Both Gryffindor and Slytherin froze.

Because of this, Gryffindor and Slytherin have the same score.

But Dumbledore didn't seem to care.

He chuckled softly, "The House Cup has never been ruled to be won by only one house, so the winners of this House Cup are Gryffindor and Slytherin!"

Snape had an extra cup in his hand, and he reluctantly handed the extra one to Professor McGonagall.

Gryffindor's cheers could burst through the auditorium.

Slytherin felt a little unhappy that he was tied for first place with Gryffindor this time.


They also threw their wizard hats to the top.

Jumped up excitedly.

"So the environment here should change a little bit......"

Because the auditorium was so noisy, he had to raise his voice.

Then he waved his wand.

Half of the auditorium is a silver-white serpentine streamer, and half is a majestic red and yellow lion.

Viche made a gesture of looking around, meeting Snape's gaze.

She immediately gave Snape a big smile.

The corners of Snape's mouth curled, and he waved his hand, looking in a good mood.

The next thing is binge eating and drinking.

Once she had eaten and drunk enough, she was taken back to the school infirmary by Madam Pomfrey.

Madam Pomfrey was furious.

"Dumbledore locked me in his office, he didn't say you need to go to the feast, he didn't care about your body at all, 547 didn't care about your body......"

Madam Pomfrey said huffingly.

Visy was so troubled by her thoughts that she hurriedly took the potion she had brought over and was about to give her to drink.

When the sleepiness appeared, she breathed a sigh of relief.

You don't have to listen to the angry school infirmary's nagging.

For the next few days, they were waiting for their results, discussing what happened that day every day.

Of course, there are also many people who come to ask Vesy about more specific things.

Vesey always said that she didn't know exactly what was going on inside, and that she was a supporting character.

But the fact that she had apparently been lying there longer than Harry had led to the general belief that Vesey had experienced something even more horrific than Harry.

Harry, they thought so, too.

They didn't see Vesey being knocked over by Voldemort, but Hermione and the others heard the voice and saw Snape's angry expression.

So, they also felt that Vesy had suffered a lot.

Although Visey felt that Harry was the worst.

In addition to these, they also discussed Snape.

"I didn't expect Snape to really do anything bad, he wanted to protect the Philosopher's Stone, and I saw Quirrell there at the time......"

Speaking of which, everyone looked at Vessy.

Since Vicie hadn't mentioned Quirrell until now, they knew that Vicie must be sad.

She believed Quirrell so much, but Quirrell was dead now.

They looked at Visy lovingly, and they didn't think about it at all.

Vicie, who seemed so sad about Quirrell's death, didn't even bother to give Quirrell an encouraging look when he was alive.

But they don't think about it anymore.

Who told Vesy to say good things about Snape and Quirrell in front of them?

They have been brainwashed by her to think that she is a good girl who is so kind that everyone believes in her.

Seeing Harry's expressions, Vesie sighed, and she feigned melancholy and said:

"I regret that he may have wanted to get rid of Voldemort for a moment or two, but I didn't think of all this, and I didn't even encourage him for fear of disturbing him......"

She closed the last bit of hole.

Harry comforted them positively:

"It's useless to comfort, he can't get rid of Voldemort anymore, and he didn't actually repent in the end, I think he regrets it with fear, not regret that he was with Voldemort in the first place!"

"Yes, he's already bad, it's not worth it for you to be sad for someone like him!"

"That's right, if Visy is in a bad mood, we'll go find Hagrid, Vicie loves Hagrid!"

They changed the subject and dragged Vesey to Hagrid.

As soon as he arrived at Hagrid's cabin, Hagrid quickly closed the door.

Surprised, they followed and knocked at the door.

But Hagrid didn't open the door at all.

"What the hell is going on? When we were hospitalized, you didn't come, didn't you want a few of our friends?"

Harry exclaimed angrily.

When he and Vesey were hospitalized, almost all the teachers and students in the school saw them and gave them gifts.

And Hagrid not only (bifj) didn't come at that time, but now they took the initiative to find him, and he still doesn't come out.

"Hagrid, if you don't open the door again, we'll take Vicie away!"

Hermione exclaimed.

She knew that Hagrid liked Visey the most, and there must be a reason why he didn't come to see Visie. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Hearing Hermione's words, Hagrid slammed the door open.

Only then did they realize that Hagrid's eyes were swollen from crying, and the sleeves were full of tears.

"Hagrid, who bullied you? I'll clean him up!"

Vesy shouted loudly.

He immediately harvested dozens of points of energy.

Hagrid wiped away tears.

He looked at Vessy's face, and finally couldn't help it.

He leaned down and hugged Visy and Harry.

"It's all my fault, Dumbledore told me everything, I damn it...... I told that bastard how to get through Lowe and you get hurt...... You're almost dead......"

He cried again.

Harry looked at Hagrid in confusion.

Only Vesey patted him on the shoulder.

"Hagrid, it's none of your business, he'll always find a way to find out how to get through Lu Wei's way, he even has the guardian magic of other professors, he's very cunning, you're just too simple and kind!"

Vesy said firmly.

But even Hagrid, who was crying, was amused.

He wiped his nose and said, "I'm stupid, you're pure and kind...... I'm never going to drink again, and I should be kicked out and be a Muggle for the rest of my life!"

He cried again.

Vicie thought for a moment, and she pulled out a chocolate frog from her pocket.

"Don't cry Hagrid, my heart is broken when you cry, we're friends, friends are supposed to be considerate of each other, aren't they?

If I make a mistake, will you forgive me?"

Hagrid nodded vigorously.

Vicie took the chocolate frog apart and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Well, as a friend, I forgive you!"

Hagrid was caught off guard by her stuffing a chocolate frog and could only chew it.

His mood gradually eased, and he was pushed into the house by Harry and the others.

Hermione brought them teacups.

"It's okay, Hagrid, we're not angry!"

"Yes, we all like you!"


They even cursed and swore about how much they liked Hagrid, which finally made Hagrid smile.

He looked at Vesey and Harry with a sob, then approached the room, pulled out two beautiful photo albums, and handed one to Harry and Visie.

"Dumbledore said you wanted your parents' photo albums, so I wrote to your parents' friends and asked them for these photos, hoping you would be happier......"

Vesy opened the album.

On the first page, Lily and Jaime are waving at her with Harry in their arms, and without her, it will never matter to her.

She closed the album and smiled movingly.

"Thanks, Hagrid, I love this gift!".

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