The accident in the flying class was just a minor incident, and not many people took it seriously even when it happened.

Not to mention beginners of flying brooms, even professional Quidditch players have many accidents and even deaths every year.

The bad mood caused by the accident stopped before lunch.

"Hey! Adam, do you want to watch the Quidditch team's training? They are going to train new tactics today!"

Colon jumped into the dormitory and saw Adam writing something while stroking his two kittens. Colon knew that Adam was going to refuse him.

Sure enough, Adam said without raising his head:

"No, you go, I'm not very interested in Quidditch training."

Watching Quidditch games is fine. Although the game balance is terrible, the competition is really full, and in most cases it is mixed with violence. No wonder it has become the most popular and popular sport among wizards.

But the training was very boring, all repetitive catching and training to catch a high-speed golf ball... Adam had been there once before and was no longer interested. If he had free time, he could take it as a walk, but he didn't have time now.

"Hey Adam, come with me, I remember you've already finished all your homework... What is this?"

Cologne lingered behind Adam and found that the full text on the parchment seemed to be dancing, which dazzled him.

"It's a paper on potions."

Halfway through a word, the ink was running out, and Adam calmly cast a refilling spell on the pen of the quill.

"Potions essay? This shouldn't be an assignment, why are you writing this?"

"Remember the day before yesterday when I went to ask Professor Snape questions after the potions class? He told me that if I could prove my ability, I wouldn't have to repeat the potion operations that I had already mastered in class, but I could put those more advanced knowledge into practice, and then he threw me a copy of "Powerful Potion"."

Adam patted the book next to him.

The potion knowledge in "Powerful Potion" is beyond the syllabus for first-year students, but it can only be considered a difficult question for Adam.

Although he thought that Professor Snape should just use this book to give him a warning, even if the paper he wrote in the end was not so brilliant, as long as he had something to say, Professor Snape would give him the right to brew different potions from his classmates during class after scolding him a few times.

But Adam still wanted to try his best to see if he could give Professor Snape a surprise.

"I don't really understand a nerd like you."

Cologne thought he could be exempted from homework, but it turned out that he was exempted from the current homework and had to do a more difficult homework. He quickly moved away from the parchment.

"Then Bernard and I will go to see it~"

"Well, be careful not to be hit by the ball."

Don't ask, if you ask, this kind of thing has happened before... although it didn't happen in Hufflepuff.

Adam spent another two days perfecting his paper, and after three rounds of inspection and revision, he finally copied the final draft neatly on parchment in beautiful fonts. All the parchments connected together were four feet long.

After the thick stack of parchment was placed on his desk, Professor Snape was silent for a long time before speaking:

"The piling up of words does not improve the quality of a paper, Mr. Reed."

"I know, professor, I have tried to use fewer words."

Adam shrugged his shoulders. His paper used "Powerful Potion" as an introduction to sort out his knowledge and understanding of potions.

To be honest, his level of potion science seemed to have improved after writing this paper. Sometimes he would go back and revise it after finishing it, otherwise he would not have revised it several times before finishing it.

Professor Snape picked up the paper and took a look. He originally just wanted to take a quick look. He had already picked up the first page and was about to turn the page, but after reading a few lines, he couldn't help frowning and went back to the first line to read it word by word.

"...You can go back first. I will find you after reading it."

After reading the first paragraph, Professor Snape put down the paper and said so.

"Okay, thank you Professor Snape~"

Professor Snape was tortured by Adam and had antibodies. At first, when he saw Adam's appearance, which was completely different from other students in front of him, Professor Snape would frown, turn his head, and look a little disgusted, but now Professor Snape can nod naturally.

Walking out of Professor Snape's office, Adam touched his chin and thought.

Can he also find other professors to do the same?Do it, improve the learning progress?

Although the progress of transforming wizard spells into mage magic is slow due to his magic knowledge, his speed of learning spells is indeed very fast.

The faculty of Hogwarts can be said to be quite luxurious. Except for the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, the professors of other subjects are all top talents in the industry. It is said that if you don't take advantage of it, you will suffer a loss. Even Professor Dumbledore relied on his good relationship with Fawkes to visit from time to time after learning the Portkey Spell. There is no reason to let go of other professors' wool. It will be difficult to have such an opportunity after graduation.

So on this sunny afternoon, Adam walked into the office of professors one by one with the pace of going to the supermarket to grab discounted eggs, and then returned with a stack of big books.

"Adam, did you go to the library?"

When Adam came back, only Uther was in the dormitory. He looked at Adam with some surprise:

"I just came back from the library, why didn't I see you?"

"These are not books borrowed from the library."

Adam put the books in his hand on the bedside table and arranged them neatly.

"I borrowed them from professors."

"Professor... which professor?"

"Many professors, this one was given by Professor McGonagall, these two were given by Professor Flitwick, and this one was given by Professor Sprout..."

"Wait... wait... did you go to a book exchange held by a professor? Why did the professors lend you books?"

"Because I think the progress of the content in class is a bit slow, I want to expand some new knowledge."

Uther hesitated, with an expression of "Do you want to hear what you are talking about?" After a long time, he spoke:

"Did the professors agree?"

"It can be considered as agreed. Professor McGonagall and others advised me to study more solidly at the beginning, but I spent some time convincing them..."

Adam blinked and decided to skip the specific persuasion part.

For example, she turned a teacup in Professor McGonagall's office into a crowned parrot, and demonstrated a silent and wandless floating spell to Professor Flitwick... and so on.

In comparison, Professor Sprout was the most difficult to convince, but after Adam's soft and hard persuasion, the gentle witch reluctantly gave Adam a book after giving him a few questions as an examination and agreed to take Adam to Greenhouse No. 3 to take care of the mandrakes on weekends.

"So many things... can you learn them all?"

Uther felt a headache looking at the stack of books.

"Actually, it's okay. I have been self-studying before, and I have time to play with you, right? Now that I have the guidance of the professor, the study time has not been extended, but the learning efficiency is definitely higher than when I was self-studying."

Sibi was not in the bed, Adam picked up Xiao Ke and took a sip:

"Effective learning makes me happy!"

Unlike the boring recitation of knowledge that would never be used after graduation in the previous life, learning magic knowledge is like fitness, which is addictive. This feeling of continuous self-improvement is really fascinating.

"... As long as you are happy."

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