"What was Hogwarts like in your time?"

There was no doubt that the traces of Hogwarts on Adam were the best evidence. After knowing Adam's origin, the four founders of Hogwarts couldn't help but inquire about the future.

Especially after knowing that Adam came from the era of two thousand years later, they were even more curious about the changes in Hogwarts in the past two thousand years.

Ravenclaw: In fact, I am more curious about how the time converter can allow Adam to travel through two thousand years. Is my future self so awesome?

But obviously, this question that only Ravenclaw was curious about was squeezed behind by the question that all four people wanted to know.

In this regard, Adam had observed the newly established Hogwarts for a while before, so he selected a few changes in the future Hogwarts and talked to the four founders.

The current Hogwarts has some decorations such as murals and statues that will be added more and more in the future. In terms of overall structure, except for the Room of Requirement and Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets, which are probably not built yet, and a few greenhouses and Quidditch venues, other aspects are actually the same as the future Hogwarts.

The main difference is indeed in the composition of students.

"What did you say? Almost all of the students in the future Hogwarts are half-blood wizards?"

Slytherin felt a flash in front of his eyes, as if the sky was about to fall.

"Yes, according to scientific research from Muggles, inbreeding is very harmful to future generations. And experience also shows that although pure-blood families can improve the lower limit of the magic level of their offspring, half-blood wizards seem to have a higher upper limit."

Adam also considered this aspect. It may be because half-blood wizards do not have various mental problems caused by inbreeding. After all, the strength of wizards is closely related to their spirit.

But Adam hadn't studied this thing in depth. You can't copy a group of wizards and then control the variable method. They are wizards, not peas or flies...

Then Adam continued:

"At least the most powerful wizards in our time are mixed-blood, and those families who claim to be pure-blooded, their blood is actually not so pure a long time ago."

This is a face-saving, but some places do need this face, such as the ancestors of Uther's family.

The earliest pharaohs also married close relatives to maintain their sanctity, and later found out that the children born were a little stupid... With a superior inheritance in hand, Uther's ancestors did not choose to stick to the rules even if it made their descendants stupid.

So the scope was expanded. In addition to the pharaoh's own family, the families of several priests could actually do it, and slowly become powerful enough wizards.

In this way, it became more and more relaxed, so that Uther's father could even marry a foreigner.

Slytherin wanted to say how could Muggle's theory be useful to wizards. That was a matter of magic. Could they study it clearly?

But he was not really demented. Even when the ideological dispute between him and the other three people became the most serious, he only ran away alone and did not do anything to the students of Hogwarts.

So Slytherin suppressed his thoughts for the time being and asked:

"Didn't my family pass on? What did they become after two thousand years?"


Adam was stunned. It would not be very pleasant to talk about this topic.

Slytherin: ? ? ?

"Could it be that they also..."

Slytherin clenched his wand, wishing to cast a spell on his descendants after two thousand years:

"How dare they claim to be my descendants?"

Fortunately, Adam quickly told Slytherin that things were not as he imagined.

"Well, actually they did quite well in this regard."

Adam comforted:

"In our time, the last family claiming to be your descendants was the Gaunt family. They kept their blood pure until the end, and also inherited the ability of Parseltongue."

"Huh~ That's good."

Slytherin breathed a sigh of relief, and then found a problem:

"Wait, what do you mean until the end?"

"They kept their blood pure until one day the squib daughter of the Gaunt family fell in love with a handsome Muggle, and so on, so on, and so on, in short, in the end, this last descendant of Slytherin who found out that he was a half-blood killed all the pure-blooded Slytherin descendants."

Although he only heard that Voldemort had killed his entire family, Slytherin's face had turned a little green.

I was still thinking about refuting the theory that half-bloods are stronger than pure-bloods, but in the blink of an eye, I heard a real example, and this example is my own descendant!

Stolen by a kid who was still studying at Hogwarts and grew up in an orphanage.The wand killed him. Did he pass down nothing except Parseltongue and pure blood?

Don't you read books? (The Gaunt family was already in decline at that time, and it was estimated that all the things that could be sold had been sold out)

And what about my wand? (It was taken to Ireland by a descendant, and finally buried by Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the United States by Aesop Sayre)

Slytherin asked in his heart, and Adam answered in his heart. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the founder of Slytherin College was a bit miserable, so he comforted him:

"In fact, your descendants should not be completely cut off. There should be your descendants in the United States, and there may be descendants in Ireland."

Slytherin's eyes suddenly lit up:

"Do they insist on the purity of their bloodline?"

Adam: Ah this...

The American branch is definitely gone. Aesop Sayre was hunted down by Gormlaith Gaunt because she opposed the pure blood theory and fell in love with Muggles. She eventually settled in the United States and established Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

As for the Irish branch, to be honest, the probability of that branch being completely extinct is greater than the probability of someone still insisting on the purity of bloodline. Gormlaith Gaunt, who was killed by Isolt Searle, is most likely the last person of that branch.

This is also the reason why Adam did not count Omnis, because he was afraid that Slytherin would ask why this Gaunt could still survive, but he did not expect Slytherin to be so sharp.

Adam's silence is better than a thousand words. Slytherin's eyes completely dimmed, and his mood fluctuated violently, as if he had suffered a great blow.

"Hahahaha, Salazar, think about it on the bright side. Your descendants are at least very strong. Killing your uncle to avenge your mother sounds like a very inspiring story."

Gryffindor patted Slytherin on the shoulder to comfort him.

Adam: Ah this...

"By the way, where are my descendants? Have you left any legendary stories?"


Adam looked Gryffindor up and down.

Don't you know whether you have any descendants?

From being single in the womb to being buried, if you still want to have offspring in your situation, you have to use magic, for example, you can refer to the birth of the basilisk...

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