Following Uther's move, Eugene and Colon also looked at Bernard. Apparently, there was more than one blind student who noticed Huadian in the chaos.

"Bernard, you just..."

"Yes, it was the Cruciatus Curse."

Bernard admitted this very frankly, looking at his roommates in front of him:

"Are you going to report me to the Ministry of Magic?"

In the previous popular science, he already knew that casting the Unforgivable Curse would lead to imprisonment in the wizard prison Azkaban.


Everyone was silent for a while.

"Those who cast the Unforgivable Curse are unforgivable..."

Adam, who had put away the tree sign, suddenly spoke,

"But Bernard just cast the Cruciatus Curse to protect us."

Wizard's law does not have clauses such as emergency avoidance, but the reason why such laws exist is because people need it, and from the perspective of universal morality, they believe that such behavior should not be punished.

Obviously, no one can go out and report Bernard's use of the Unforgivable Curse to protect everyone.

In a moment of silence, Adam spoke first:

"Why don't we go back first? Although this is deep in the Forbidden Forest, the noise we made is still a bit loud."




"Can I ask why you chose to cast the Unforgivable Curse in front of us?"

Adam deliberately postponed the time to take a shower in the evening, and Bernard also tacitly made the same choice. At this time, there were only two of them in the bathroom.

Of course, because the topic of discussion was a bit sensitive, Adam also used a silence card to block their voices, so that these words could not reach the ears of a third person, even if it was a portrait, a ghost or Peeves.

"It was a matter of life and death at that time, so of course I would use whatever I could."

Bernard was foaming on Adam's body sideways.

"Eugene and Uther both said at the time that they had ways to deal with it, and the situation was far from as dangerous as you said."

Adam was not fooled by him:

"Although you know the Unforgivable Curse, if you are careful and practice it secretly, you can still conceal it. Why do you want to expose it?"

"... Then why did you cover for me before?"

Bernard turned his head and looked into Adam's eyes:

"Those who cast the Unforgivable Curse are unforgivable. You said so yourself... This is not the first time you have seen me cast the Unforgivable Curse, is it?"

"The last time I cast the Cruciatus Curse, it was not for the purpose of self-protection, so why did you turn a blind eye to my behavior that time... Adam?"

Adam closed his eyes.

The last time I saw Bernard cast the Cruciatus Curse... It was in an abandoned classroom. Adam grew a few pots of mandrake in the abandoned classroom at the end of the corridor, where the sunlight was good enough.

But when passing by a classroom, he found the fluctuation of magic power, and heard the sound of "heart-wrenching" without opening the door.

It was a familiar voice.

Without opening the door, Adam stood at the door for a while and continued to move forward. Unexpectedly, Bernard knew it, so...

"You really did it on purpose."

"I did it on purpose. It's not difficult to guess your movement trajectory if you observe carefully."

Bernard shrugged his shoulders, raised his head and let the hot water flow down, flowing through his eyes, mouth and nose.

"What do you want to do? Don't you know that it's dangerous to do this?"

"Where is it dangerous?"

As soon as Bernard opened his mouth, hot water poured into his mouth, making his words a little unclear.

Adam made foam and put the soap aside, looking straight at Bernard:

"Whether it's me or Eugene, if any of us reports to the Ministry of Magic, one flashback will curse you to stay in Azkaban and be neighbors with Dementors for the rest of your life. Do you expect your parents to go to the Wizengamot and sue the Ministry of Magic?"

"Dementors, Wizengamot, I learned new terms again."



Wipe his face from his chin up, Bernard looked at Adam:

"Look, I'm fine now, aren't I?"

"... Do you think this is funny?"

Adam looked confused.

"No, I just want to try and see if our friendship is really that strong."

Now, Adam looked at Bernard with a look of concern in addition to incomprehension.

Or you should find a mental hospital.

"Do you know what it's like to be a lawyer, and the child of two lawyers?"

Bernard's eyes were blank, as if he was lost in memories:

"Marriage, debt, finance... My parents didn't actually allow me to look at their documents, but as a child... the more you're not allowed to do something, the more interesting it is to do it."

"So when others were listening to fairy tales, I was exposed to many more real stories in my life. Other children watched princesses and princes live a happy life, but I watched a woman who was betrayed in love and stored the body of a scumbag in the freezer..."

Adam swallowed his saliva.

"So I have been wondering, are the emotions between people really that strong? Are there really such sincere, pure and beautiful emotions between people? Or does everyone wear a hypocritical and beautiful mask and use words like love and friendship to cover up the entanglement of interests? This curiosity has always been with me. In fact, I am very grateful to Hogwarts for giving me this opportunity, otherwise I think I will do something not so good in the future. "

Adam couldn't help asking:

"Don't your parents have a good relationship?"

"I actually don't find anything wrong with their relationship. Although there are frictions, they are all small disagreements in normal life. But maybe I just didn't find the problem - I can't test their feelings, and there is no way to try. "

"So you use your future to test our relationship? "

Adam opened his mouth:

"We are roommates who have only known each other for a year!"

"But you have to admit that although our personalities are very different, we get along surprisingly well, don't we?"

Bernard spread his hands:

"There are so many dormitories around, and there is no dormitory where the relationship between the five people is as good as ours. Although there have been some frictions between us, they have all been well resolved - this roommate relationship is as perfect as the marriage between my parents."

"...I still can't understand it."

"It doesn't matter. It's impossible for a person to fully understand another person's thoughts. It's good to seek common ground while reserving differences, just like what we have done in the past year."

They can be said to be very different in various aspects such as living habits and personalities, but they can live together well, respecting and accepting each other's differences.

"So back to that question..."

Bernard looked at Adam again:

"Why didn't you report me the first time you found me casting the Unforgivable Curse?"

"...Because I saw it."

"What? "

"I saw the object of your Unforgivable Curse..."

Bernard's eyes widened slightly:

"How did you do it... Clow Cards?"

"The magic of the Clow Cards can recall the past, and after that I returned to your classroom at that time."

Adam looked at Bernard and said:

"I cast Cruciatus on a stone at that time."

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