The sky was bright and clear.

Is it daybreak?

No, the sky has changed.

In the distance above the maze, a thin fiery red line appeared at some point, crossing the entire Quidditch field at a very fast speed, flying towards the position above Andy.

Andy looked closely and found that it was not a thin line, but a bird flying in the sky. Its feathers were fiery red, and there was a flame behind its tail feathers.

The thin fiery red line was the trace left by the flame passing through the sky.

Dumbledore's phoenix, Fawkes!

Andy looked at the phoenix that suddenly appeared in surprise. How could Fawkes appear here?

The audience in the stands also looked up and exclaimed.

"What is that!?"

"Look! An airplane!"

"Stupid, how could an airplane appear here!"

Mr. Zhang exclaimed: "Is this the opening performance of your wizards? Isn't it too late to appear now?"

"No, Dad, something is wrong..." Qiu Zhang subconsciously looked into the depths of the maze, secretly anxious.

Fox was extremely fast, and instantly passed over the sky above the maze and passed through the central axis of the maze.

Just like the fluctuations of the waves, as Fox crossed the sky, the flames dragged behind it automatically split into two sides, holding up a thin morning light, reflecting the night in a strange dark purple.

The night sky was gently touched, and Andy could feel that something had changed.

Fox did not stop, but crossed the Quidditch field and continued to fly towards the Forbidden Forest, disappearing from everyone's sight in an instant.

The whole process was like unlocking a curtain of some kind of seal.

Andy suddenly felt something, turned around, made a popping sound, disappeared from the spot, and suddenly appeared behind the black-robed wizard.

The black-robed wizard turned around in shock, and the hood on his head fell off due to the violent movement, revealing Snape's face.

"You can Apparate?!"

Snape said in shock.

Andy did not answer, but showed a happy expression on his face and stretched out his hand to Snape: "Give it to me!"

"What?" Snape didn't understand.

Andy stretched out his hand and pulled off Snape's black robe with a cloak.

Snape didn't expect Andy's move, and was hastily pressed to the ground and stripped.

He was angry and was about to resist, but he saw Andy turned around again, and disappeared from his and Krum's sight with a whoosh.

The magic that restricts Apparate has just been lifted!


A few minutes ago.

Harry felt dizzy, and then his legs touched the ground again.

He was standing in a weedy graveyard, surrounded by darkness, and could not see anything clearly.

He could only barely see a tall fir tree on the right, and the black outline of a small church behind it.

Harry found himself surrounded by a small hill, holding the parchment that had brought him here.

What happened? Wasn't this the Marauder's Map that Professor Moody borrowed and then returned? Why did it become a portkey? Where is this?

Harry was full of questions, and at this time, he felt a strong burning sensation in his hand, and he quickly threw away the parchment in his hand.

The parchment began to burn suddenly, and it burned to ash in a short while.

Even if he was a big heart, Harry realized that something was wrong.

He struggled to get up, feeling that his whole body was in pain, with marks from the portkey falling and the previous battle with the blasting skrewt.

A figure suddenly appeared between the graves and walked towards him step by step.


Harry asked.

The strange figure did not respond. He was wearing a hooded cloak, his face could not be seen clearly, and he was holding something like a bundle in his hands.

The man stopped beside a marble tombstone in front of Harry, and the bundle in his arms suddenly spoke: "Bring him here..."

Before Harry could react, the scar on his head suddenly began to hurt violently.

Harry covered his head with both hands, feeling that his head was about to explode. The wand slipped from his hands, his legs softened, and he fell to the ground.


A flash of light passed, and Harry felt that he was hit by the impact and fell backwards uncontrollably.

Strangely, Harry felt that the power of this spell was much smaller than he had imagined, as if the wand was rebelling against the wizard who used it.

Despite this, he was still knocked down.

Harry had a splitting headache and was covered with scars. He could not resist at all. The opponent's disarmament

The spell was just to ensure that he completely lost the ability to fight back.

The man in the cloak put down the object in his hand, walked up to take Harry's wand in his hand, then grabbed Harry and dragged him towards the marble tombstone.

Harry couldn't use any strength, and was tied tightly to the tombstone by the rope conjured by the man using Transfiguration.

He was tied tightly from head to toe, leaving no room for struggle.

After the man finished his inspection, he walked away silently.

Later, Harry saw him push a stone crucible under the grave with great effort. The crucible was full of water.

With a puff, the man pointed his wand at the bottom of the crucible, and a slight flame ignited below, which quickly spread.

This crucible was very large, enough to accommodate an adult sitting in it.

Harry tried to struggle, but heard a sound coming from his feet.

Harry only took a look and didn't dare to move.

A thick python came from the side, swam back and forth around the tombstone where he was tied, and kept spitting at him.

Harry was cold all over, and he had no doubt that if he made any extraordinary movements, his neck would be pierced immediately.

The liquid in the crucible opposite him was heating up very quickly.

Soon, the surface of the crucible began to boil, as if it was completely burned, spitting out thick steam.

"Lucius, now..."

The voice just now said again.

"Yes, Master..."

The man in the cloak trembled and answered, his voice was unexpectedly shrill.

Harry was shocked and said, "It's you!"

He knew this voice, even if he turned into ashes, he would remember it, it was the voice of Malfoy's father, Lucius Malfoy!

Harry had dealt with him a lot before, and his disgust for him was second only to Draco Malfoy.

Lucius Malfoy, whose identity was recognized, simply took off his hood, glared at Harry, and raised his wand to him: "Crucio!"

Harry suddenly felt his whole body burning, and he couldn't help wanting to scream in pain, and the piercing pain spread all over his body.

He clenched his teeth, whimpering in extreme pain, rubbing back and forth on the tombstone, and his legs stretched into a straight line.

The spell didn't last long and soon ended.

Harry was sweating profusely, looking at Lucius Malfoy, who had revealed his true face, in horror.

But somehow, he actually used his willpower to withstand this Cruciatus Curse.

This was different from the Cruciatus Curse he knew, and it didn't seem as painful as he imagined.

Harry wisely chose to keep his mouth shut. He didn't want to expose his vulnerable side in front of Lucius Malfoy, nor did he want to take another Cruciatus Curse.

Lucius Malfoy looked at Harry expressionlessly: "If you really have nothing to say, you can choose to shut up, Potter."

A cold chuckle came from the package on the ground: "Very impressive, Lucius, but I can't help wondering what Draco would think when he saw this scene..."

Lucius Malfoy shuddered, turned around immediately, and said respectfully: "It will be ready soon, Master."

"Quick!" The package on the ground urged impatiently.

Lucius dared not neglect it anymore, picked up the bundle on the ground and opened it, revealing the contents inside.

It was an ugly object covered in sticky things, and it looked like a curled up baby who couldn't take care of himself.

The baby had no hair, and was covered with lumpy scales. Its skin was like injured tender meat, red and white, and it seemed that the flesh and tissue flowing inside could be clearly seen.

Its limbs were soft and very slender, and on a flat snake face, there was a pair of shining red eyes.

Harry looked at this object that could hardly be called a human being, and his mind was in turmoil, completely occupied by a moment of pain and despair.

Harry suddenly bent over and vomited uncontrollably.

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