The sound of the explosion was so loud that the water suddenly burst into flames.


The water flow, like a mountain torrent, instantly flooded the entire cave.

Sirius and Andy cast the Water Cleansing Spell at the same time, turning the entire cave into a pool.

The water rushed to the stone wall, making a series of dull noises.

The huge momentum forced Harry and the other two to find a place to hide. They curled up in the corner of the cave.

They had no chance to intervene in this battle.

After a while, they dared to open their eyes when all the noises died down.

They looked at the scene in front of them in shock.

The white ice crystals appeared again, forming a shock-like water wave pattern, spreading from the place where the spell appeared to the inside of the cave, laying a layer of white carpet in the cave.

The remaining knee-deep water that was not frozen quickly flowed out of the cave.

The cave was filled with mist, making it hard to see clearly.

Sirius was trapped in a huge water ball in mid-air.

The water ball was supported by icicles below, and a support was erected on the ground to support the blue water ball above.

Andy stood quietly on the ice brick in front of him, still pointing his wand at Sirius.

In Andy's hand, there was a second wand, which was Harry's wand, and now it was in Andy's hand.

Harry also knew the spell that trapped Sirius, the Water Prison Curse.

Andy had used this spell when he helped him solve the secret of the golden egg in the second project of the Triwizard Tournament.

Behind Andy was Buckbeak, who was covered in white and frozen into an ice sculpture.

Buckbeak's head was not frozen, and it kept rushing forward, trying hard to struggle out, but only the neck and above could move.


Ron's legs went weak, and he sat on the ground with his buttocks, his lower body soaked immediately.

Gulp, the sound of him swallowing saliva was unusually clear at this time.

Andy said to Sirius, who was holding his breath and struggling in the water ball: "Whether you believe it or not, this is a misunderstanding, and I don't want to do it."

"I shouldn't follow you, I'm sorry, but that's not my intention."

"Harry told me before that Professor Moody secretly helped him. I was worried that someone wanted to harm him, so I followed him to see what happened."

Sirius glared at him.

Andy had no choice but to call Harry and throw the wand in his hand back to him: "Explain it to me?"

Harry took the wand, woke up as if from a dream, and ran to Sirius: "What Andy said is true! This is a misunderstanding!"

Hermione also helped explain: "He is not an enemy!"

Hearing what Harry and Hermione said, Sirius calmed down a little.

He shook his head, his head full of water sounds, pointed around, and signaled to let him out.

After being soaked in water, he was almost calm.

Andy: "Let's make a promise. I will remove the curse and then stop fighting."

Sirius rolled his eyes in the water.

Andy smiled and tapped his wand. The water prison exploded and released Sirius.

Afterwards, Andy also removed the ice crystals on Buckbeak's body.

Buckbeak was ready to attack with an angry look on his face, but was stopped by Sirius in time.


Buckbeak stopped rushing forward, but still stared at Andy.

"Good trick." Sirius wiped his wet hair and put it behind his head, saying, "Are you Andy Hall?"

Andy nodded, Harry and the other two surrounded him, Hermione was anxious: "Andy, are you okay?"

Sirius was angry: "Shouldn't you ask me if I'm okay? I was the one hit by the Water Prison Curse, right?"

Hermione: "I know Andy knows his limits. Since you are our friend, he won't hurt you."

Sirius narrowed his eyes and looked at Andy, and said to Harry: "It seems that he gets along well with you."

Andy smiled: "It's okay, just an ordinary friend."

Sirius: "Do you know that Harry has an ordinary friend who is a wanted godfather?"

Crackling, the smell of gunpowder is so strong.

Harry smiled bitterly and explained, "Andy also helped me a lot. Sirius, without him, I would not be able to solve the secret of the second project."

He turned to Andy: "Sirius is a good friend of my father. He did escape from Azkaban and was wanted by the Ministry of Magic, but that is not true! He was wronged and he is not guilty at all."

"So, Andy, please don't report him!"

Andy didn't want to hear what he already knew again, but faced with such a shocking secret

It would be abnormal if he didn't ask a few questions.

Andy pretended to be stupid and asked in shock: "What's going on?"

Harry and Hermione began to explain, and Ron occasionally added a few words indignantly.

In general, it is another story of trust and betrayal.

The Fidelius Charm is a spell that can be used to keep secrets. This spell can also be used to hide a location.

There is no other way to crack it except to find a third person who serves as a secret keeper.

More than ten years ago, during the wizard war when Voldemort was at his peak, the Potter family of three used this method to avoid the pursuit of the Death Eaters.

Their original secret keeper was Sirius. In order to conceal the truth, Sirius took the initiative to replace the secret keeper with Peter Pettigrew.

He himself took the initiative to show up and was responsible for attracting the attention of the Death Eaters.

Unexpectedly, Peter, under the threat of life and death, took the initiative to reveal the location of the Potter family to Voldemort.

Eventually, Voldemort came to chase Harry, and Harry's parents died. Voldemort was also killed by his own killing curse, and only his soul escaped.

When mentioning this story, Sirius's face inevitably became ugly.

"Did you hear that? If you want, go tell the Ministry of Magic that I'm here. I have a bounty of 10,000 Galleons." Sirius sneered, "Harry, it's useless to tell him so much. No one will believe the truth. They only believe in Galleons."

Andy said decisively: "Okay, I believe it."


ps: I will correct some of the mistakes and omissions pointed out by everyone in previous chapters. Thank you~

I will put the tips for editing in the author's words, but I recently found that no one reads it, so I decided...

I'll put it in the author's words because it's too long.

The content after the dividing line will not occupy the text number, ensuring at least 4,000 words per day.

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