The charcoal fire crackled, and a little spark occasionally jumped out of the furnace.

Adam felt the temperature of the fire and put a bunch of skewers of meat on the stove. The fat dripped slowly under the high temperature, and flames were set off.

There was no way. All five people in their dormitory were carnivores. Although they had other preferences, such as Eugene liked to eat fish and Uther liked to eat eggplant, but everyone loved barbecue.

First, grill 50 skewers of beef and mutton to fill everyone's stomach, and then grill the others...

Adam's side was in full swing and the fragrance spread ten miles away, attracting Uther and others to come over one by one to ask if they could eat it, so they were all kicked by Adam to go to the souvenir shop in the distance.

When they came back, Adam was surrounded.

After finally squeezing into the crowd, he saw Adam controlling the skewers of enoki mushrooms, garlic sprouts, shiitake mushrooms, etc. on the grill with ease, and occasionally turning over the hard-to-cook skewers such as chicken wings, as if he had everything under control.

Next to Adam and the grill, there was a sign that said "Not for Sale".

"You made this?"

Bernard couldn't help but point at the sign.

"Two kind people passing by."

Adam picked up a few trays on a few pieces of broken charcoal and handed them over:

"It just so happens that a few waves have been prepared. They are still hot. Let's go in and eat."

It's impossible to grill in front of so many people, but it's too cruel to eat in front of them.


Bernard, who helped pass the trays, found the point:

"Why are there only 80 skewers of meat, and there are still 20?"

In the process of cooking, Adam never eats first except to taste the saltiness and whether it is cooked!

"Give it to those two kindhearted people. You guys eat first. There's still a lot here."

Being able to share food from Adam meant that he was a classmate. Bernard looked at the words on the sign again and the more he looked, the more familiar they looked:

"...Are those two kindhearted people named Weasley?"

"You're so smart~"

Bernard sighed, took the last plate and held it in his hand, and quickly called Uther and the others in:

"Hurry up, hurry up, I'm afraid there will be more people coming to eat for free later."

Bernard was right. First Fred and George passed by, and then the sensation spread from one to ten, and then to a hundred. A group of little wizards from Hogwarts came here after smelling the food.

However, Adam had already packed up the grill and returned to the tent at this time, and the group of little wizards could only sigh in despair.

It's okay to pass by and get a bite of food, but forget about breaking into someone's tent.

That's the smell...


It smells so good (¯﹃¯)

"It smells so good~"

Cologne sighed, then ate a piece of squid with a grumble.

"What did you buy?"

Adam was not interested in these souvenirs. He had no interest in Quidditch. If he had to say which team he supported... it would be Hufflepuff.

"I didn't buy anything. Most of the shops sold camping supplies, and some banners and ribbons. I may have to wait until tomorrow to buy other souvenir shops."

Bernard chewed on the rice cake and recalled:

"Judging from the sales, many people support the Bulgarian team."

"It's because of Krum, Viktor Krum, the seeker of the Bulgarian national team."

Eugene said with some emotion:

"He is still a student of Durmstrang, only seventeen or eighteen years old? And such a strong seeker... It's rare."

"It feels like Cedric." Uther concluded.


Adam's thoughts were flying. The only impression he had about this country was that it was the treasure of a certain alphabetical station.


Stop! Stop!

Adam quickly shook his head to get rid of the devilish music in his head.

"What's wrong?"

The four of them couldn't help but look at Adam, who was a little strange.

"Hey, nothing, keep eating... Does anyone want a Coke?"

"Me!" x4

A night passed, and the next morning Adam struggled to sit up from the bed, looked around, good, he didn't get up yet.

Then sleep for a while...

Halfway through lying down, Adam changed his mind and thought, he was already awake, and if he lay down again, he didn't know when he would get up again. The people next to him probably wouldn't wake him up halfway... Forget it.

He got up and brushed his teeth and washed his face with a bubble tea. Adam went out to breathe a breath of fresh air and was about to start making breakfast. As a result, he saw Cedric when he opened the door curtain.

Looking at Cedric, whose eyes suddenly lit up, Adam was silent.


"Adam, I'm hungry, I want to eat! (✧◡✧)"

Adam was speechless. When did you wait outside the door?

Don't say it.The timing is quite good!

"You should really let those guys who said you are the light of Hufflepuff see what you look like now."

Adam sighed and lifted the curtain:

"Come in."

The saying about the light of Hufflepuff is not an exaggeration. Cedric is so popular in Hufflepuff and even in the whole Hogwarts.

In comparison, although Adam is very well-known, he actually has only a few friends: these people from Hufflepuff, the twins from Gryffindor, Amon and Luna from Ravenclaw. It's a bit crowded to sit at one table, so two tables are more than enough.

Because of this, Cedric looked like a popular choice when he was elected as a warrior later.

Adam's eyes were deep for a moment. It was the Goblet of Fire soon. Cedric was probably still a brave man of Hogwarts, so the last level...

The change in his eyes was fleeting, and Adam planned to start cooking.

"Aren't you going to get some water?"

Cedric looked at Adam who was taking out ingredients and tools from his backpack and said:

"The faucet is in the corner of the camp."

"There should be a lot of people there now, right?"

"Well... there are indeed quite a few."

"So if I don't go, you won't tell on me, right?"

"Of course!... Speaking of which, I encountered an interesting thing on the way here."

Cedric couldn't help but want to laugh when he recalled the old wizard who wore a Muggle skirt, refused to change into pants, and shouted that letting the wind blow on his buttocks was good for his physical and mental health.

Well, it seems that the wizard didn't wear anything under his skirt.

After telling Adam what happened, Cedric said:

"Everyone knows too little about Muggles."

"That's normal. I've read the Muggle Studies textbooks at Hogwarts. They're a mess, full of condescending contempt."

Adam's silent and wandless clear water made Cedric's eyes light up, but it was not him who spoke, but Bernard who had just gotten up.

He walked out rubbing his eyes and said:

"I saw those wizards wearing what they thought were 'Muggle clothes' last night. You wizards... I mean you wizards from pure wizard families, your interest in Muggles is more like people's interest in the ecology of other animals."

His expression was subtle for a moment, as if he was smiling:

"What a pity. If I were to say, British wizards have never been beaten by Muggles. The Muggle Protection Act really protects wizards too well..."

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