The news was a big one, and Andy was in the Owl Shed when Fudge was making a scene in the principal's office. As soon as he came out of the principal's office, he immediately wrote a letter to Rita Skeeter and sent it out using an owl from the school. Andy: Shocking news, guaranteed, do you have the guts? Rita Skeeter was still awake, and she replied immediately. Rita Skeeter: A reporter who is afraid of death is not a good reporter. Andy: Voldemort has resurrected, and he had a duel with Dumbledore, was seriously injured, and is actively planning a comeback. Rita Skeeter: ...The user you are calling is no longer in service area, please send again later. Andy: What are you afraid of? You can transform, and no one can catch you. Andy: Voldemort has resurrected, and he has fought a duel with Dumbledore, and is seriously injured, and is actively planning a comeback. Rita Skeeter: ...The user you are calling is no longer in service area, please send again later. Andy: What are you afraid of? You can transform, and no one can catch you. Rita Skeeter stopped replying.

Andy: Are you there? Are you there? Are you there...

Rita Skeeter received several subsequent owl messages and went crazy.

Damn, is this a matter of transformation or not?

This is too much information. She admitted that she was a little loud just now. Now she just wants Andy to treat her as a fart and let her go.

Rita Skeeter was helpless: Brother, this can't be written. Whether his resurrection is true or not, I will be unlucky. Otherwise, you should expose me. At least I don't have to worry about Death Eaters knocking on my door at night.

Rita Skeeter's attitude can only be described in two words: playing badly.

If Voldemort really came back, she would be the first person to disclose the news and it would be difficult for her to survive.

And if Voldemort didn't come back, she would not dare to publicize such a thing even if she had a hundred courage.

It's illegal, isn't it?

After she submitted her manuscript in the morning, she had to be checked by the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic in the afternoon.

She seemed to see the Dementors in Azkaban waving at her.

Andy: Don't worry, of course you won't be the first to fire. You just need to follow up, just like you were promoting Black some time ago.

In addition to the Triwizard Tournament, Sirius's story has been known to everyone after Rita Skeeter's exaggeration.

From Fudge's timid attitude during this period, we can see how much pressure the Ministry of Magic is under.

At the same time, the Auror Office led by Scrimgeour is also leading the investigation of Peter's body alone.

This forced the Ministry of Magic to announce that they are reopening the investigation of the Peter and Sirius incident.

In the eyes of those who are interested, this is a backstab of the Ministry of Magic by the Auror Office.

But in fact, the Ministry of Magic has never been a monolithic entity, and Fudge's control over the Ministry of Magic is not that strong.

At least the Aurors listen to Scrimgeour in most cases, not Fudge.

Scrimgeour would not normally disobey Fudge's orders, but he was not Fudge's confidant and had his own stand.

In the face of the overall situation, Scrimgeour would not risk his political career to conceal the truth.

And Dumbledore was keenly aware of this and sent the corresponding resources to the most suitable people to use it.

This is Dumbledore. Even though he has never been at the center of power, he can still exert his influence and change the results of many things.

Just like the return of Voldemort this time.

It's just that he hit a wall in front of Fudge.

Fudge would rather bury his head in the sand and be an ostrich than believe Dumbledore.

Andy's words now aroused Rita Skeeter's interest, and she wrote back: What are you going to do?

Andy's subsequent reply made Rita Skeeter gasp.

Although she was mentally prepared, she found that she still underestimated Andy.

Andy gave a whole long-term strategy, covering the possible development of the incident, Rita Skeeter's response measures, and various rhetoric used in the report.

Rita Skeeter suddenly felt a little fortunate that Andy was still a student.

Otherwise, with Andy's ability, if he chose to be a reporter, where would Rita Skeeter have any place?

When the last reply letter flew over, Andy had guessed the content before he even opened it.

Rita Skeeter: It works!

After getting a satisfactory answer, Andy burned the letter to ashes with a blazing flame and left the Owl House.

When he left, the owls in the Owl House called reluctantly, and they were very reluctant to let Andy go.

Andy was generous, pine nuts, hazelnuts, and all kinds of snacks were available, and he even took out a chocolate frog.

The owls were very willing to deliver letters to him.

Andy stepped out of the door and waved his hand without looking back: "Five-star praise, next time there is a

I will find you again if I need you."

The owls flapped their wings to show that they welcome you back.

Morning, in the Great Hall.

Theoretically, the Triwizard Tournament is over and it is time for the holidays, but there are still a few days before the real holidays.

During this period, Hogwarts still has a lot of work to prepare for the end of the semester, including the most important school-leaving banquet every year.

So the Great Hall is still full these days.

Most of the topics are only two, the Triwizard Tournament and the holidays.

Andy successfully won the championship, there was no suspense about this, and when it came to the second project, this had become an established fact in many people's minds.

He and The scene of Harry returning with the Goblet of Fire was witnessed.

Especially since Harry was covered in blood at the time.

This caused a great sensation, but it was suppressed by the excitement of Andy's victory.

Looking back now, many people feel that Harry's condition is indeed not right.

Krum and Fleur were eliminated early, but Harry returned to Hogwarts in such a miserable way that it is hard to think that nothing happened.

Some people couldn't help but have conspiracy theories: "The two warriors of Hogwarts must have joined forces to eliminate the competitors from the other two schools, and then duel each other to decide who can get the Goblet of Fire. Needless to say, Potter is definitely not Hall's opponent!"

"Wow, you have a very rich imagination. Why don't you say that Andy took on three of them and beat them all to get the Goblet of Fire."

"You can say that!"

Hearing this, Gabrielle loudly retorted: "No! My sister said Harry saved her! "

Her voice was drowned in the crowd, and no one heard it at all.

Amid the noisy discussion, the door of the auditorium opened, and the owls flew into the auditorium to deliver letters as usual.

Suddenly, all the sounds were covered by a scream.

Everyone looked in the direction of the Gryffindor table, and saw Denis Creevey holding the latest issue of the Daily Prophet with a horrified expression.

Dennis's brother Colin Creevey stood behind him and read the title above loudly.

"As expected! Andy Hall, broke the record that had been sealed for more than 200 years by himself! Undisputed champion of the Triwizard Tournament!"

This is a normal front-page headline. Rita Skeeter used an entire page to praise Andy's winning process. She was already familiar with this.

There was nothing unexpected about this article, and it was all expected by everyone.

But the content of the next page was very explosive.

"Revenge! ? Five wizards were killed. Is this a moral decline or a distortion of human nature? !"

This instantly aroused the interest of others, and they opened their subscribed newspapers one after another.

The author of this article was of course Rita Skeeter.

After taking a risk to persuade the editor-in-chief to publish the content related to Peter Petillo last time and succeeding greatly, the editor-in-chief of the Daily Prophet is now very satisfied with Rita Skeeter.

Rita Skeeter can discuss anything she wants to write, and most of them are arranged on the front page.

As long as it can bring sales to the newspaper, he is willing to write that his mother is a goblin.

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