"Does the defendant Lucius Malfoy accept the above?"

"I accept!"

After saying this, Lucius breathed a sigh of relief, inexplicably feeling as if a mountain had been lifted off his body.

Perhaps the life in Hogwarts in the past few years has really changed him, or perhaps he was too scared when he first knew that he was going to be tried. At this moment, Lucius knew that his past crimes had really been tried.

He no longer had to rush to sell the things related to dark magic in his home before the Ministry of Magic's search for fear of being suspected of being a Death Eater.

Arthur Weasley always thought that his search was a great threat to him, but he didn't know that even if those dark magic items were found, he would at most be seized by the Ministry of Magic to extort another sum of money. He chose to take action because the loss would be smaller.

But from now on, there is no need to worry anymore!

I wonder what Arthur's expression will be when he sees me looking calm next time he comes to search my house?

Lucius just thought about it, and suddenly remembered that the Malfoy old house had become a ruin under Voldemort's calamity, and the antiques, books and other collections inside were also destroyed.

After careful calculation, it seems that his family's current property, except for the ones in the vault, only has the salary that the couple earned from working in Hogwarts in the past few years.

The smile gradually disappeared.gif

Pay money! Death Eaters must pay money!

Lucius decided to write a few letters to urge the Ministry of Magic after returning to Hogwarts, at least to get back the money for rebuilding his house.

Because they were afraid of Voldemort's revenge, their family of three lived in Hogwarts in the past few years. Originally, they were professors and Malfoy was a student, so there was no problem living in Hogwarts. But this year Malfoy has graduated, and he can't still live in Hogwarts...

Wait, it seems that it is not impossible?

Thinking of his son's good grades, and the plan of Hogwarts to recruit trainee professors recently, and thinking that there might be Death Eaters who have not been caught yet, Lucius fell into thinking.

In the court, Bernard, who had finished the trial of the second person, took a deep breath.

Lucius's successful defense made everyone realize that the new law is indeed warm sunshine, guiding people to goodness. As long as you don't want to do evil in your heart, you can strive for leniency even if you are coerced into committing a crime.

Don't worry about not being able to prove your innocence, Anubis's scale will judge whether what you say is true.

Everything is going very well at present, but the next part is the highlight.

Bellatrix will not react at all because of her special state. Lucius is half a shill. The situation he will face in the subsequent trial will be far more complicated and uncontrollable than now, and he also doesn't know what tricks those original vested interests will come up with.

Although Adam can directly suppress everyone with force, it deviates from Bernard's original intention of writing this law of the wizarding world.

Magic amplifies desires and catalyzes sins, but it also increases the means to combat sins and restrain desires. The true rule of law that can never be completely realized in the Muggle world may... no, it will definitely be realized in his hands!


"Take down a defendant!"


"Hey~ Isn't this Amon? Long time no see. Why do you look a little haggard?"

The original Hogsmeade Village, now Hogsmeade, is now undergoing large-scale construction, and only a few shops are still open.

For example, where Adam and Amon are now, the original Three Broomsticks Bar, now the Nightingale Bar.

"Heh... Heh... That's a really good question."

Amon was surrounded by a tangible resentment, and he looked at Adam and said:

"Are you aware of the change from a rating system to a 150-point system for N.E.W.T.s, the fact that almost every course has two exams, a written test and a practical test, and a three-month review month before the exam?"

"Ah? Is that so? Well... This is the first time I've heard of it."

Adam tilted his head and blinked in confusion.


Hard, hard fist.

However, the memory of being beaten up by the other party suddenly flashed back in his mind, and Amon felt that as a gentle and elegant person, how could he solve the problem with force?

This is not good, not good.

"Okay, don't think about those bad memories, how about a glass of sweet dreams?"

Adam snapped his fingers, and two high-footed glasses appeared on the round table between the two of them, and the dreamy liquid in the glasses seemed to be flowing like a galaxy.

"Is this the legendary dream?"

The price is unique even in the Nightingale Bar, which has a high consumption level. A cup costs a full 100 gold galleons. It is said to have a dreamlike taste, a delicacy that can only be found in dreams, but it is more widely known asThe name is "Nightingale's Mercy" - because it doesn't cheat the poor.

What kind of wine can be so delicious that it is worth 100 Galleons a glass?

Do you know how many delicious meals you can eat at the Storm Restaurant with this money?


Ugh - spit!

Regulus Storm Restaurant Owner Nightingale Bar Owner Black: ...

Regulus was also helpless about this situation. Other wines were fine, but the price of the Dream was set by Adam himself, and no tasting was allowed.

He did think of asking people who had drunk it to tell their own stories, but even if everyone who had drunk it insisted that this was really the taste of dreams, most people still thought that it was just a self-deceiving rhetoric after discovering that they had been cheated of 100 Galleons.

"Well, this controversial wine is indeed extraordinary."

Amon's spiritual perception allowed him to discover some of the extraordinaryness of the Dream.

After shaking the goblet, Amon put down the cup of sweet dreams and looked at Adam:

"You should tell me why you came to me first."

Adam raised his eyebrows:

"Oh, don't you want to taste it first?"

"No, I'd better listen first and then consider whether to taste it."

I still remember that the last time Adam asked him to divine the whereabouts of Eugene's parents, no matter where he hid, he would be forced to divine. Amon recalled that it was really a bitter tear, so this time he planned to be cautious.

"Don't worry, it's not a bad thing. Hogwarts is currently recruiting more professors for various subjects, and most subjects are going very well, except for one course...that is Divination. There are too few people with talent in this area, and so far there are only two Divination professors in Hogwarts, Professor Trelawney and Professor Firenze."

Adam shook his head:

"I have planned to cancel this course in basic education, leaving only a Divination course for the first grade when everyone has the least academic pressure, so that everyone can get in touch with it and see if they have relevant talents."

"So you plan to let me teach Divination to first-year students?"

Amon nodded, this can still be discussed.

"No, no, no, the one who teaches the first-year students is Professor Firenze. On the one hand, Professor Trelawney's personality is not suitable for those children who have just come into contact with magic. I am afraid that she will scare them. On the other hand..."

Adam explained:

"Although he was abandoned by his tribe, Professor Firenze still couldn't adapt to life in human society. He decided to spend most of his time in the Forbidden Forest, so he applied to reduce the class hours, and I agreed."


Amon blinked and pointed his finger at himself:

"You plan to let me, a fresh graduate, teach those who have also graduated from the seventh grade?"

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