The old man was born in a strange place, but he was still alive.

1994, July, early morning, London.

In an unknown alley that no one noticed, a boy who looked very quiet was squatting in the corner, staring at the sky in a daze.

The boy's name was Andy, his last name was Andy.

Coincidentally, the owner of the body he replaced was also called Andy, an Asian boy living in the UK.

Andy remembered that he was just an illustrator working in a game company. One morning when he went out, he suddenly fell down and came here.

At this time, memories came flooding in and stuffed into Andy's brain.

The original Andy was an ordinary child who no one cared about. He lived in an orphanage since childhood.

At this time, he had just been kicked out of the orphanage where he had been living, and was wandering aimlessly on the street.

As for the reason...

Before Andy had time to think about it, he heard the footsteps of several people next to him.

There was also a voice that sounded very arrogant.

"Miss, I haven't seen you here before."

Andy turned his head and saw a tall figure with long black hair just walking through the alley.

At the same time, several figures came over from the outside and surrounded her.

Andy was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that he would encounter such a bloody plot of a gangster blocking people.

It was also bad luck for this person. The security in this neighborhood has never been good. There are many social gangs, and they are inextricably linked with the orphanage.

But Andy was surprised to find that he actually knew the people who blocked the girl.

There were five of them in total, all children who had lived with Andy in the orphanage before.

The leader was William, who had a face full of flesh. They didn't have much fun in their daily lives, and one of them was targeting Andy.

In fact, this was bullying. It was still the 20th century, and it was quite common for such things to happen in a private orphanage.

However, thanks to Andy's own talent, Andy usually fought back and forth with them, and didn't let them take any advantage.

It was precisely because Andy was unwilling to give in that they retaliated more fiercely.

When he found the other party, the other party also found him.

They walked over to Andy and the girl as if they had found some rare animals.

"It seems that we are lucky today, a nice girl, and Andy who is alone."

"Hehehe, little Andy, why are you here?"

William, the leader, showed a grim smile.

If Andy was surrounded by them in such a narrow alley, he would be in danger.

The first principle of street fighting: when you are outnumbered, run!

No matter what the situation was, Andy turned around and ran instinctively.

He passed the people who surrounded him in front of him and ran to the other side of the alley.

If Andy's taunt value was high enough, William and his men would chase him and maybe help the girl out.

This was the best solution Andy could come up with at the moment. He couldn't be the opponent of the other party in a one-on-five situation.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from his mind.

[Start the side quest "Run for your life, brave boy": escape from William and his friends, avoid being beaten up, or try to repel them. ]

[Quest reward: God's Eye - Hourglass. ]

"?" Andy was stunned and almost blurted out, "I'm so, so..."

God's Eye - Hourglass?

As one of the three great families, Andy was very familiar with Lisa's God's Eye.

Of course, it was mainly because Lisa was a purple and black silk big sister who could electrocute people, which really impressed Andy.

Time to power up.jpg

Good news: Andy is a time traveler and has his own system.

Bad news: Mission rewards can only be obtained after the mission is completed.

"What are you doing!?"

Andy ran out of the alley, but did not hear the footsteps of pursuit from behind.

Instead, a scream came from the alley.

He hurriedly stopped at the alley, and the worst situation occurred.

William and his men did not chase him, but changed their target and did not care about Andy at all.

Andy thought for a while, gritted his teeth, turned around and rushed into the alley again.

As soon as he rushed in, he saw William and his men had surrounded the girl and were pulling each other.

There was a lewd teasing in his words, and the girl could only protect her chest tightly.

Andy said nothing.

They rushed towards William, the leader.

William and his companions did not expect Andy to dare to come back, and they were all stunned.

William let go of the girl, went up to Andy, and punched Andy in the face.

Andy was a social animal before, and grew up in the city, and had never experienced such a street fight.

Just when he didn't know what to do, his body instinctively dodged William's fist.

Then, Andy crouched and sneaked into William's chest.

He raised his left elbow reflexively, using the strength of his waist and abdomen, and hit William's chin from bottom to top.

This made William feel pain, his eyes turned white, and the saliva in his mouth inevitably splashed out.

Andy's right hand did not stop, and he touched William's waist and took out a thick and hard stick from his trouser pocket. The movement was so fast that it was impossible to see clearly.

This is an old baton.

William found this old baton in a trash can on the street a few years ago, and he always carries it with him.

Andy suffered a lot from it when he was in the orphanage.

Today, the incident happened suddenly. William relied on his large number of people and did not take it in his hand, which happened to be a bargain for Andy.

This is Andy's talent, and also the reason why he was kicked out of the orphanage.

He grew up in an orphanage and only obeyed the rules of the street.

Petty theft, cheating, and as long as it can help himself, Andy will do anything.

With the weapon in hand, Andy did not hesitate at all, and swung it hard and hit William's head hard.

At the same time, he shouted in the direction of the girl in his impression: "Run!"

Although the baton is made of colloid, it is rough and powerful.

William's head tilted, blood splattered, and he fell to the side without a sound.

At the same time, other people's fists and feet also arrived, and Andy's side waist was kicked by someone, and he was in great pain.

A fist passed by his cheek and almost hit Andy's eye socket.

Andy didn't care, broke free from the obstruction of others, rushed towards William who was lying on the ground, and hit William with the baton in his right hand mercilessly.

The second principle of street fighting: If there is nowhere to escape, then catch someone and beat him, and concentrate your firepower!

"Damn, are you crazy?!"

"Stop, he will die!"

William's companions were stunned for a moment when they saw Andy's fierce look.

Before, when fighting with Andy in the orphanage, everyone generally didn't kill him, and seeing blood was enough.

But now looking at Andy's appearance, it is obvious that he wants to beat William to death.

They rushed forward and tried to pull Andy away from William, but Andy broke out of their encirclement and rushed out from the previous corner.

After Andy gained space to move, he ran and fought, waving the baton in his hand constantly, specifically greeting the opponent's vital points.

He was hit a lot, but he hit back more.

The alley was in a mess, and Andy, relying on his fierceness, fought back and forth with several people from William's gang.

But the other side had more people after all. After adapting to Andy's presence, one of them seized the opportunity from the side, flew over Andy, and threw Andy to the ground.

Andy hit him with several sticks, but he withstood them all.

It's over, Andy thought.

The other side had more people, and he lost his space to move, and he couldn't run away even if he wanted to.

At this time, Andy heard a female voice roaring from the side: "There are many obstacles!"

The next moment, a violent invisible air wave swept the entire alley, and a gust of wind swept up.

The movements of the several people who were chasing Andy suddenly slowed down, and then they were collectively pushed to the ground.

This change scared everyone in the alley. Andy felt the pressure on his body lighten, and he turned his head to look in the direction of the air wave.

The tall black-haired girl stood there, holding a wooden wand as long as her forearm, facing them with an angry look on her face.

Andy was stunned.

Obstacles? It sounds familiar.

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