A simple word, but at this moment it became extremely heavy, it was everything a person had, including his life and soul.

However, what made people feel even more depressed was that everyone knew... Later, Lily still did not escape. She and Harry's father died on that day. Only Harry survived and became the boy who survived.

As expected, the scene changed again, and it was the moment when Lily died under the killing curse.

Professor Snape was heartbroken and even a little self-destructive. When Professor Dumbledore asked him to protect Harry, he thought it was meaningless - Lily was dead!

But Professor Dumbledore convinced Professor Snape with one sentence:

"He has the same eyes as hers."

For this sentence, for those green eyes, Professor Snape agreed to protect Harry, but he asked Professor Dumbledore to keep silent about it.

As time passed, scenes after Harry entered school - scenes that Harry or anyone else had never known - flashed on the screen.

"He is just like his father."

Professor Snape's voice sounded,

"Lazy, arrogant, mediocre..."

However, as Professor Snape evaluated Harry, Professor Snape in the picture had been secretly protecting Harry, again and again, year after year.

And Harry knew nothing about it.

When Professor Snape looked at Harry, he was always looking into his eyes. In the past, Harry thought he was reading his memories and thoughts, but now Harry knew that he was looking at the same eyes as his mother.

When the flickering picture stabilized again, Professor Snape was talking to Professor Dumbledore.

As Professor Snape scolded, everyone knew that Professor Dumbledore was injured by the curse on a ring. Even with Professor Snape's treatment, one of his hands became a little charred, and he had less than a year left to live.

After seeing the ring, the audience who had watched the previous movies understood that it was one of the Horcruxes found by Professor Dumbledore.

Seeing this, some viewers looked enlightened. No wonder Professor Dumbledore's hand turned black in a previous plot, and the newspaper also analyzed it. Now the mystery has finally been solved.

Some viewers couldn't help but ponder why Professor Dumbledore wore the Horcrux ring, and even said "the temptation is too great".

Indeed, the previous plot let everyone know that Horcruxes have the power to seduce people, but... that's Professor Dumbledore!

Although everyone knows that Professor Dumbledore is not a perfect saint at this point in the movie, he has directly or indirectly caused the death of his sister in the melee, and he has also asked Professor Snape for compensation for Lily's safety.

But no one can question Professor Dumbledore's strength. What kind of temptation can shake his heart?

Professor Dumbledore closed his eyes helplessly.

Even if Adam had solved the hidden danger of the Horcrux, he couldn't resist the temptation. If it was a Horcrux, he would ignore the curse on it and wear it directly. It's probably not unreasonable, right?

In the movie, Professor Dumbledore did not show any fear or other emotions after knowing that he was running out of time. Instead, he began to tell Professor Snape what to do next.

He knew that Draco was sent by Voldemort to kill him, and he hoped that Professor Snape would be the one to kill him.

According to Professor Dumbledore...

"I don't want that child's soul to be torn apart because of me."

Translated, killing Professor Dumbledore would completely deprive Draco of the possibility of being redeemed, and thus lead him to a road of no return destined to fall into the abyss.

"... Then what about my soul, Dumbledore?"

Professor Snape's silent words hit almost every audience member's heart:

"What about mine?"

When Professor Snape asked Professor Dumbledore to swear to keep silent about his actions in protecting Harry, Professor Dumbledore asked him if he was determined to bury his best side deep in his heart.

And if he killed Professor Dumbledore again, then Severus Snape would completely become an out-and-out villain in the eyes of the world, even if he was not so in essence.

At this moment, everyone seemed to see Professor Snape calmly sinking into the bottomless quagmire, and he did not struggle, but just asked Professor Dumbledore standing on the edge of the quagmire this question.

In this question, Professor Snape did not mean to refuse, he just wanted to know, this is Draco's redemption, so where is his redemption?

Seeing this, Yug blinked in confusion.

What is the reason for the soul being torn into pieces?He didn't think that this was a metaphor for life and redemption.

His faith never wavered, and he would not think about whether his actions would make him regret it. He only did what he thought he should do at the time, and his strength often supported him to do so.

As such a decent person, he had some difficulty empathizing with this kind of forced misstep.

So Yog thought that what Professor Dumbledore said in the movie was just a simple soul split - Voldemort and Professor Slughorn had mentioned in their conversation when they were students that killing people would split people's souls.

So the question is, killing a person's soul will be torn into pieces... Let's just assume that killing a person will split the soul in half, then his soul should have been split into pieces that are not much bigger than sand.

Could it be that ancient magic saved his soul from splitting?

Yog thought for a while, and finally thought that this should be just a fictional content in the movie, and it should not be taken seriously, just like the prototype of the gloomy Professor Snape in the movie is actually a gentle and cheerful gentleman.

Adam couldn't help but twitch his eyes when he saw this, and his immersion was destroyed in an instant.

Well, you are indeed a decent person.

But this "righteousness" may even be a little evil in the eyes of others - you can run around for your classmates' difficulties, help strangers with their troubles, and use the Unforgivable Curse on dark wizards and kill all goblins.

Adam rolled his eyes and stopped looking at him, turning to look at the performance of others.

Confirming that Professor Snape would be the one who would eventually kill him, Professor Dumbledore smiled with satisfaction, and then said to Professor Snape:

"After my death, at a certain moment, Voldemort will fall into an unprecedented weakness, and he will always keep the big snake with him, protecting it like his own life..."

The audience knows what Professor Dumbledore is referring to, and it is obvious that it is when Harry destroyed the other Horcruxes.

In the movie, just as Professor Dumbledore expected, when the golden cup was destroyed, Voldemort was so nervous that he asked Nagini to stay with him, and then left with Nagini in a hurry - he didn't even trust the Death Eaters who followed him.

Just when everyone couldn't help but sigh at Professor Dumbledore's perfect plan again, Professor Dumbledore continued:

"When that time comes, I want you to tell Harry one thing..."

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