A hundred years is enough time for too many variables to occur. It is better to solve it directly a hundred years ago.

It can be said that it is for this reason that Adam did not check the energy in his time, but went down after traveling a hundred years ago.

After arriving at the map secret room with a huge portrait mentioned by Fitzgerald, in order to prevent the professors who are not in the picture frame from being disturbed, Adam did not unlock the ancient magic seal here, but directly used the card to pass through the ground and reach the cave directly below.

Following the traces of ancient magic energy, Adam found the energy sealed in the fairy mithril... the negative emotional energy extracted by ancient magic.

"Negative emotions can be directly converted into energy. If a few instruments are set up in the office building, there is no need to build the Three Gorges Dam..."

Adam said with a smile, but he did not despise the energy in front of him.

According to Professor Fitzgerald, those whose negative emotions were extracted by Isidora will gradually become emotionally numb, which is obviously abnormal.

Adam did a lot of things like extracting negative emotions, thoughts, and even specific memories when he was doing experiments. None of the little Bartys who devoted themselves to the advancement of magic had experienced such a situation.

There must be other factors interfering with this, causing people to become emotionally numb.

The energy collected from the goblin's equipment at that time was obviously a second-time transformation. He needed to study the first-hand negative emotional energy extracted by Isidora herself to find out where the problem lies on this road.

There is no doubt that if the problem can be solved, then whether it is the ability to extract negative emotions or the ability to transform emotions into energy, it is a research result of extremely high value.

So why is it difficult for wizards to have any transcendent and epoch-making inventions or discoveries? It turns out that it is not that there are no such inventions, but that they are basically considered to be evil black magic research and banned!

Isn't it just that some side effects were found in the initial experiments? Can't we just go to Azkaban and pull a few black wizards to be test subjects?

Even when penicillin was first discovered, many people died when it was put into use. Later, they knew that they had to do skin tests first, but that still pulled the casualty rate on the battlefield back sharply.

Research cannot violate human nature, but it cannot be timid. This will only lead to research that cannot enter new fields. For example, in the wizarding world, research on the uses of dragon blood has developed to the point of using dragon blood to make stove cleaners.

Calculating the time, Adam set an alarm for himself, and then took out a little Batty from his pocket and started his own experiment.


Ignoring the ringing of the alarm clock, Adam completed the final inspection of the little Batty in front of him, and then canceled the alarm spell.

"It's almost the first day of school! Hmm... I probably know what factors cause emotional numbness. As the saying goes, when everyone knows that beauty is beauty, then it is evil; when everyone knows that goodness is goodness, then it is not good."

Adam touched his chin and recovered the experimental subject and a series of tools in front of him.

"Negative emotions and positive emotions make each other clearer when they are set off against each other. When all the negative emotions of a person are removed, a person will naturally no longer be able to clearly perceive those positive emotions. In the end, that person will become a living dead who can't distinguish between sadness and joy, and has no sorrow or joy."

The cause of emotional numbness has been found, but the solution gives Adam a headache.

From his point of view, this problem is easy to solve. Just grasp the degree and extract only the specific negative emotions that he wants to remove, just like he did before.

But this method is not universal. What is the value of research results that only he can use?

Adam is interested in this research project. What he wants is to promote the wizard's own technology tree, even if ancient magic is a niche branch among wizards.

As for himself, if he had this need, he would not need ancient magic at all.

"So it turns out that people with ancient magic talent must join the research. My situation is just an isolated case."

Adam has a clue now. If he is given a few days, he will be able to use ancient magic to deal with negative emotions in detail.

But the premise for him to do this is that he could do it without ancient magic before, and now he is just using another way to achieve this goal.

He has no idea whether other wizards with ancient magic energy can do it. Maybe they can master it through practice and experiments, or maybe not.

"It just so happens that the school has just started, and there is still some time before the freshman dinner."

AdamWhen the figure disappeared from the spot, only one sentence was left in the cave and slowly spread:

"Go and abduct Isidora first, oh no, invite her..."

When Adam appeared again, there was already a witch who looked about the same age as him beside him. After landing, she looked around for a while, and then her eyes fell on the metal ball not far away.

"Is that... the future research results of 'me'?"

"Yes, but as I showed you before, it is a road of overdoing it."

Adam shook his head.

Isidora fell into silence. In her time period, she had already used ancient magic to remove the negative emotions of her father.

This is why Adam chose her in that time period. At that time, Isidora had found that path, but it had not yet reached the point of irreversibility.

In that time period, Isidora's father had not been completely freed of all negative emotions, so that he became an emotionally indifferent living dead.

If it was Isidora who had already turned her father into a living dead, perhaps her ancient magic attainments were stronger than the Isidora that Adam had kidnapped now, but everything she had done and could no longer be undone would make Isidora unconsciously unwilling to accept the possibility that she had taken the wrong path.

"Too much is as bad as too little..."

Isidora actually couldn't understand it very well before, but Adam used a painting to give her an example, comparing a person's emotional world to a black and white painting, black is negative emotions, white is positive emotions, so if all the black is removed...

Isidora looked at the white paper that represented positive emotions, no matter what shape it formed, it was still a piece of pure white paper, and then she understood what Adam meant.

After staring at the metal ball for a while, Isidora shook her head:

"Let's go, we have a new companion, right?"


Adam was a little surprised:

"I thought you would be eager to get into the research first."

"We have plenty of time."

Isidora really wanted her father to recover sooner, but Adam, who could travel to the past and future at any time, made her unnecessary to act so urgently. Whenever she finished her research, she could go back to the time she left.

"Besides, haste makes waste, right?"

She started using ancient magic on her father without sufficient testing, and it was also driven by this sense of urgency that she did so. Now it turns out that the effect was not satisfactory.

Adam smiled slightly when he heard this:

"I'm glad you grasped the core points of the research so quickly."

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