Adam remained silent after looking at the milk tea in Grindelwald's hand that had been filled with several spoonfuls of brown sugar and various other ingredients.

Well, after so many years, Adam still hasn't gotten used to the British taste. In his opinion, this lethal amount of sugar can't be suppressed by any amount of tea.

"Let's reduce the tasks for everyone during this period so that everyone can have a good rest."


Grindelwald nodded, then smiled:

"The ecology of the Forbidden Forest has been somewhat affected during this period, so it's a good time to let the Forbidden Forest recover."

"The Forbidden Forest is still too small."

It's not a good idea to always ask him to cast spells to copy magical animals and plants.

Adam wondered whether to expand the first and second areas to the size of the fifth area, so that the students of Hogwarts could be put in, and there would be no impact on the ecology at all.

But... in that case, the first-year students who can't ride a flying broom would probably take several days to complete the tasks that could originally be completed in one class.

It is better to impose certain restrictions on the students' behavior in the Forbidden Forest. They cannot be allowed to attack magical animals and plants that are not related to the mission.

The investigation team still pays attention to sustainable development when exploring the new world. Adam suspects that the space in the Forbidden Forest is not as big as the ancient tree forest, and it can't withstand the excessive harm of a group of naughty children.

As for how to limit it...

Adam touched his chin, and a long list went through his mind. Finally, he decided to pull out a few of the ancient war trees in the special area and plant them in other areas.

As an inspector, this should be enough. The only problem is that the ancient war trees look a bit big, and shrinking them will affect the combat effectiveness of the ancient war trees... But as an official inspector, it seems that there is no need to hide it.

That's a happy decision~

At the dinner, Professor Grindelwald relayed Professor Gandalf's decision to everyone, and the good news that the actual combat training in the Forbidden Forest will be reduced in the next period of time.


At first, being able to enter the Forbidden Forest was a novel experience for most students, but now more than half a year has passed. After the initial novelty has passed, the complex environment of the Forbidden Forest has made many students change their initial views.

"In addition, there is one more thing you need to know."

Grindelwald smiled and said:

"In order to maintain the environment of the Forbidden Forest in a healthy state that can meet the training needs of all grades, Professor Gandalf cast a spell on some trees in the Forbidden Forest to let them supervise everyone not to do things that are not related to your mission."

Grindelwald's eyes swept over each student. More than half a year of getting along made him understand the situation of each student very well:

"Including but not limited to attacking other magical animals, collecting magical plants that are not related to the mission, inciting different magical animal tribes in the Forbidden Forest to fight, casting indiscriminate large-scale killing magic, etc...."

"Of course, some people may want to ask, what if they are attacked by magical animals, and whether being forced to fight back violates the rules..."

Professor Grindelwald looked at several students with preparation and blocked their words:

"When this happens, I will take you to the principal's office. I think Professor Gandalf will give you a fair judgment."

Thinking of the natural telepath principal, some students couldn't help but put on a mask of pain on their faces.

Fred and George sighed in unison:

"Alas~ It seems that we can't continue to get materials for free from the Forbidden Forest."

"Yeah, the sting of the Billywig has increased in price recently, and those delicious berries..."

Looking at each other, they sighed in unison again:


Although Fred and George were very anxious when they first knew that they would still have to go to class and take exams this year.

But after careful consideration, the two found that they didn't have to worry about the exam. After all, they had already found jobs. If they did poorly on the exam, the worst that could happen was that their mother would beat them up... Could she beat them to death?

Therefore, instead of wasting their lives on the exam, they might as well develop a few more prank props before they graduate and officially run Weasley's Wizard Wheezes!

After the idea came to light, Fred and George completely let themselves go, and even started to set their sights on the special area of ​​the Forbidden Forest. As a result, Mrs. Molly was invited to Hogwarts for a talk...

After leaving the medical wing, Fred and George restrained themselves a lot, but they still set their sights on the Forbidden Forest, a treasure trove of materials. They were at least 25% responsible for the ecological pressure of the Forbidden Forest.

Although some students were hit hard, these two pieces of news were good news for most students.The news was heard, so cheers rang out in the auditorium.

Everyone's behavior in the Forbidden Forest is regulated, which means that in the future, it will almost never happen in the Forbidden Forest that you finally find the mission target, but find that the mission target has been maliciously destroyed by some bad-tempered classmates, or disturbed by passing seniors!

After hearing this news, Uther and the others couldn't help but recall the first time they entered the Forbidden Forest.

The beautiful tree card sister who turned a large number of eight-eyed giant spiders into nutrients for the trees is still fresh in their memory.

Adam cast a spell on the tree... Could it be the tree card at that time?

When everyone was having supper in the evening, Cologne asked Adam casually.

"Tree card... I guess so."

The creation of the ancient war tree did involve the tree card.

To be precise, the original body of the War Ancient Tree is actually a wood spirit, a two-dimensional creature in the material and spiritual dimensions, which can freely change its body. The stronger the tree used as the body, the stronger the power of the wood spirit can be.

The ancient tree that Adam spawned with the tree card is of course the best choice for the wood spirit. After the two are combined, they become the War Ancient Tree.

After listening to Adam's explanation, several people were silent for a while.

"It's been a short time, and you can already create creatures? I thought it was just the result of your manipulation and transformation through the tree card!"

Uther murmured.

Because he had enough mystical knowledge, Uther knew how outrageous this was.

This is not like Hagrid's method of pulling a group of magical animals and letting them hybridize. It depends on luck whether it can hybridize any strange species. Like the exploding-tailed skrewt, Professor Scamander would call it heresy when he saw it.

Rather than magical animals, the blasting-tailed skrewts should be called monsters. They don't think they are the same species at all. A male and a female will fight each other if they are put together. In addition, Hagrid was hit hard by the Daily Prophet and the Ministry of Magic during that period, and in the end, the blasting-tailed skrewts did not reproduce the second generation.

However, Adam's ancient war tree is different. It has enough wisdom and can even communicate. It is obviously created for a purpose, a creature with a specific function!

"It's not that exaggerated. The ancient war tree was not created out of thin air."

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