The fire behind Dumbledore flickered, and a faint green light appeared.

A portrait of a female headmaster on the wall said, "Dumbledore, connected from the Minister of Magic's office."

Dumbledore nodded, "Let him in."

As soon as Dumbledore finished speaking, the flames in the fireplace surged and turned green, and a figure walked out of it.

Fudge stepped out of the fireplace, his face full of fatigue, his eyes red, and his mental state was extremely poor.

"Good morning, Cornelius."

Dumbledore smiled and greeted Fudge who came to Hogwarts through the Floo Network.

Fudge smiled bitterly: "Enough, stop making fun of me, you win, again."

Dumbledore looked at Fudge quietly, without any surprise on his face.

Fudge said helplessly: "Everyone is looking for me, some people ask me to resign, and some people ask me to disclose the truth about the incident with Peter in person."

"And some people want to kill me. No kidding, I received two screaming letters with death threats, and they were smeared with undiluted Babo tuber pus."

Dumbledore: "Babo tuber can't kill you."

"Yes." Fudge replied, "But if you are sprayed all over your body and face with it, you won't think so. That feeling is worse than death."

Andy suppressed his laughter.

Undiluted Babo tuber pus can cause extensive damage to the skin parts that come into contact with it, causing blisters and even rot.

If not treated in time, it may leave permanent scars.

It turns out that the reason why Fudge disappeared was because of this.

But this also indirectly shows how hated the Ministry of Magic is now.

Dumbledore sighed: "What a misfortune."

Fudge said anxiously: "Dumbledore! You are the only one who can help me now! I will not hide anything from you anymore."

"The Ministry of Magic is already preparing to cancel the honors won by Peter Pettigrew..."

Dumbledore gave Andy a look.

Andy stood up: "Professor, we should go."

Fudge was surprised: "Go? Why?"

Andy: "The last event of the Triwizard Tournament is today."

Dumbledore stood up: "Cornelly, I feel sorry for you, but I have to go now. I am a judge and Andy is a warrior. We can't be late."

Fudge hurriedly said: "No, no, no, please give me some time, I will explain it quickly."

"Don't try to lie to me, I am also a judge, and the competition will not start until the evening."

Dumbledore: "We are going downstairs to have breakfast. The organizing committee has a lot of things to do."

"In that case, you might as well come with us."

Fudge was embarrassed. There were so many people in the castle. How could he dare to appear in public now?

But he couldn't not show up.

Andy: "What happened to Percy?"

Dumbledore: "Now that Crouch is back, he naturally doesn't need to attend in Crouch's place. It just so happens that Mr. Minister can perfectly take over this position."

Fudge was embarrassed: " go first, I'll be there soon."

He stood in the principal's office, obviously intending to go out when the game time came.

"Please do as you please."

Dumbledore ignored him and took Andy out to the auditorium.

The exam week was over. Because Andy was a warrior, he could take the O.W.L.S exam after participating in all the games with the special approval of the Ministry of Magic.

Originally, all warriors did not need to take the final exam, but Andy could not escape this exam.

Who asked him to study in the fifth grade?

Qiu Zhang waved to Andy on the table of Ravenclaw. Andy said goodbye to Dumbledore briefly and walked towards Qiu Zhang.

Dumbledore nodded happily: "See you tonight."

Andy sat next to Qiu Zhang as usual: "How did you do in the exam?"

Qiu Zhang was nervous: "I don't know, I think I did well, but my divination didn't predict the expected result."

"Transfiguration was not done well enough, and it was only successful on the second attempt."

Andy comforted: "It will definitely not be a problem for you to get the certificate. If you want to continue to take the Transfiguration class, Professor McGonagall's requirements are not too high."

Professor Flitwick came over: "Andy, after breakfast, go to the room next to the auditorium to gather."

"Relatives of warriors will be invited to watch the game."

Andy nodded and agreed, looking at Qiu Zhang next to him: "Have you notified your uncle and aunt?"

Qiu Zhang: "Of course, they have been wanting to watch your game for a long time."

After Andy and Qiu Zhang finished their breakfast,

, walked into the small room next to the auditorium.

As soon as he entered the door, he was hugged by Mr. Zhang with a big hug.

"Hahaha! Good boy! I saw the photos of your game, well done!"

"I originally thought your Quidditch was boring, a group of people flying around in the sky, it was hard to see clearly, it was completely inferior to football."

"But seeing you beat that dragon to tremble, I have to admit that your wizard sports are still exciting."

Mrs. Zhang next to him also hugged Qiu Zhang excitedly and asked her how she did in the exam.

Andy struggled out of his arms with tears and laughter. The Zhang couple, who had not seen each other for a long time, did not seem to have changed.

When they saw Andy, they were all happy for him from the bottom of their hearts.

Compared with her carefree husband, Mrs. Zhang's eyes were still mostly worried. She kept looking at Andy, wanting to see if there were any obvious changes in him.

Andy's heart warmed, and he gave them both a hug again seriously.

"Thank you for coming."

Mr. Zhang waved his hand: "Would we not come to support you?"

Qiu Zhang exposed: "Dad, you actually want to see the dragon."

Mr. Zhang: "Well, this factor is not ruled out, but the main thing is to support Andy."

He turned to Andy excitedly: "What monster will they release this time? Is there Godzilla? Or King Kong?"

Andy: "Uncle, Godzilla and King Kong do not exist, that is a movie creation."

Mr. Zhang: "Before I married your aunt, I always thought that dragons did not exist."

"Is it just because you haven't discovered them yet?"

Qiu Zhang: "No!"

Mrs. Zhang smiled and said: "When he heard that he wanted to cheer for you, Andy, he agreed without thinking. Before I wanted to take him to Diagon Alley, he was rarely willing."

Mr. Zhang said righteously: "How can I not come to see it in person? Sometimes you can't blame me, your wizard newspapers are too outrageous."

That's true, no one refuted.

Before Andy intervened, Rita Skeeter was simply unscrupulous.

Even Andy was the heir of a mysterious hidden family.

Fortunately, the Zhang couple had Qiu Zhang to help explain, otherwise there would definitely be a lot of misunderstandings.

In the small room, other people's relatives were also there.

Krum and his parents were talking quickly in the corner of the room, and no one else could understand a word. They were speaking Bulgarian.

Krum seemed to have completely recovered from the haze of being controlled by the Imperius Curse.

But Andy knew it was not that simple.

According to the original plot, Krum would also be controlled by Barty Jr. with the Imperius Curse in the last project.

Poor Krum, in just two spells, he was controlled twice.

But this is what Dumbledore has to worry about.

Anyway, Andy has done what he should do.

Harry's uncle and aunt who treated him harshly did not come. Instead, Mrs. Weasley and the eldest son of the Weasley family, Bill Weasley, came.

They talked enthusiastically around Harry.

Harry also introduced Mrs. Weasley and Bill to Andy and Qiu Zhang.

Fleur and Gabrielle held their mother's hands and gathered together.

Like the two sisters, Lady Delacour also had long silver hair.

Seeing Andy's eyes looking over, Gabrielle excitedly waved at her and Qiu Zhang.

Fleur showed a warm smile, and at a distance, she extended her hand to introduce Andy and others to her mother.

Lady Delacour politely did not go forward to disturb Andy and others, but nodded to Andy gratefully and made a mouth shape, which was the French version of "thank you".

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