The old man was very happy.

"Hmph." Moody sneered at Dumbledore's words, "Your kindness is misplaced."

"This is not kindness, Alastor, this is self-knowledge." Dumbledore said, "Even within the Order of the Phoenix, I have never used any rules to constrain you. The Order of the Phoenix is ​​free to come and go."

"I know very well how much power can affect people, and I just..."

Dumbledore suddenly stopped talking, a gloomy flashed in his eyes, but he seemed relaxed: "Look at the bright side, my duel with Voldemort is not in vain."

"When he recovered from his injuries, During this period, he can't move freely. "

"But we will not be obstructed, so overall, this is a good result."

"We should take advantage of this period to prepare well, accumulate strength, and at the same time, unite with the Ministry of Magic to make all preparations for counterattacks."

"I believe he will come back again, and then there will be no room for buffer."

Moody said in a rough voice: "In short, the war is going to start!"

Dumbledore nodded gently: "Yes, the war is going to start."

After speaking, Dumbledore's face showed fatigue, and Andy and Moody got up and left.

Before leaving, Andy suddenly asked: "When are you going to explain everything to me?"

Dumbledore: "About what?"

"About everything, Barty Crouch Jr., the Pensieve, and the Phoenix. When did you realize that Voldemort would try to resurrect?"

Dumbledore thought for a moment and said, "Probably shortly after you told me that there was something wrong with Moody."

"Before that, I really never noticed that Alastor might be played by someone else."

Andy: "After that, you started planning to try to kill Voldemort?"

Dumbledore nodded: "Yes, but this is a method that can only temporarily contain him. I soon found out that I was wrong."

Andy: "Voldemort is not that easy to kill."

"Indeed." Dumbledore's expression was complicated, "But I still have questions that have not been answered. When I figure out all the questions, I promise I will explain everything to you clearly."

Andy understood. He knew that what Dumbledore wanted to say could only be Horcruxes.

A dark magic that can split the soul, and it is also Voldemort's biggest secret.

Voldemort used this magic to split his soul, so that he could survive without his body.

Before that, Voldemort spent a lot of effort with Barty Crouch Jr. to reshape his body, because although he was not really dead, he was not really alive either.

In this state, Voldemort was in pain all the time.

And Barty Crouch Jr. was worthy of being Voldemort's loyal thug.

Even if he could not protect himself, he had to ensure that Voldemort was resurrected.

Barty Jr. was trying to catch Harry, but he didn't expect Andy to be behind him.

As a result, his and Voldemort's plan was only half successful.

Voldemort reshaped his body, returned, and was immediately seriously injured by Dumbledore.

In the final analysis, no one expected Dumbledore to appear.

Dumbledore deceived everyone.

It was also based on this point that Andy did not blame Dumbledore for not intervening in Barty Jr.'s actions in advance.

If Dumbledore's target was Voldemort, then he was right not to intervene in advance.

Although it was very risky to do so, he had to seize the right time to kill Voldemort.

Any action before that might alarm Voldemort and Barty Jr.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Dumbledore stopped Andy and said to him, "Congratulations on becoming the champion of the Triwizard Tournament. You deserve it. Few people can get such an honor at your age."

Andy stopped and smiled: "I just want Galleons. If there is no prize money, I won't participate."

Dumbledore also laughed. He thought Andy was joking.

Andy:? I'm telling the truth.

Andy: "What about Voldemort? What do you need me to do?"

"I just need you to have a good rest." Dumbledore said, "Now, you should pay more attention to the owls exam. Have you forgotten it? The exam is scheduled for two days later."

"You are the only one taking the exam this time. Everyone else has finished it."

"After the exam, you are welcome to come to my office again.

I have something else to share with you."

Andy nodded, said goodbye to Dumbledore, and turned to leave.

Andy and Moody walked out of the principal's office and parted ways in front of the spiral staircase.

Moody took out a cane from somewhere and walked with a limp. His wooden leg was taken away by little Barty, and one trouser leg was still empty.

Andy looked around, took the long sword in the hand of an armored person at the entrance of the stairs, and turned it into a wooden leg with a touch of his wand.

"Here you go, professor."

The armored person stationed at the entrance of the stairs looked at Andy in confusion. Just when he was about to get angry, he found that Andy's wand turned around and pointed at himself.

It thought about it, immediately stood back to where it was, looked up at the sky, and wisely pretended that nothing had happened.

Moody saw this scene, chuckled, and took the wooden leg unceremoniously and put it in his empty trouser leg.

Moody adjusted a few steps left and right and said, "Thank you, it fits just right. ”

Andy: "You're welcome, Professor."

Moody: "Don't call me Professor. I haven't taught a single day. It was all that fake's fault. I stayed in the box for nearly a year."

Andy suppressed his laughter: "Sorry, but to be honest, that fake is a pretty good professor."

Moody snorted, not paying attention to Andy's joke: "Dumbledore praised you highly. You're great. You dare to point your wand at the Dark Lord. You've surpassed most people."

"Just ask me if you need any help. I'm old, but I still have many friends in the Auror team."

Andy shook his head: "I just did what I should do. What are you going to do next?"

Moody said unhappily: "Next? Just like before, go home and enjoy my retirement life, always on guard against whether there will be two Death Eaters coming to the door-"

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