"Before such a world is realized, I'm afraid we will have to experience wars first, right?"

A middle-aged man frowned and said.

The original world situation had basically stabilized, and the two atomic bombs cooled down the enthusiasm of everyone.

The only two times the atomic bomb was put into use were experiments and deterrence, so Hiroshima and Nagasaki were chosen instead of Tokyo and Osaka, and deterrence became the biggest role of all nuclear weapons produced later.

If this kind of weapon is to be used in war, if you are a decision maker, would you choose to throw this weapon that can spread poison thousands of miles without distinguishing between friend and foe on the front battlefield or throw it into the opponent's lair?

This question that does not require much thought made the sequence of world wars stop at two, and the scale of all wars afterwards was restrained to the point where two nuclear-armed countries would not face each other head-on.

Although there is a treaty that says that even if a war breaks out, it will be restrained from escalating to a full-scale nuclear war, but who would care about a piece of paper when they are angry?

So everyone restrained themselves tacitly and calmly.

But if the existence of the mysterious side is brought to the surface, it is possible that everyone's blood will heat up again, and the fighting will turn into the Third World War, with nuclear bombs thrown at each other.

By then, it will be a blank slate, so what's the point of letting a hundred flowers bloom?

"We have already considered it, and we only need a neutral force to control the situation from evolving to that point."

The man in the shirt couldn't help but say to Adam's somewhat naive words:

"Are you talking about the United Nations... and the International Confederation of Wizards?"

The reason why the United Nations has its current status is that it essentially represents the decisions made by the most powerful countries on the planet, not because it has any special features.

If it really gets to the point of a world war, those countries will definitely not be able to reach a consensus, and then the United Nations is nothing!

"Since the United Nations and the International Confederation of Wizards are unreliable, it's very simple. Can't I just become this force?"

After saying that, Adam stood up, and the huge magic power stirred his robe:

"The United Nations claims to be neutral, so I can also claim to be neutral."

Looking at Adam, the middle-aged and elderly people in the conference room were stunned.

Soon, the man in the shirt couldn't help but say:

"Mr. Reed, stop joking. No matter how powerful you are, how many divisions can you defeat? Even if you have an atomic bomb, you can't stop others from throwing atomic bombs!"

"Who said I can't stop it?"

As soon as Adam made a move, a dark streamlined and even cute atomic bomb was placed on the open space behind the conference room. The next moment, voices rang out in the conference room:

"Mr. Reed, calm down!"

"Don't take out the atomic bomb! We can talk it out!"

"Heart pills... Quick, heart pills..."

"Don't worry, aren't we discussing it..."


After a chaos, Adam looked at the group of people in front of him who had taken the quick-acting heart pills and couldn't help feeling helpless. The atmosphere before was destroyed by this.

Isn't it said that the superiors should not change their faces when the mountains collapse in front of them, and not blink when the elk rises on the left, why are their psychological qualities so poor?

If they heard Adam's voice, I'm afraid these people in front would spit blood on his face.

The ancients said that it was just a metaphor. If you take out this thing, it will really make Mount Tai collapse in front of you!

Anyway, the situation is under control. Adam stretched out his hand and said under the trembling gaze of everyone:

"This is not an atomic bomb from the UK. You should know its name... It's called 'Little Boy'."

"...Little Boy?"

After several seconds, someone reluctantly spoke:

"The little boy dropped on Hiroshima?"

"Yes, that little boy."

Adam touched the shell of the little boy and slowly spoke in the puzzled eyes of everyone:

"Next, let me explain to you the concept of parallel time and space and time magic..."


The sun slowly sank into the horizon, and the bright white light had long replaced the sunlight. In the conference room, except for Adam and the two brothers of the Yun family, everyone was still sitting in the same place, with bloodshot eyes, but still staring at the staff surrounding the atomic bomb in front of them.

Seeing the staff stop what they were doing, Fang Zeren immediately said:

"What's the result?"


The staff was stunned for a while before saying:

"From the data point of view, some of it can be matched with the data released by the US. The rest of the data cannot be ruled out as fake, but it cannot be completely confirmed that this model restores the structure of the little boy."

"Is that so..."

Yes, they didn't consider the fact that the US data was fake.A little bit...

Fang Zeren couldn't help but frowned.

At this time, the staff member spoke again:


"But what?"

"But the state of this atomic bomb model is indeed very special. The gunpowder has burned out, and the two low-critical uranium-235 schematic devices are about to collide, but they are fixed in mid-air by unknown means..."

The staff member looked at the atomic bomb model with its shell peeled off behind him. It was too realistic. If there was no radiation, he would have thought it was really an atomic bomb.

After stroking his still beating heart, the staff member continued:

"To be honest, this model is so ingenious, whose work is it? I've never heard of any academician who has this kind of leisure and elegance... Could it be a civilian scientist? Who is so awesome? I doubt he can really make one even if I give him the materials for an atomic bomb."

According to what you said now, he is much more awesome than you think...

Fang Zeren's face suddenly changed, and he calmed down after a few seconds:

"You don't have to worry about this, I know the situation... Remember the confidentiality agreement?"

"I know, I know."

The staff member touched his head, but in the end he couldn't figure out who might have made this model, so he shook his head and left.

After the other party led the team away, the meeting room returned to silence.

In a trance, they seemed to see the two sentences that the young man said at the end of the long table today:

"We have already considered that we only need a neutral force to control the situation from evolving to that point."

"Since the United Nations and the International Confederation of Wizards are unreliable, it's simple. Can't I become this force?"

Time magic, parallel time and space... The other party seems to be able to do it!

The next day, Adam looked at a group of haggard middle-aged and elderly people and felt a little bit reluctant:

"You all look like you haven't rested well. Why don't you take a break for two days? It's not that urgent."

"It's okay. I don't sleep enough when I'm old."

Fang Zeren waved his hand.

Not urgent yet? This is the most urgent time since the establishment of New China.

"After our inspection, we can believe that what Mr. Reed said yesterday was true."

"Really? There's no need for me to lie to you."

Looking at Adam with a frank face, Fang Zeren felt bitter in his mouth. He would rather the other party lied to them before.

"Well, we really did judge you by our own standards. We apologize."

"It's okay~"

Looking at Adam who looked relaxed, Fang Zeren sighed and said:

"At this point, there is only one thing we don't understand... You have such strength, it's enough to directly declare that you rule the earth, why do you still seek cooperation?"

It can't be that there is more than one person with such outrageous ability?

If that's the case, Fang Zeren thinks they can resign collectively, and they can't play the next version in the office.

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