The two of them were very surprised.

"Andy! How are you?!"


"Oh my god, they finally showed up."

As soon as Andy and Harry landed, the people gathered in the judges' seats rushed over and surrounded them.

Harry's body was covered with bloodstains and dirty, and he looked like he had been abused for a long time.

Andy was intact, still holding the Goblet of Fire in his hand.

This seemed to explain the result, but it was beyond everyone's expectations.

Among the people who surrounded them were Fudge, Ludo Bagman, Professor McGonagall, and Madame Maxime and Fleur.

Andy looked left and right, but didn't see Sirius, and didn't know how he was.

He didn't see Snape either.

The audience in the stands didn't understand what was happening at this time.

The cheers only lasted for a short while, then stopped, and then turned into surprise and noisy discussions.

It was not surprising that Andy appeared with the Goblet of Fire, but why was Harry with him?

What happened in the maze?

Gabrielle and her mother were sitting with Qiu Zhang's family. Seeing this scene, Qiu Zhang quickly covered Gabrielle's eyes and said, "It's a bit bloody, children should not watch it."

Gabrielle's eyes went dark, and she danced and grabbed back.


Qiu Zhang was caught, screamed, blushed, and subconsciously let Gabrielle go.

As a result, Gabrielle only took a look and was so scared that she continued to get into Qiu Zhang's arms.

On the other side of the stands, Hermione also narrowed her eyes and looked down, and asked nervously: "Am I seeing things? Harry is covered in blood!"

Ron screamed: "Could it be that Andy wants to kill people to silence them!"

Fred and George next to them looked at Ron as if he was looking at a fool, and said: "Warm reminder, Ron, Andy can summon meteorites. If he really wants to kill Harry, I think the possibility of Harry surviving is still relatively small."

"As we all know, people who are killed will die."


Harry, who was surrounded in the middle, struggled to stand up, grabbed Professor McGonagall, and asked: "Is Professor Dumbledore back!?"

Professor McGonagall shook her head seriously: "No, he only gave me a few brief instructions and left with the Phoenix."

"Where did you go? Krum has already told us that the Goblet of Fire is a portkey."

Harry wanted to shout anxiously, and Andy reminded him loudly at this time: "Harry!"

Harry looked at Andy blankly, and then understood what he meant.

The battle between Dumbledore and Voldemort is not over yet.

It is too early to draw a conclusion at this time. Announcing the news will only cause panic.

Harry just leaned close to Professor McGonagall's ear and whispered: "Voldemort! He's back!"

"Professor Dumbledore is dueling with him!"

Professor McGonagall looked at Harry in shock and asked in disbelief: "What happened?"

"He's resurrected!" Harry took a deep breath and said word by word.

Fudge didn't hear Harry's whisper. He squeezed in, clapped his hands and said, "Finally! The champion is born, right?"

"Andy, I believe you won the championship in the end, but you played a little too much. According to the rules, we are not allowed to take the Goblet of Fire out of the competition venue."

"Miss Delacour and Professor Flitwick proved to us that you have no ill intentions, but..."

Fudge was halfway through his speech when he noticed that Harry was covered in blood. He stopped in surprise and screamed, "Merlin! What happened!?"

"Minister, if you don't mind, I need to ask about the situation first."

Professor McGonagall stopped Fudge from getting closer. Snape appeared at some point and walked to Professor McGonagall's side. "He woke up..."

Professor McGonagall exchanged glances with him and nodded to show that he understood.

Then, she said to Fudge: "Minister, since the game is over, we need to treat the injuries of the warriors urgently. Do you mind?"

Fudge, who was ordered to leave by Professor McGonagall, said anxiously: "Wait! You have to give me a result first. Who got the Goblet of Fire and became the champion?"

Harry looked at Andy, and Andy readily admitted: "It was me."

Andy actually wanted to say that it was Barty Jr., who was the first person to touch the Goblet of Fire, but he finally held back.

Let's take care of Fudge's fragile heart. He will know that Voldemort has returned later, and he will suffer.

Hearing this answer, Ludo next to Fudge

Bagman's face turned pale instantly.

Fudge: "Where did Dumbledore go? We have to announce the results to the audience and hold an award ceremony. How can he be absent at this time?"

Snape sneered: "Dumbledore is busy saving the world. The results of the competition can be announced by the Ministry of Magic."

"Instead of worrying about Dumbledore, Mr. Minister, aren't you curious about where Karkaroff went?"

"As far as I know, he disappeared shortly after Dumbledore left, and no one saw him."

Andy also smiled and said: "The award ceremony can be postponed. We can hold it when Professor Dumbledore comes back, if you are still in the mood by then."

"I think Professor Snape is right. Dumbledore will be fine if he left in a hurry, but Karkaroff may not be."

Snape looked at Andy coldly without refuting.

This is the first time he did not object or ridicule Andy's words.

Fudge waved his hands in annoyance: "What's wrong with you guys? Okay, I'll go find Karkaroff, and you go find Dumbledore."

"Don't cause any more trouble for the Ministry, okay? I'm already under enough pressure."

After that, Fudge hurriedly left the grass with Ludo Bagman and walked towards the stands.

Madame Maxime also left with Fleur. Before leaving, Fleur looked at Andy with concern, and Andy waved his hand to indicate that he was fine.

The audience in the stands couldn't wait to gather around, but were stopped by other professors.

Professor McGonagall took Andy and Harry aside, and for the first time, a little panic appeared on her face: "Potter, is what you just said true?"

Andy and Harry nodded at the same time.


Professor McGonagall looked at Snape.

Snape grabbed his left forearm expressionlessly, where the Dark Mark was located: "It's true, I can confirm that the Dark Lord is back."

Professor McGonagall was shocked and shook her head slowly: "It's unbelievable, Albus must have gone to stop him."

"But he could have gathered us together, why did he go alone..."

Harry said: "Professor, and Andy."

"Andy arrived first and saved me, and then we were able to hold on until Professor Dumbledore arrived."

Andy also whispered: "I think he must have his own plans."

Professor McGonagall nodded: "I understand that this matter must be kept secret until the truth is revealed."

"Thank you, Andy, in addition to Potter, you may have saved many people unintentionally."

"If If we let the mysterious man carry out his plan, we will be kept in the dark and unprepared. "

Harry asked, "What happened in the castle?"

Professor McGonagall: "A lot of things happened during your absence..."

Andy: "Let me guess, the previous Professor Moody was a fake? You found another Moody in his office?"

Harry looked at Andy in surprise: "What do you mean?"

Professor McGonagall looked at Andy without any surprise: "Before leaving, Dumbledore said something to me. He believes that if there is one person who can grasp the truth, it is you."

Andy: "I can only grasp part of the truth."

Professor McGonagall wanted to say more, but suddenly, she and Andy turned their heads at the same time and looked at the location of the principal's office in the main tower of the castle.

Snape reacted a little slower than the other two, but then he also noticed something unusual.

Only Harry was still at a loss.

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