The ice spirit bead hung in the sky, like a small moon, charming and dangerous.

Around the ice spirit bead, the water vapor in the air had condensed into substance, turning into countless sharp ice spikes.

These ice spikes were exactly the same as those that hit Peter just now, except that the number was countless orders of magnitude different.

Countless ice spikes were arranged in rows and condensed in the sky, which made people despair just by looking at them.

Little Barty reflexively put on the armor spell and various defensive spells on himself. He was very fast and did not spare any physical strength.

He no longer held back, and if he didn't use all his strength, he might die.

The next moment, all the ice spikes in the sky fell down, falling on the ground like raindrops!

The ice spirit beads covered a small area of ​​woods around, covering an area about half the size of the Quidditch pitch.

Wherever the cold air touched, ice spikes rained down like rain!

Barty looked at this scene in despair, and hurriedly dodged the attack from the sky.

As soon as he moved, two ice spikes immediately pierced his original position, almost completely buried in the ground.

Barty was so cold that he ran quickly.

He didn't dare to stand still for more than a second. The density of ice spikes was far beyond his imagination, covering almost every square meter.

As long as he stopped for a moment, he would be pierced by the ice spikes in the sky.

Barty concentrated his attention, dodged and moved in the rain of ice spikes, pointed his wand to the sky and shouted: "There are many obstacles!"

"Shock reduction and stop speed!"

"Fire blazing!"

All kinds of magic were fired from his wand.

The ice spikes attacking him were constantly slowed down or knocked away, and collided with the flames he summoned, and after melting, a thick white mist burst out.

"Repel quickly!"

When Little Barty was concentrating on dealing with the ice spikes, Andy's spell suddenly came from the side, through the layers of ice spikes, and accurately hit Little Barty.

With a huge impact, Little Barty flew sideways, rolled on the ground, spit out a mouthful of blood, and looked at Andy in surprise.

How are you okay? !

Andy looked at him like a fool, big brother, this is my magic, do you think I will be okay?

Little Barty looked at several ice spikes in disbelief. They were about to fall on Andy's head, but they changed direction at the last moment and flew past Andy's body.

"Be careful."

Andy smiled and pointed at his head. Little Barty was startled and rolled subconsciously.

There was nothing in his original position, but his rolling movement made him hit the path of a cluster of ice spikes, piercing his forearm.

Too shameless! Barty Jr. covered his forearm, his teeth were almost broken with hatred.

Andy was speechless. No way, someone would actually believe the enemy's reminder. Does being a Death Eater lead to a decrease in IQ?

He didn't launch an attack immediately just now, but went to reinforce the protection of Crouch and Krum.

Crouch is more important than his son now.

As for Krum, he is already unconscious and has lost his ability to move.

He must not die in Andy's hands now.

Krum was kidnapped and killed by Barty Jr. and was killed by Andy's magic. Although the ending is the same, the consequences are completely different.

The former is a terrorist attack from a dark wizard, and the latter is a serious diplomatic incident. What awaits Andy will be an unlimited travel package to Azkaban.

These two things took Andy a little time.

Otherwise, under the attack of the ice spike and Andy, Barty would not be able to save himself so attentively.

Seeing that Andy would not be affected by the ice spike, Barty's heart was completely desperate.

In fact, since Andy used another large-scale magic that he had never seen before, he knew that there was no chance today.

It has become an impossible task to snatch Crouch from Andy.

Barty lost all his fighting spirit and dared not stop. He dragged his arms that had no strength to run quickly.

As he ran, he pointed his wand at the ground around him.

Countless mounds of earth rose from the ground, blocking Andy's sight.

Andy countered the moves and approached Barty, constantly using the spell to remove Barty's transformation.

"Mist and clouds!"

Barty waved his wand with all his strength, and thick white smoke spread out quickly, filling the entire forest.

The ice spikes in the sky continued to fall, piercing through the white smoke, leaving sharp moving tracks in the air.

Andy's vision was instantly covered by the white mist that Little Batty had released with all his strength.

He grabbed the last

Impression, cast a spell towards Little Barty's position.

His magic went straight through a straight line, dispersing the white smoke, but did not hit any target.

In just a short moment, Little Barty had disappeared.


Andy waved his wand and blasted away the white smoke around him.

There was no one in front of him, only Krum and old Barty Crouch who fell to the ground unconscious.

They were well protected by Andy.

Countless ice spikes were inserted into the ground, dyeing the woods a piece of snow-white.

Andy took two steps forward, and he did not need to use the Sky-Reflecting Seat, he found the blood flowing on the ground with his naked eyes.

Following the blood trail, he walked to the edge of the woods, and Andy finally stopped at the edge of the attack range of the Ice Spirit Pearl.

The blood trail ended here, next to a half piece of parchment lying alone on the ground.

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