster. Cronos and Draco took off their coats directly, and then put on a shirt with the Slytherin logo. The wizard's robe was put on the outside, and the whole process took less than a minute.

   Finally, the train stopped at Hogsmeade Station, and people scrambled to get off the train. The owl was calling, the cat was "meowing", and Neville's toad quacked under his hat. The small platform was cold and the icy rain and sand was falling.

"Please go here for first-year students." A familiar voice rang, and Cronos turned around to see the outline of Hagrid. He was on the other side of the platform, greeting those frightened new students, carefully To help them cross the lake.

  Cronos is no longer a newborn, and there is no longer a need to cross the lake in the traditional way.

  Cronos followed the crowd on the rough muddy road, where there were at least a hundred carriages waiting for other students. Daphne also speculated that these cars were drawn by invisible horses. When people climbed onto a car and closed the door, the groom let it sway out.

  Cronos thinks Daphne is very smart, she can guess that something invisible is pulling the carriage. And Cronos must have known that Ye Qi was pulling the cart.

   Ye Qi is a surprisingly magical creature, only those who have seen death can see them. For this reason, Ye Qi was once considered a symbol of inauspiciousness. It is said that it will bring various terrible disasters to people who see them~www.readwn.com~ Ye Qi is actually a kind of Pegasus, with a tall body. It is rugged, completely dark, with a dragon head and horse body, and a pair of broad wings on its back, allowing it to fly at high speed in the air.

  Cronos saw descriptions of them in Newt Scamander's "Where are the Wonderful Species". They have no flesh on their bodies, their black fur is tightly attached to the skeleton, and every bone is clearly visible. Their heads are very similar to those of dragons, their eyes without pupils are white, staring intently. Wings emerged from the bulge between the shoulder bones-big, black and tough wings, which seemed to belong to a huge bat.

   Ye Qi is absolutely smart and very useful. Once tamed, he will never leave his master. Ye Qi has an amazing sense of direction, as long as they tell them where they want to go, they will take the passengers to the destination. Ye Qi can fly in the air at an astonishing speed. The work of these night skies raised by Hogwarts is mainly to pull the carriage for the school.

And from "A History of Hogwarts School", it can be known that the night skies raised by Hogwarts developed from the first male and five female night skies. The name of the first night skier born in the woods He is called Wuwu, and is most loved by Hagrid. They are listed as "dangerous" by the Ministry of Magic, but in Hagrid's view, as long as they don't provoke them, they won't attack humans.

   The carriage passed a brilliant and ingenious iron gate, and on the stone pillars on both sides of the gate were winged golden pigs. Cronos watched the turrets and towers getting closer and closer to them. Finally, the carriage came to a swaying stop, and Chronos, Draco and Daphne got out of the carriage.


   "It was detected that the host has been promoted to second grade at Hogwarts."

   "The magic value increases by two points."

   "Get three free draws."

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