Although the professors searched the prison for a whole night, they still couldn't find any trace of Sirius Black.

Of course, just like Professor Lupin, Professor Dumbledore also had doubts about what happened back then. Sirius's sudden escape from prison now showed that there was something else behind this incident.

Otherwise, since Sirius had the ability to escape from prison, why did he wait so many years to do so?

Back in the principal's office, Professor Dumbledore picked up a newspaper on the table.

He got the news from the Ministry of Magic that after Sirius escaped from prison, the only thing that was left in the cell was this issue of the Daily Prophet.

The front page of the newspaper was a photo of the Weasley family traveling to Egypt because they won the lottery. Judging from the traces of flipping through the newspaper in the cell, Sirius only read the front page before escaping from prison.

Professor Dumbledore's eyes swept through every detail of the photo, and finally slowly stopped at the mouse on Ron's shoulder. As a thought flashed through his mind, he seemed to have found a way for Sirius to escape from the cage.

"... Animagus?"

No matter what Sirius is like now, at least Adam's classmates don't have the mind to think about those things now.

It was another magical creature protection class. Professor Scamander didn't bring any magical creatures - Professor Scamander had shown everyone his magical suitcase before.

Almost any magical creature from all over the world can be found in his suitcase, but now Professor Scamander didn't bring his suitcase, which means that the magical creatures involved in this class are very dangerous, and the first lesson about such magical creatures...

"Well, yes, I believe everyone is ready..."

Professor Scamander saw that everyone looked like they were facing a great enemy, and couldn't help laughing.

Newt Scamander has been active in the wizarding world for so long that many people don't know that he actually has a bit of a bad taste.

"Today we are going to start learning about a new magical animal, the Erumpent."

Professor Scamander raised his index finger and looked around:

"Who can explain the information about the Erumpent?"

After teaching for half a semester, Professor Scamander has gradually gotten into the classroom.

The people sitting below are either badgers who admire Professor Scamander or Ravenclaws who love knowledge. When this question comes out, the whole class raises their hands. Other colleges will be silent when they see it, and other professors will cry when they see it.

"Well, then...Eugene will answer."

Professor Scamander glanced around and chose the most outstanding one.

Eugene stood up, took a deep breath with some excitement, and then began to read the introduction of the Erumpent in "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them":

"Erumpent is a large beast living in Africa. It has a gray body, is very similar to a rhinoceros, and can weigh up to one ton..."

"Very good, I remember it very clearly. Does anyone else want to add anything?"

Professor Scamander looked around and finally looked at Adam beside him:


"Erumpents are prone to casualties during the estrus period. Male Erumpents often blow each other up to compete for mates at this time."

Adam added Then he thought for a moment:

"Their explosive liquid tastes good after cooking. I used it to stuff sausages before. It tastes a bit like blood sausage and tastes surprisingly good."


Professor Scamander didn't know the latter point either, so he nodded:

"Maybe I can try it next time..."

Although he likes magical animals, he is not such an unrealistic person. In addition to magical animal research, he has been more committed to banning poaching and protecting the habitats of magical animals over the years. He can only say that he doesn't like but accepts raising and eating magical animals.

"You can look forward to the Christmas dinner."

Nodding, Professor Scamander looked at everyone and smiled:

"Now everyone should have a general understanding of the venomous horns. Next, I will introduce the habits of the venomous horns in detail, and - how we can protect ourselves when we encounter them in the wild."


The courtship dance of the venomous horns is a bit complicated, so after Professor Scamander introduced the habits of the venomous horns, he only had time to break down the movements for everyone before the class ended. The specific learning will start from the next class.

After Professor Scamander left, the little wizards immediately wailed.


Cologne couldn't help but cover his face and bang his head against the tree:

"That dance! Do we really have to dance?"

Turning his back to the venomous horns, sticking up his butt and twisting, and then inRolling on the ground!

After just watching Professor Scamander demonstrate it once, he was so embarrassed that he wanted to dig his toes into the ground!

"Cologne, this is all Professor Scamander's experience. Senior Newt relied on this courtship dance to catch the female poison horned beast in heat."

Adam patted Cologne's shoulder soothingly,

"And Professor Scamander is old and still goes into battle personally. You can't let his efforts go to waste, right?"

"You're invincible!"

Cologne said subconsciously after hearing this sarcastic remark. After saying it, he turned around and collapsed:

"When you say this, at least put away the smile on your face!"

"Ah? Did I smile?"

Adam reached out and touched the corner of his upturned mouth:

"Oh, this... I was born with smiling lips... Puff——"

"Ahhhh Adam, you're too much!"

Looking at the laughing Adam and Cologne, thinking of the dance that made people's eyes black, Uther couldn't help pinching his eyebrows.

Or... he should go to the Weasley twins to buy some quick-acting skipping candy?

He didn't want to dance that dance either!

Although there were not many young wizards who wanted to use the quick-acting skipping candy, there were some, especially Ravenclaw.

Most of the Hufflepuff badgers thought that this was Professor Scamander's class, so they could still bear it, but the Ravenclaw eagles had no such concerns.

As for the young wizards who had such thoughts, Adam smiled slightly. Did you know that he also participated in the development of the quick-acting skipping candy? He even bought a camera.

Want to run?

No way!

Not to mention the windows, the skylights were welded shut!

From white fresh essence to various potions, and even the antidote for all kinds of quick-acting skipping candy, he had already prepared it.

Don't even think about running away! All of you come to class!

Before everyone had to worry too much about the next lesson of the Protection of Magical Creatures class, where they would learn the courtship dance of the venomous horned beast, this year's Quidditch competition kicked off on the weekend.

On the day of the game, it started to rain heavily early in the morning. The dull thunder echoed in the heavy clouds. The strong wind carried raindrops, which even made people feel pain when hitting their faces.

However, even in this kind of weather, the Quidditch game will not be cancelled because of this - let alone heavy rain, even if it hail and the hail killed people, at most they would just change players.

Cancellation of the game? Not happening!

"Is this the sportsmanship of wizards? They really, I'm crying!"

Bernard's vague voice came from under the scarf.

"Why do you wear your scarf so well?"

Adam looked at him strangely,

"Is my umbrella not wide enough?"

Bernard, who was hiding under Adam's umbrella, pulled down his scarf and smiled:

"Doesn't this make it more atmospheric?"

Everyone looked at him speechlessly: You are so dramatic.

Because the rain was too heavy, Adam stretched out his wand and held up an invisible umbrella, blocking the wind and rain outside the range of the five people - he could actually stop the rain, but considering that the two teams in this game were Gryffindor and Slytherin, there was no need for the rain to stop.

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