The next moment, the original picture dissipated like mist, and Snape and Dumbledore returned to the headmaster's office of Hogwarts.

Time didn't pass for long, as if it had frozen.

They only stayed in the Pensieve for a short while, but their mentality was completely different before and after.

Snape's face was as cold as the night sky in late autumn, and his hands were clenched tightly, trying to suppress his emotions.

"Just because of this... a prophecy..."

Snape said intermittently, with an indescribable struggle in his voice.

Dumbledore looked at him quietly, his eyes full of sympathy, and interrupted: "The prophecy, Severus, it is just a symbol, a guide to possibility."

"The prophecy itself cannot determine the result. What really makes the prophecy come true is the choices and actions of people later."

"You, me, and many others, we all played an important role in this process."

Snape clenched his fists and asked in a trembling voice: "How do you interpret this prophecy? Will Hall become a key figure among us?"

Dumbledore said softly: "To be honest, until now, I am still not sure whether he really stands at our point..."

Snape fell into silence directly.

For more than ten years, the prophecy about the Dark Lord spoken by Trelawney has been like a huge shadow hanging over his heart, making him make many difficult choices.

Those choices led to the tragedy of the Potter family and left a piece missing in his heart forever.

Because of his choice, Harry's parents were killed, Voldemort fell, and only Harry, who was still a child at the time, survived.

In Snape's mind, the familiar yet distant face reappeared.


Snape preferred to call her Lily Evans, rather than Lily Potter.

Snape was surprised to find that as time went by, the face gradually became blurred in his memory, no longer as clear as before.

Dumbledore just looked at Snape quietly without interrupting him.

After a while, Snape finally regained his composure, and his expression became calm again, as if the previous emotional fluctuations were just an illusion.

He took a deep breath and expelled all distracting thoughts from his body.

"I should do what I want to do."

His voice sounded emotionless, like a robot, each syllable was precise but lacked human warmth.

Dumbledore said softly, "We all have our own responsibilities, Severus."

"You didn't return to him immediately, but proved your loyalty to him. You were faithfully carrying out his last order, which was to stay with me and gain my trust."

"He will accept you again."

Snape laughed bitterly, "Who knows, maybe the Dark Lord will give me a killing curse because of this."

Dumbledore shook his head and said, "He is injured now. Your appearance is undoubtedly a timely help for him. He will not kill people at will at this time because he needs your power."

"I hope so."

Snape no longer looked back and walked out of the principal's office with firm steps.

The door slowly closed, isolating his figure outside.

Dumbledore watched Snape's back disappear, with a hint of complex emotions in his eyes.

The next second after the door closed, he suddenly covered his left hand, a trace of pain flashed across his face, and he groaned.

His body shook a few times, and then fell directly on the chair behind him.

He leaned against the back of the chair, trying to stay awake, but his forehead was already covered with sweat, and he was obviously in great pain.


The former headmasters on the wall couldn't help but exclaim in unison.

"I'm fine... Only Fawkes can help me relieve the pain now."

Dumbledore waved his hands tremblingly, trying to comfort them.

Then, he glanced at the sleeping phoenix behind him, and a trace of helplessness and a bitter smile flashed in his eyes.

Dumbledore slowly closed his eyes and fell into the chair, as if he was trapped in endless darkness.

The headmaster's office was completely quiet, with only Dumbledore's heavy breathing echoing in the air.

After the portraits on the wall realized that Dumbledore was not in danger of life, they all chose to remain silent tacitly.

After an unknown period of time, one of the portraits said: "Dumbledore, McGonagall and the Minister of Magic are back."

Dumbledore opened his eyes again

: "I know, thank you, Delis."

The next moment, the door of the principal's office opened, and Professor McGonagall and Cornelius Fudge hurried in.

"This is not true! What the hell are you doing tonight? Dumbledore!" Fudge shouted angrily, "They are all dead! They are all dead! Do you know what I saw?"

Dumbledore regained his composure and said, "Five bodies, there should have been more."

Fudge waved his hands, he was sweating, and walked around excitedly, and Professor McGonagall behind him had a helpless and disgusted expression on his face.

Professor McGonagall said to Dumbledore: "The Aurors have cordoned off the scene."

Dumbledore nodded: "Thank you, Minerva."

"You must give me an explanation! Who killed them! Who exactly!?" Fudge turned a deaf ear to this, walked up to Dumbledore, and said with a panicked look, "First it was Peter and Barty Crouch, and then five wizards died at once..."

"Five Death Eaters." Dumbledore corrected.

Fudge choked and stared at Dumbledore blankly, as if Dumbledore had said something he couldn't understand.

"They are Death Eaters." Dumbledore said again.

Fudge's expression became dull, and he shook his head gently: "No... It's not like that, I saw it with my own eyes, Nott, Avery... They may have been Death Eaters before, but they are not now."

"Is this some kind of sophistry of yours? Trying to use corpses to divert my attention?"

"To be honest, I always think your behavior is very suspicious. Not only did you take the initiative to walk down the stands before the game was over, but you also disappeared directly in the end, and your phoenix."

Fudge began to talk incessantly, his voice was a little erratic, and he became extremely nervous.

"Cornelly, you heard me, they are five Death Eaters." Dumbledore emphasized again, "Minerva has told you that Voldemort has returned and he has reshaped a body."

"The death of those people is enough to prove this point. Voldemort's plan was partially successful."

Fudge was shocked, he looked at Professor McGonagall next to him with an unbelievable look on his face, and Professor McGonagall rolled his eyes rarely.

She had told Fudge on the way, but Fudge would not listen and insisted on coming to Dumbledore to ask for an explanation.

Fudge subconsciously retorted: "... It's nonsense!"

Dumbledore slowly stood up and placed his black, bone-like left hand on the table.

Fudge was stunned.

Professor McGonagall looked at Dumbledore's injuries and turned her head away, unwilling to look directly at him.

"He is back, I rushed to the scene and had a life-and-death duel with him." Dumbledore said slowly, "I, Andy and Harry can all prove it."

Fudge stared at Dumbledore's palm with his eyes blank, unable to speak for a long time, as if he was fixed by a petrification spell.

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