"I wonder what Professor Moody will teach us."

On the way to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Eugene seemed very excited.

Three days after the start of school, they finally waited for the class of this most competent Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, and Adam couldn't help but feel a little excited.

By the way, the Care of Magical Creatures class on the first day of school was unexpectedly reliable, and the teaching style was a bit familiar. I wonder if Professor Scamander left a lesson plan for Hagrid.

When they entered the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Professor Moody hadn't arrived yet, so everyone started chatting first.

"Have you heard? Professor Moody turned Malfoy into a ferret in front of many people!"

Ernie turned around as if he was sharing big news:

"I dare say that was the most attractive Transfiguration class for me - but it was a pity that Professor McGonagall arrived and changed Malfoy back."

"Yes, from this you can see Professor McGonagall's attitude towards this matter. If you learn the Transfiguration spell with the purpose of turning people into ferrets, I'm afraid you will be the next one to be turned into an animal."

His roommate rolled his eyes unceremoniously.

"I'm just saying..."

Ernie turned his head back before he finished speaking because Professor Moody arrived.

The claw-like wooden legs knocked on the floor with a "dong dong" sound. Moody walked towards the podium, but the magic eye swept over every student.

Adam couldn't help but wonder, can Polyjuice Potion imitate even broken legs and missing eyes - even prosthetic limbs and magic props?

Or did Barty Jr. deliberately remove these parts from Moody and install them on himself in order to pretend to be Moody? But then at least the physical defects must be replaced in the same way...

So, if a blind person drinks the Polyjuice Potion that turns him into a sighted person, will he gain sight?


The sound of Moody standing still was particularly loud, causing all the students in the classroom to look at him.

"I received a letter from Professor Lupin, who told me about your learning situation... Now you can deal with dangers such as Boggart and Red Hat, right?"

Everyone nodded.

"That's not enough... far from enough, you don't even have the ability to deal with spells, and those dark wizards are much more cunning than little things like Grindylow."

Moody's eyes swept around everyone again, as if he often did this:

"In this year... I will let you understand how wizards fight each other, and teach you how to deal with dark magic."

Uther's eyes lit up slightly.

"But, Professor Moody."

A Ravenclaw raised his hand:

"Isn't that something we should learn in Charms?"

Moody's magic eyes locked onto him instantly, and then he slowly turned his face, which was full of scars and had a missing nose, and squeezed out a somewhat scary smile:

"Charms class will not teach you how to use a spell to pull out the intestines of the opposite wizard, nor will it teach you how to stuff the pulled out intestines back and then blow up the opposite wizard's heart."

The Ravenclaw was startled, but Bernard's eyes lit up.

After answering the students' questions, Professor Moody continued:

"You are not yet in the sixth grade. According to the regulations of the Ministry of Magic, I cannot - at least not now tell you what those dangerous dark magics are like. I can only teach you some simple spells to break them, just like Professor Lupin did last year."

Professor Moody paced in the aisle between the desks and said slowly in a low and hoarse voice:

"But Professor Dumbledore highly praised your courage. I also think you should know this in advance, at least you should know what you are facing when you encounter danger."

Adam looked at Moody with a little more admiration.

Barty Crouch, Jr., based on this school year's teaching, you have contributed at least 30% to Voldemort's defeat.

But there is probably no way. Professor Dumbledore is very familiar with Moody. With Barty Crouch's acting so immersive, Professor Dumbledore probably didn't realize that Moody was replaced.

"Does anyone know what is the most severe magic punishment in wizard law?"

Bernard raised his hand and raised it high. His enthusiasm stood out among all Ravenclaws.

"You say."

Professor Moody picked Bernard as expected.

"The Cruciatus Curse, the Killing Curse, and the Imperius Curse."

"Very good! What's your name... Bernard Lanslock."

Pulling up the corner of his mouth, Professor Moody looked very excited. After looking at the roster, he said with appreciation:

"Yes, these three spells... are called the Unforgivable Curses..."

He walked toBehind the podium, a glass bottle containing three spiders was taken out from the drawer.

The sense of déjà vu was a bit strong, and Bernard couldn't help but look at Adam.

Professor Moody opened the bottle cap, grabbed a spider and put it in his palm. He looked a little excited, showing the spider to everyone, and pointed his wand at it:


Under the shocked eyes of the students in the whole classroom, the spider struggled painfully - the pain was visible to the naked eye - twitching eight legs and rolling in Professor Moody's palm.

Before the spider lost its life, Professor Moody stopped the spell and looked up at everyone.

Almost every student looked a little unnatural and a little scared, with only a few exceptions.

"This spell can cause extreme pain to the target."

Professor Moody put the spider back into the bottle. The spider shook its legs a few times and didn't even have the strength to stand up.

"With this spell, no torture instruments are needed... This spell was once very popular."

He caught another spider and put it in his hand. Professor Moody showed it to everyone again:

"Soul out of the body!"

The spider, which was a little scared in the strange environment, calmed down all of a sudden, and then danced like a drunk, and finally stood up with only the last two legs.

"Complete control, doesn't it look much gentler than before?"

Professor Moody showed a ferocious smile:

"But what if it controls you, you, or you...controls you to kill your family?"

The faces of the people who were hit turned pale.

"Of course, it's not easy to control a person to cast a spell. It requires a lot of practice, but it's much easier to control a person to jump off a tall building..."

Professor Moody seemed to be comforting everyone, but it obviously had no effect, and it made people more imaginative.

Controlling the second spider to jump back into the bottle, Professor Moody took out the third spider.

"No way..."

Cologne watched him raise his wand and couldn't help muttering.

Eugene's face was cold and hard, and his brows were tightly knitted.

"Avada Kedavra--!"

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