The truth is, the truth is that the truth is not true.

If there is any emotion to describe Fudge, it is regret, very regretful.

Of course, he couldn't have done nothing.

After rejecting Andy and Dumbledore, Fudge immediately returned to the Ministry of Magic and asked his confidant Umbridge to return to Hogwarts with two Aurors to receive Peter's body.

Fudge was still rational and knew how things would develop best for him.

As a minister, if he wanted to minimize the adverse impact on himself, he couldn't admit that he had met Peter.

If he admitted it, he had to deal with it, and if he didn't deal with it well, he had to take responsibility.

He was not stupid, and the attitude he showed to Dumbledore was just to pass the buck.

At the same time, he had to try his best to control Peter.

So even if he risked offending Dumbledore, he had to do it.

As a result, Umbridge and his group who came to Hogwarts were stopped by Professor McGonagall.

With a search warrant, Professor McGonagall did not stop them from entering the castle, but only informed them that Peter's body was no longer in Hogwarts, and followed them all the time.

Even though Umbridge and the Aurors searched the castle at will, they could not find Peter.

Umbridge suspected that Peter was hidden in the headmaster's office, and wanted to enter the headmaster's office in a rage. As a result, because she didn't know the password, no matter how they threatened, the stone monster at the door of the headmaster's office did not move.

"I want to see the headmaster! Find Dumbledore for me!"

Umbridge yelled at Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall showed a very professional expression: "The headmaster is not in the castle at the moment, I'm afraid I can't help you, if you want to go somewhere else, please go."

Umbridge had no choice but to leave indignantly.

After receiving the report, Fudge immediately realized that something was wrong and hurriedly wrote a letter to Dumbledore, but all his letters fell on deaf ears.

Fudge was very angry, but it was too late.

He should have had a chance to stop all this.

Unexpectedly, Dumbledore had two plans and acted faster than him.

After realizing that Fudge might not cooperate, Dumbledore took the lead in notifying Scrimgeour and took Peter away first.

The situation that followed was no longer under Fudge's control. Various news came out like a chain gun.

"Peter's autopsy has been completed, and it has been confirmed that he was killed by the Killing Curse recently."

"Scrimgeour: When I arrived at the scene, I only saw Peter's body and Mr. Crouch who fell to the ground. There was a fierce battle at the scene. I can't reveal too much at the moment. The investigation is ongoing."

"It is said that the Dark Mark appeared on Peter's left arm, which is a sign of a true Death Eater."

Scrimgeour took the time to accept an interview with Rita Skeeter and told all the facts he saw.

Originally, not many people believed Rita Skeeter's manuscript.

Except for her crazy fans, everyone laughed at the news about Rita Skeeter, thinking that Rita Skeeter was really dead, and started to make up stories to attract attention.

As a result, within a few days, Scrimgeour confirmed that what Rita Skeeter said was true.

Who is Scrimgeour? The head of the Auror Office, the real head of the Auror.

There are no police in the magic world, only Aurors who combine multiple violent duties. Scrimgeour is the highest-ranking person among the Aurors.

If you have to make an analogy, Scrimgeour is equivalent to the national security chief of the magic world.

His words are full of weight.

Since Scrimgeour began to speak, the situation has changed instantly.

Countless letters flew to the mailbox of the Ministry of Magic like raindrops, asking the Ministry of Magic to explain this.

The Dark Mark on the arm of the corpse also completely defeated Fudge's persistence.

The Dark Mark is generally considered to represent the symbol of Voldemort's group, and it exists in two forms.

One is what Andy had seen before, using the "Reappearing Corpse" spell to launch it into the air.

The other is given by Voldemort himself and engraved on the arm of the Death Eater.

The Death Eaters regard the Dark Mark given by the Dark Lord himself as an honor.

For normal people, no matter what form of Dark Mark they see, it is enough to cause panic.

Because every time the Dark Mark appears in the sky, it means someone has died.

Even Scrimgeour was so shocked that he couldn't speak when he saw the Dark Mark on Peter's body with his own eyes.

Originally, he scoffed at Dumbledore's statement.

, only out of concern for Peter's reappearance did he lead the team to Hogwarts.

It turned out that Peter was actually a Death Eater.

This is a big mistake.

The recipient of the Order of Merlin, the model hero once established by the Ministry of Magic, was actually a Death Eater who had been hiding for many years.

It doesn't get much more darkly humorous than this.

This news was tantamount to a bombshell, turning the entire British magical world upside down.

The office hall of the Ministry of Magic immediately became bustling and crowded with people.

Reporters from various newspapers and angry wizards surrounded the Ministry of Magic, including staff who even worked for the Ministry of Magic.

Every time a senior official of the Ministry of Magic appears in the public eye, the crowd will surge up, surround him, and throw all kinds of questions at him.

"What exactly is the Ministry of Magic hiding?"

"Peter was declared dead that year. Was there any behind-the-scenes deal? Are there Death Eaters among the senior officials of the Ministry of Magic?"

"Go and eat shit! Fudge!"

"Please answer our questions!"

Of course, no one dares to answer this question directly.

Ron's father, Arthur Weasley, was the only one brave enough to stop and face an interview.

Mr. Weasley also has red hair and is impassioned in front of reporters.

"I don't know what happened back then. The only thing I know is that Peter is the real traitor!"

"This situation must never happen again! I think the Minister should take the initiative to stand up and admit the Ministry of Magic's mistakes..."

Unfortunately, before he could finish telling his story, two rotten eggs were thrown from the outside of the crowd and hit him. A fierce stench burst out and dispersed the crowd.

This is an indiscriminate attack from protesters dissatisfied with the Ministry of Magic.

After Mr. Weasley fled in disgrace, no one dared to stop and face the reporters.

The Ministry of Magic has also temporarily closed normal channels, and employees can only go to get off work through the Floo network.

As for Fudge? After the incident broke out, he became invisible and no one could find him.

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