The two of them did not enter Hogsmeade, but walked around the periphery of the village carefully.

Harry was carrying a large backpack, which was full and almost squeezed out.

They set foot on a rarely traveled path, walked a short distance, and finally came to a crossroads.

A huge black dog was waiting here. When it saw Harry, it came out of the bushes and walked in front of them.

It was obviously not full, and its stomach was a little shriveled.

What was special was that it still had a copy of the Daily Prophet in its mouth.

The big black dog went around behind Harry, sniffed into the backpack, and then showed a very human expression, nodded with satisfaction, and led them forward. The three followed silently.

The big black dog led them into the forest, around the foot of a mountain, climbed up halfway, and finally got into a gap made of natural rocks.

Harry and the other two were exhausted, but the big black dog seemed very excited.

After arriving at the place, the big black dog lay on the ground, threw the newspaper in his mouth, and transformed into a tall man with a deep face.

Sirius Black, the most wanted criminal in the Ministry of Magic and Harry's godfather.

He was dirty, wearing a tattered and smelly robe, and was unkempt.

In the cave, there was also a hippogriff, a magical creature with several animal characteristics at the same time. Its eyes were shining, staring at Harry and the other two who entered the cave.

Harry and the others bowed to the hippogriff immediately.

They didn't breathe a sigh of relief and raised their heads until they saw the hippogriff nod slowly to them.

"Hurry, give it to me, I'm almost starving."

The man reached out to take the backpack from Harry, poured out the food inside, and ate it voraciously.

He grabbed a chicken leg and ate the meat on it in a few bites, then threw the chicken bones to the hippogriff.

The latter didn't pick and chose, and ate happily.

"Sirius, how are you?"

Harry asked.

Sirius swallowed a piece of chicken with great effort and said, "Don't worry, here, only you three and Dumbledore know that I am an Animagus."

"But I have to be careful. Buckbeak and I can only survive by eating mice. We can't show up. Its size is too conspicuous. I can only turn into a dog to find ways to beg for food."

"Don't worry, I'm used to it. No one will suspect a dog casually."

"Let's talk about you, Harry. Your letter is very anxious. Is it the same problem we discussed last time?"

Harry: "No, I encountered a strange thing."

Harry told Sirius everything that had happened recently in detail, including the letter that Moody sent to the bottom of the Black Lake and Andy's actions.

Sirius fell silent after listening to this, and after a while he said: "That Andy Hall you mentioned sounds very interesting. If I can go back to Hogwarts to study, I should be able to chat with him."

"He originally had nothing in common with you, but he was happy to help you. Such a person either needs something from you or wants to get the benefits he needs from you. I don't know which one he is."

"This matter is indeed strange. You are right to come to me."

Hermione argued: "Andy is not that kind of person. He has never hurt Harry."

Sirius suddenly asked: "Is he handsome?"


Hermione was stunned, her face slightly red, and did not answer immediately.

Sirius laughed: "Now I understand! No wonder you speak for him, Hermione."

"That's not the case!" Hermione said angrily, "Andy knows Moody better than us. When he heard Harry mention Moody in the school hospital, he fell into deep thought and finally said nothing."

Sirius laughed and asked: "Why not ask him directly? I think they both have secrets."

Hermione was helpless: "Because I also know Andy, I don't think I can get the words out of him, and it's even more impossible for Harry and Ron."

Sirius began to pace back and forth in the cave, thinking and saying: "I don't know what that Hall thinks, but I subjectively think that Moody really just wants to help you, Harry."

Harry was puzzled: "Why?"

Sirius: "Moody is called Mad Eye because sometimes he does things that others can't understand."

"He has fought too many dark wizards, and his body is full of dark wizards.

He has been injured a lot, which has a great impact on his character. "

"Moody is a maverick who doesn't care about other people's opinions, but his biggest characteristic is that he hates evil. At the same time, he is also an Auror with a bottom line. Didn't you say that he once turned Malfoy's son into a ferret? "

Harry excitedly: "Yes! At that time, I just knew that I became a warrior. Malfoy and I had a quarrel. He wanted to attack me. Professor Moody saw it and he beat Malfoy up without thinking. "

Sirius nodded: "This is Moody. The justice in his eyes is different from what ordinary people understand. Although he will not curse others as easily as dark wizards, he will use his own way to achieve his goals. "

"Maybe he helped you this time with the same idea. You are the youngest of the four warriors, and you are forced to participate in the competition. "

"If Mad-Eye admires you very much, he is likely to do this because he thinks it is unfair. "

Harry: "So, Professor Moody really just wants to help me?"

"I think so. "Sirius said, "But I think you have overlooked another person."

"In this Triwizard Tournament, Moody is not important, and Hall is not important either. He is the most important."

Harry was curious: "Who are you talking about?"

Sirius: "Barty Crouch, the missing referee."

This time it was Harry's turn to be stunned.

The origin of Harry and Crouch can be traced back to the Quidditch World Cup.

At that time, Harry and Hermione were invited to watch the game with the Weasley family.

When the chaos happened, Harry found that his wand was missing and he didn't know who stole it.

They later found that a house elf named Winky picked up Harry's wand.

And Harry's wand was finally detected to be the wand that released the Dark Mark.

As the highest official of the Ministry of Magic at the scene, Barty Crouch looked very unhappy.

Because Winky, who was captured on the scene, was the house elf in his family.

In the end, Barty Crouch Crouch expelled Winky because of this.

A house-elf who lost his job was considered a disgrace in their own culture.

Winky was distraught and was taken back to Hogwarts by Dobby, another house-elf Harry knew.

Dumbledore gave them a job.

The whole thing was very strange, but Harry couldn't figure out what the crux of the matter was.

Ron picked up the newspaper on the ground and handed it to Harry.

The newspaper reported Crouch's disappearance, saying that Crouch was unwell and had a serious illness.

Sirius chuckled: "If Crouch will give up his job because of illness, I will eat Buckbeak."

Buckbeak heard this and raised his head and glared at Sirius.

Sirius waved his hand apologetically and continued: "I know Crouch very well. He is a standard politician. Apart from his career and career, he doesn't care about anything, including his family."

"He is not the kind of person who doesn't show up because of illness. "

"If someone is behind this, I tend to think it's Barty Crouch. He's not as serious as he looks."

After gnawing on the chicken bones, Buckbeak let out a soft whistle and walked to the cave entrance.

It squinted its eyes and glanced back and forth in the cave, looking bored.

Noticing Buckbeak's actions, Sirius smiled and said, "It's really hard for it to follow me."

Ron said casually, "Does it want to go out for a walk?"

"Maybe." Sirius turned to Harry and asked, "Harry, you said you lost your wand before, can you show it to me?"

Harry took out his wand without thinking and handed it to Sirius.

Sirius took the wand with satisfaction and looked at it in his hand for a long time.

Hermione: "Any problem, Sirius?"

"No, there's nothing wrong..."

The next moment, he suddenly jumped up without warning, pointed his wand at the position where Harry and the others were standing, and shouted sharply, "Petrification! "

A spell was cast from Sirius's hand, heading straight for Harry and the others!

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