Harry was so frightened that they couldn't speak, and on the other side, Vesey was eating and drinking.

Of course, she always had a regretful look on her face from time to time, especially as if she was a little disappointed not to be able to spend Halloween with Harry.

The food also slowed down to eat, as if it couldn't be swallowed.

This made Kassandra really uncomfortable.

She said with a cold face:

"There's nothing wrong with the food, and I think the house-elves might be angry if they knew you didn't eat their food properly!"

"I'm sorry ......"

Wei Xi pretended to be embarrassed and shook her head, and then lowered her head to eat.

This action obviously made Kassandra a lot happier, and she also poured a glass of pumpkin juice for Vesie with a cold face and put it on her right hand~.

Visy smiled at her widely, and she snorted, ignoring people, arrogant as a flower butterfly.

Vesie could only continue to enjoy her food, ignoring Kassandr-Ra.

When the dessert was served, the band invited by Dumbledore also came, and the music they played was still not as good as the national style, but she still clapped her hands in cheer.

It was just that it clearly didn't make Kassandra feel comfortable, and she thought that Vesie was still sullen because of Harry.

But she didn't know how to comfort Weixi, obviously Weixi was very good in front of her, she wouldn't be angry with her, and she wouldn't ask for anything from her like other girls, but ......

Kassandra just wasn't satisfied.

Or maybe she's dissatisfied.

Obviously that Hermione didn't do anything, why did Vesey only think of Hermione?

They were together after class, they went to the library together, they played together, they had adventures together, and even when they went to the bathroom, they both held hands together.

Kassandra had never been treated like this.

Of course, no one dared to invite Kassandra to the toilet at all.

She's always so arrogant, looking at other people's expressions is like looking at garbage, who would think she's a person who is going to the toilet?

Besides, when school first started, it wasn't without girls who invited Kassandra to go with her, but Kassandra sternly refused.

She copied the expression of how could Miss go to the toilet, just the expression was enough to make everyone unbearable to leave.

Viche certainly wouldn't bring shame on himself.

So she didn't know that Kassandra was waiting for her to invite, and her gums itched when she saw her pull Hermione away.

It's just that Kassandra is angry again, and she still doesn't dare to approach Vesie.

Especially this year.

She felt guilty all the time.

During the vampire attack that day, one of the vampires was a member of the Worley family.

Although the relationship is very distant, it is the people of the Worley family.

Kassandra saw the man manipulating to Vessy.

She was disgusted to watch, let alone Vicsy!

Also, she didn't know what had happened, and the man's mother rushed in on the day of the trial.

She was trying to kill Vesie.

Kassandra was filled with anger and despair when she saw the photo ball of the trial afterwards.

In her diary, she wrote that her Worley family had poisoned Visy at the time, and that she had already felt sorry for Vesie.

She even thought that she would try to control the Worley family now, and it would be better to wait until the sixth or seventh grade of Weixi to become the patriarch of the Worley family.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the change, and the woman with the last name of Worley gave Visy a spell.

Although Vesey was a blessing in disguise, he went to the Nicklemay estate and became an apprentice of Mr. Nicklemay.

But Kassandra wasn't happy at all, she was only ashamed.

How could she be embarrassed to get close to Vicie like this?

Even if Vesey didn't care about herself, she couldn't forgive herself.

After the start of school, she always wanted to apologize to Vesie, but she felt that it was very pale.

Will Vesy believe it?

She looked so annoying and couldn't speak, and Vesie must not like her.

Now that Wei Xi must know that the woman is her relative, what will she think of her?

After the start of the school year, Kassandra had a nervous day, waiting for Vessy's questioning, but she couldn't.

She wondered every day, was it because Weixi's kindness had never been mentioned, or because Weixi hated her to death, so she didn't mention it?

Kassandra thought it might be the first, but she couldn't be happier.

One is because Weixi is really too kind, and such a kind Weixi always makes her feel uncomfortable.

The second is that she is in pain herself, and she can't feel that she has no problem just because Wei Xi doesn't care.

Obviously she is full of problems.

After the start of school, she told herself that it was better to stay away from Weixi, so that she would not have to suffer such entanglements and pain if she didn't see Weixi.

But how could it be possible to stay away from her?

Kassandra's eyes turned red with jealousy every time she saw her rush to Hermione's figure as soon as she got out of class.

Obviously, Weixi is also her wife in the future, why is it so difficult for her to even get closer?

Obviously, Weixi will also be her lover in the future, but she can't even hold hands with her.

Obviously, Visy will also be her wife in the future, but she can only watch Hermione hug Vicie, and she is also kissing Vicie.

Thinking of Hermione secretly kissing Vesie's figure, Kassandra was furious, and that day she gritted her teeth and asked the unknown being how she could kiss Vesie secretly, and after asking, she herself blushed.

Of course, there are also some regrets.

She guessed that the unknown being would probably scold her.

Who knew that the unknown being didn't scold her, but told her the answer.

It was the answer she received that made her so ashamed.

The unknown being actually made her go to Vesie's room in the middle of the night......

Kassandra thought about it for a moment before she quickly stopped herself.

What does it have to do with her sleeping and dying?

That unknown being is really a bad guy...... She won't, never!

She wouldn't do such a thing!

Thinking like this, she looked at Vesy with an even more evasive expression.

I'm also a little scared.

If Vesie knew she was so filthy, she would be disgusted, wouldn't she?


If she had learned that someone thought of her like this, she would have been disgusted, and Vesie would have been disgusted.

So, she'd better cover up her thoughts.

If she doesn't want to lose Vesie!

Vesy had no idea that Kassandra had thought so much, let alone that the night detective session she was looking forward to had been denied by Kassandra a long time ago.

She watched the performance with satisfaction, ate her stomach, and began to prepare for some energy after a short rest.

During this time, because of playing games, her demand for energy has risen sharply, and the key is that many days are light in and out, and the quota is accumulated day by day, which makes her look forward to a scene suitable for her to show.

And Halloween is the stage she plays today.

With so many people, at least a few thousand points of energy can be obtained, right?

If she couldn't get a few thousand points of energy, she would have knocked Harry unconscious and cried there for half an hour.

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