The truth is, the truth is that the truth is not revealed.

Andy did not ask Dumbledore whether the fake Moody came to the hospital ward that night.

He might have come, but was scared away by Dumbledore who appeared in the hospital ward, or he might not have come at all, knowing that he might be exposed, so he chose to be cautious and not move.

Andy had already told Dumbledore everything he could say.

Andy only realized that he should not have tried to take the risk to kill Barty Crouch when he met Moody again in a subsequent class.

He actually preferred to give up this almost only chance.

The trap was set, but the wolf did not take the bait.

As the director of the Ministry of Magic, Barty Crouch would only stay in Hogwarts for a short time.

After leaving Hogwarts, with Voldemort's current thin manpower, there should be no chance to attack Barty Crouch again.

Unless the fake Moody dares to leave the castle and find an excuse to go to St. Mungo's Hospital.

But this is equivalent to showing the cards, Dumbledore must understand what this means.

His choice made Andy a little uneasy.

The next morning, Andy met Scrimgeour, the director of the Auror Office, in the castle again.

He brought several Aurors and asked Andy a simple question accompanied by Dumbledore.

When it comes to Peter, Andy basically answered truthfully.

He and Dumbledore have a tacit understanding. Neither he nor Dumbledore explained the little Barty who appeared later.

The information about the little Barty cannot be revealed yet, and it would be a warning to the enemy.

As for Krum's Imperius Curse, Peter was also blamed for it.

Given Andy's strength and his status as a warrior, Scrimgeour did not make things difficult for Andy. After collecting evidence, he returned to the Ministry of Magic with the Aurors.

At the same time, Professor McGonagall did a good job of keeping secrets, so that the students in the castle only learned about the attack on Hogwarts through the newspapers the next day.

The Daily Prophet faithfully published the news.

Fudge's attitude was very clear. Under his orders, the Ministry of Magic remained completely silent on the incident.

Instead of reporting the attack, all newspapers were required to keep pace with the Ministry of Magic.

Regarding Crouch's return, the Ministry of Magic only issued a vague statement, saying that Mr. Crouch was ill and had been transferred to St. Mungo's Hospital for treatment and was now in a coma.

However, Fudge could not control Rita Skeeter.

This is particularly bad about the magical world. Even the Minister of Magic cannot interfere with press freedom.

Among the two letters Andy sent that night, one was to Rita Skeeter.

After receiving Andy's letter, Rita Skeeter was so excited that she almost went crazy.

Peter Pettigrew? Wormtail? A Death Eater who had been hiding for more than ten years?

The Ministry of Magic also awarded him an Order of Merlin?

This was really big news, the kind that could bring disgrace to many people.

Rita Skeeter was a special correspondent for the Daily Prophet, and she also had her own resources and could contact the editor directly.

So she wrote a manuscript in just ten minutes, exhausted the automatic writing quill, and then knocked on the door of the editor-in-chief of the Daily Prophet late at night.

The editor-in-chief was skeptical about the manuscript handed over by Rita Skeeter and was unwilling to publish it in the newspaper against the wishes of the Ministry of Magic.

But Rita Skeeter convinced him.

"This is my article, an exclusive story. If you get it approved, the Daily Prophet will become the only newspaper in the UK that dares to reveal the truth."

"On the contrary, the consequences of talking nonsense will be borne entirely by me. What are you afraid of?"

The editor-in-chief was overwhelmed by what Rita Skeeter said, and slammed the table: "We are reporters! Not the running dogs of the Ministry of Magic!"

So under the order of the editor-in-chief, he immediately began to print a new front-page news for the next day.

Soon, the next day's Daily Prophet set off a storm.

Rita Skeeter's article was too scary.

The newspaper stated that Mr. Crouch had been transferred to St. Mungo's Hospital after emergency treatment at Hogwarts.

Crouch had been officially missing for a long time, and now he suddenly returned, lying unconscious on the hospital bed, and still unable to return to work. Everyone was mentally prepared for this.

What was not mentally prepared was about Peter.

Rita Skeeter's article described the facts in detail, and it was a version revised by Andy.

This is what the newspaper wrote.

Peter has always

He is a well-hidden Death Eater and an Animagus.

More than ten years ago, he had to work hard to escape from Sirius and the Aurors.

Sirius disappeared after escaping from prison, which frightened Peter, so he never dared to show up in public.

Later, Peter kidnapped Barty Crouch during the Triwizard Tournament and controlled him with the Imperius Curse, but Crouch accidentally broke free from the spell.

Peter chased Crouch to Hogwarts. Finally, in the fierce battle, Peter tried to attack Crouch with the Death Curse, but was bravely counterattacked by Mr. Crouch, causing Peter's Death Curse to hit himself and kill himself.

It is said that before Mr. Crouch fell into a coma, he said that for the safety of wizards and the wizarding world, he must stand up to stop Peter, even if he was killed.

After saying this, Mr. Crouch fell into a coma.

After Rita Skeeter's writing polishing, it suddenly became a heroic story that can be praised and moved.

After reading this paragraph, Qiu Zhang squinted his eyes and looked at Andy, which made Andy feel uneasy.


His story was too outrageous?

No, Peter's resurrection was outrageous to begin with, and he just exaggerated it a little.

Andy didn't want to be involved too much in this matter, so he hid his existence. After all, it involved a lot of unforgivable curses and death.

Anyway, Crouch was unconscious now, so it was just right for him to take the title.

Andy took the opportunity to make a plan, and maybe he could use this opportunity to insert himself into the Ministry of Magic.

Qiu Zhang thought: "Why do I feel that this matter has something to do with you?"

Andy denied: "That's impossible, absolutely impossible."

Qiu Zhang: "Why did you come back so late last night? Gabrielle said Fleur only went for a short while and returned to the carriage."

"What did you and Harry do?"

Andy was surprised: "Harry?"

Qiu Zhang: "Hermione said Harry also came back to the Gryffindor common room very late."

"We were not together." Andy said, "I suddenly felt that the night was very good, so I went for a walk."

Qiu Zhang: "Walking alone in the middle of the night?"

Would you dare not take me with you for a walk?

"Okay, it was me, I killed Crouch."

Andy surrendered.

Qiu Zhang corrected: "Crouch is not dead, it was Peter who died."

Andy wanted to cry but had no tears. He was a principled man. He didn't want to say anything until the truth came out.

Andy looked at Qiu Zhang, and then couldn't resist. What is the principle? I don't know.

Andy: "This is this, this is this..."

Qiu Zhang was surprised after hearing this: "So Peter's story is true? I thought it was another literary creation of Rita Skeeter."

Andy: "It is a creation, but it is based on facts."

Qiu Zhang: "Who is the other dark wizard who killed Peter?"

Andy replied: "I don't know. Professor Moody went to search the castle to see if he can catch him."

This is really hard to say.

Andy wanted to find out little Barty, but Dumbledore obviously had other considerations.

Andy has already made it clear that Moody has a problem.

If Dumbledore also thinks it is necessary to do so, he will not refuse to watch Andy's memory.

Although little Barty has been disguised, Dumbledore can still find some clues.

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