The deadly curse! If you are hit, you will die! Andy looked at the direction where the curse came from in surprise. He was careless. There was actually a fourth person. For a moment, Andy subconsciously thought that it was Peter's accomplice. Seeing that Peter was about to be captured alive, he had no choice but to take action. Only a dark wizard could sneak into Hogwarts and use the Unforgivable Curse recklessly. No, Andy refuted himself. That was not the person Peter called. At least this person absolutely did not trust Peter, otherwise he would not have killed Peter first, but would have chosen to attack Andy or Crouch. If this person is a dark wizard, then he should be Peter's monitor. Once Peter fails, he will come out to clean up the scene.

Who could it be?

Or, could it be Sirius?

Sirius and Peter have a deep hatred.

If there is such a chance to kill Peter, Sirius will definitely do it. With his character, he will not care about the consequences.

[Earth Core·Jade Shield]

Andy waved his hand, and a layer of light golden film-like glimmer appeared on him and Crouch.

The full power of the Jade Shield should be able to temporarily save Crouch's life.

Now that Peter is dead, Crouch can't be in trouble.

If Andy must die between Crouch and Peter, then Peter should die.

Anyway, he deserves to die.

It's just that he died so easily, which is a bit too easy for him.

Andy didn't wait long before two figures walked out from behind the trees.

The person in front was Krum. He had a dazed expression and his eyes were blank. He walked out stiffly like a zombie.

Andy had seen this expression in Moody's class.

This was a typical manifestation of being hit by the Imperius Curse.

The person behind pointed his wand at Krum's back and hid his figure behind Krum, revealing only half of his face, trying to block the angle of Andy's curse attack as much as possible.

That was a man Andy had never seen before.

His appearance was disguised, and his robe was half torn and tattered.

This was not caused by fighting or injury, but torn by himself.

Because there was no trace of fighting on his body.

This was not a normal face either.

On the man's face, there were crooked bumps, and two huge tumors on both sides of his forehead.

This was the result of Transfiguration.

He looked at Andy with cold eyes and licked his lips playfully.

Although his face was completely changed, Andy had guessed who he was.

He was near the castle, arrived in time, and instantly controlled Krum.

There were not many people who met these characteristics at the same time.

Andy glanced at Barty Crouch lying on the ground and sighed that the father and son had a deep love.

Barty Crouch was lying here. He would never have dreamed that his son Barty Jr. would come to kill him specifically.

Others might not be able to recognize his identity, but for Andy who was mentally prepared, it was not difficult to conclude that the dark wizard was Barty Jr.

Andy always knew that Barty Jr. was hiding in the castle disguised as Moody.

Putting aside such small details, although Barty Jr. hid well, he still revealed a little flaw because of the rush of time.

One of his trouser legs was only halfway, although the style had changed and he tried his best to cover it with boots, but Andy could see that the boots were transformed by Transfiguration and did not fit well when worn.

There was only one person in the castle whose trouser legs were in this style, and that was Moody.

Moody had a wooden prosthesis on his injured leg, and he didn't care about other people's eyes, so he simply cut off his trouser legs.

After thinking about it, the only person who could do this was Barty Crouch, who had been pretending to be Moody.

Andy looked at the other person meaningfully and pointed his wand at the two people who came out.

Barty Crouch did not appear in the image of Moody, obviously knowing that Andy would not trust Moody who suddenly appeared at this time.

Although Andy has always shown the image of a fanatical admirer of Moody, Barty Crouch is not a fool. He is very pragmatic and cautious.

Andy's strength is getting stronger and stronger, so how could he always listen to him.

Today's incident involves Crouch, who has been missing for a long time. Andy can't leave him alone with others anyway, even if it's Moody.

The excuse of needing someone to report the news is very poor and it is impossible to divert Andy.

In this case, Barty Crouch will

There was no need to waste the identity of Moody, but he was very bold and disguised himself and appeared in front of Andy.

Andy, who knew the answer, pretended to ask: "Who are you?"

He moved sideways two steps and used his body to block Mr. Crouch who was lying behind him.

This also eliminated the possibility of Barty Jr. attacking his father.

Both of them knew each other's details.

In this situation, if you want to use Transfiguration to bypass the straight-line distance to attack Barty Jr. or Barty Sr. from behind, it is equivalent to exposing your weakness to the opponent.

Whether successful or not, you will definitely fall into an unfavorable situation.

In the stalemate, the two inevitably fell into a confrontation.

Barty Jr. did not answer this question, but deliberately lowered his voice: "In exchange, you give me Crouch, and I give you this Bulgarian."

"How about it?"

This opening basically confirmed his identity.

Andy: "Not good, I want both."

"You can't choose." Barty Jr. said to Krum, "Put the wand against your head and prepare to use Avada Kedavra."

After Barty Jr. finished speaking, Krum tremblingly raised his wand and slowly raised it upwards.

Krum's face showed a struggling expression, his instinct was to resist, trying to get rid of Barty Jr.'s Imperius Curse.

But in the end he still didn't succeed.

Krum's hands trembled constantly, and he put the head of the wand against his head.

Barty Jr.: "Give me Crouch, or he'll die."

Andy smiled and said, "Then do it."


Andy: "You heard me right, I said do it."

"I think you got one thing wrong. The key to exchanging hostages is that the hostages have exchange value for me."

"Although I don't care about the director of the Ministry of Magic at all, I don't care what you do to Krum. You can't get Crouch even if you kill him."

"Your urgency exposes you. You don't have much bargaining chips."

Andy's voice lingered in the night. With every word he said, Barty Jr.'s face became uglier.

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