The two of them were running fast.

While Andy was heading for the Goblet of Fire, a pair of people were running fast in the stands outside.

One of them was Cedric, and beside him was a huge black dog.

The man and the dog came out of Moody's office and rushed to the Quidditch field without wasting any time.

It took them only half the usual time to cross the distance between the castle and the field.

Unable to convince the real Moody in a short time, Sirius and Cedric simply gave up the attempt.

Amid Moody's angry curses, Sirius locked Moody back in the box.

But they took the box out of Moody's office and moved it to another location to prevent someone from returning suddenly and rescuing the real Moody.

After they finished all this, their next idea was particularly consistent.

When you encounter a problem, it is always right to find Dumbledore.

So, without wasting any time, they rushed out of the castle and ran to the Quidditch field.

While everyone was sitting, Cedric and Sirius ran wildly.

The audience in the stands soon noticed the running Cedric and dog team.

They ignored everyone and went straight to the judges' seat.

Dumbledore turned his head and saw the figure of Sirius who had turned into a black dog, and stood up in surprise.

Cedric rushed to the edge of the judges' seat in a few steps, and pounced on the railing, scaring the people around him.

"D... Dumbledore... Professor Dumbledore! We... Professor Moody... have... have a problem!"

Cedric said breathlessly and hesitantly.

Fudge reacted the most. He thought Cedric was an extreme fanatic who was throwing stinky eggs at him: "What the hell are you talking about?"

Dumbledore's face was serious. He grabbed Cedric's hand and helped him up.

"Sorry, everyone, Minister, I have something to deal with."

Dumbledore politely apologized to the other people on the judges' bench. After that, without waiting for others to reply, he grabbed Cedric and walked down the stands, and signaled Sirius to follow on the way.

The two people and the dog disappeared quickly in the stands.


In the maze.

In Andy's vision, he could clearly see that he was getting closer and closer to the target.

He increased his speed to the extreme, transformed into a torrent, and shuttled quickly in the maze.

Whether it was the water waves controlled by the Yingtian Seat, or the combination of the Frost Flower Arrow and the Big Boom Spell, he was becoming more and more proficient in using them.

At this time, Andy's proficiency in these three magics was more than one level higher than when he first entered the maze.

While running, Andy was always paying attention to the star representing Barty the Young.

He was also very fast, and was rushing towards the center of the maze just like Andy, but Andy was faster than him.

Can catch up!


After knocking down the last hedge wall, Andy rushed into it, and his vision suddenly became clear.

The typical oppressive and narrow environment in the maze disappeared, and what caught the eye was a vast open space.

In the open space, there was a lonely table, on which was placed a wooden goblet, and a light blue flame was floating in the cup.

At the same time, in the maze directly opposite Andy, a strange man suddenly rushed into the maze.

He had short golden hair, a thin face, and looked to be about thirty years old.

Barty the Young Crouch!

The man's face was almost exactly the same as when Andy entered the Pensieve to watch Dumbledore's memory, but he was much more mature.

Andy ran all the way with the Yingtian Seat, and his physical strength was running out. He was forced to emerge from the water and reveal his figure.

Little Barty actually showed his true face directly. This was completely no longer pretending.

The sound of Andy destroying the hedge wall came, and Little Barty also discovered Andy at the same time. His face changed drastically, and he licked his lips subconsciously, but soon calmed down.

"... You are here after all."

Little Barty squeezed out a cold smile and said to Andy.

The two stepped out of the hedge wall, with the Goblet of Fire in the middle, standing cautiously opposite each other.

Andy quietly observed the surroundings. What was Little Barty doing?

He was so frank that Andy was a little uncomfortable.

At first glance, he didn't find an ambush.

Is Little Barty really so confident? Dare to appear in front of him openly?

Don't want to die?

Batistuta: "Andy Hall... I've heard of you for a long time..."

Andy: "I remember you weren't among the Warriors."

Battuta: "I'm not a Warrior

But you won't regret meeting me."

Andy looked around: "Oh? Tell me, although I'm not interested."

Little Barty: "It doesn't matter, I will tell you everything, as long as you are willing to listen..."

"I am loyal to the Dark Lord, and he already knows your existence!"

Andy: "So he sent you to kill me?"

"Kill you? No, no, no, on the contrary." Little Barty said, "The Dark Lord ordered me to extend an olive branch to you and invite you to join us."

"Become a Death Eater! The Dark Lord promises that you can get everything you want!"


Andy really didn't expect this to happen, and he was directly embarrassed.

Let's just say that if there is nothing to talk about, you don't have to talk about it. There is no need to have a whole opening speech.

"..." Andy was speechless, "Voldemort has fallen for more than ten years, and now you come to recruit me, don't you think it's a bit late? "

I gave up my bright future and went to do black magic with you. Are you crazy or do you think I am crazy?

"Don't call him by his name!" Little Barty yelled, and then said, "The greatness of the Dark Lord is beyond your imagination. He is about to return!"

Andy subconsciously added: "Returning like lightning?"

"That's right!" Little Barty was very satisfied with Andy's words, "Although this is the first time we meet, but..."

Andy couldn't listen anymore, interrupted and provoked: "Don't pretend, this is not the first time we meet, I know that the person who killed Peter is you."

"You exposed yourself with the first sentence you said when you saw me. You must be tired from running just now, right? "

Shit, Barty almost couldn't catch his breath and began to take deep breaths.

He almost ran himself to death just now.

After entering the maze, he knocked down Furong one after another, and kept observing the situation in the maze. He finally caught a gap and rushed to the Goblet of Fire before Andy.

Barty thought he was fast enough, but he didn't expect Andy to be faster than him.

After falling behind by a large margin, Andy came from behind and finally intercepted him.

"Barty Crouch, Jr." Andy laughed, "Your father, the director, told me everything about you."

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