"Don't look directly at the light source, Omnis. You've been blind for too long. You've just recovered, and your eyes are still a little fragile."

Adam sighed as he looked at Omnis who was completely stunned:

"Look at you, you're already crying. If you look again, you might go blind again. Such an injury is hard to cure."

Feeling some stinging in his eyes, Omnis quickly moved his sight to the dim direction, but he still couldn't accept the fact that he suddenly gained vision.

"This... I... how could it be..."

"Yeah, what's going on? Maybe Salazar Slytherin showed up."

Adam said seriously.

Omnis & Sebastian:...

Who would believe such a thing! Isn't it obvious that you did it? !

But... think about it, since Adam can cure Anne's curse, then it's not impossible for him to cure Omnis's curse, right?

When they came out of the study, Sebastian and Omines didn't know what to say. This time, they really... how should I put it, they got much more than they expected.

"Sure enough, this should be the correct way in and out."

Adam nodded as he looked at the passage leading directly to the study behind him.

If Salazar Slytherin himself had to take the same route every time he went back to the study, the magic on the door would be fine, but the maze would be a long way around, which would be too ridiculous.

Then Adam's eyes fell on the two of them, and both of them took out what they wanted from the study.

Sebastian was holding a spell book left by Salazar Slytherin that he found in the study. It seemed to be a textbook compiled by Salazar Slytherin himself, but looking at the full pages of black magic, it was clear that it was not a formal textbook.

Omines, needless to say, of course, brought his aunt's body.

And Adam...apparently copied the study room directly. Although the study room should still exist in the future Hogwarts, who knows if there will be a person with a lack of public morality who will take away all the books in it in the next hundred years.

Yes, I'm talking about you, two-hole socket!

"Do you know where the Gaunt family cemetery is? I'll help you bury her."

Adam looked at Omnis. Sebastian's book was easy to deal with, but how could Omnis's skeleton be carried around the school?

"...No, I want to bury her myself when the time comes."

Omines thought about it and declined Adam's proposal, then looked at Adam:

"Adam, can you help me hide my aunt's body temporarily?"


Adam thought about it, took out a glass candy bottle, and then took out a rectangular metal candy box, then looked at Omines:

"Is burial or cremation popular in your Gaunt family?"

Omines opened his mouth, and finally said:

"... burial."

So the shrunken body lay in the metal candy box.

Adam poured out the candies in the box, threw one into his mouth, and then gave the rest to Sebastian and Omines:

"This is a mixed fruit flavor, which is very popular. Try the candies that will be popular in a hundred years."

Sebastian took it and threw one into his mouth:

"Hmm~ It's strawberry flavor!"

Omines took the candy and the candy box with a complicated expression:

"...Thank you."

I always feel that the bones of my aunt will be stained with the taste of powdered sugar and candy...

Ignoring Omines's complicated mood, Sebastian ate the candy and suddenly said:

"Adam, are you going back to the future again?"

"Hmm? Why do you say that?"

Adam looked at Sebastian, he really had such an idea.

The research on the soul has begun to show results. The improvement of Anne's treatment will not benefit Adam much. It is obvious that Yoger can kill all the way to the super god without his care, and he doesn't need to keep watching here.

Having stayed in the past for so long, although he made new friends, he hadn't been home for a long time, and he couldn't meet and chat with his brothers. He still missed them a little.

"I guessed it from the changes you made to Annie's treatment plan."

Hearing Sebastian's answer, Adam nodded.

Indeed, in addition to improving efficiency, the newly improved treatment plan mainly features automatic hosting.

"Will you come back?"

"Of course, the people I plan to take away haven't been taken away yet."

Adam looked at the two and smiled:

"The next time I come, it should be when Ominis and the others graduate."

Sebastian nodded thoughtfully, and asked again:

"Then next time you take Ominis and the others away, youWill we come back? You, Omnis, and Yug."


Hearing this question, Adam touched his chin:

"Don't think I can go to the past casually. In fact, time travel still has certain risks."

"Is that so..."

Sebastian's face showed disappointment.

Adam spread his hands: "Well, life is like this. Whether you like it or not, you always have to experience encounters and separations again and again, so you have to cherish every time you spend together."

"During the time I spent with you, you made me feel that you are really the headmaster of Hogwarts for the first time."

Sebastian seemed to have adjusted his mentality and said with a smile.

"Well, let me tell you a secret. In fact, I used a fake identity when I was the headmaster. "

Adam suddenly turned into Professor Gandalf in white skin, and winked at the two of them mischievously:

"Don't tell anyone else~"

After that, Adam disappeared in front of the two of them:

"Then...see you in two years, remember to tell Yog~"

Looking at the empty space in front of him, Sebastian was startled:

"He's gone... now..."


Ominis nodded and looked at Sebastian:

"Look at the bright side, with the life span of wizards, as long as you maintain a healthy schedule and don't encounter any accidents, even if we go a hundred years later, we still have a chance to meet. "

"Wow, this is really a blessing of comfort. "

Sebastian complained:

"What should you call me when you see me? Grandpa Saru?"

"If you don't mind. "

Omines shrugged:

"Let's go, there are still two years, you have enough time to think about what to say when we meet."

"Yes, the most urgent thing now is to put your aunt's bones away... You have to put it in a place where it is not easy to be discovered, otherwise I don't believe what outrageous stories will be spread after others find out that you put a skeleton in the candy box."

Sebastian glanced at the candy box in Omines's hand, and his eyes twitched suddenly:

"In fact, with the precedent of those strange candies in Honeydukes Candy Store, maybe someone will think that this is a skull-shaped candy and put it directly into their mouth..."

Hearing this, Omines' eyes twitched:

"Then I really have to find a place where it is not easy to be discovered. "

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