The cards were so tight that they were almost broken.

Andy drew another J of Clubs.

When he showed the card, the J of Clubs also changed shape and became a Club attendant holding a spear.

The J of Clubs jumped twice on the spot, looking a little confused.

Andy then pointed his hand, and the J of Clubs suddenly realized and found his target.

It ran to the King of Spades in a few seconds and stabbed the opponent fiercely with the spear in its hand, but was separated by the long sword in the hand of the King of Spades.

The King of Spades fought back, but was stabbed by the spear of the King of Clubs while moving forward, and one of its legs fell down, and it screamed.

But the J of Clubs was even worse. It lost its weapon and was instantly chopped down by the K of Spades. It twitched twice and then stopped moving.

The other people in the box looked at Andy in surprise when they saw this scene.

Andy not only gave the card characters corresponding shapes, but they also acted according to Andy's will.

Andy gave everyone a few cards and explained: "Ace is the biggest, followed by King, and then the number card. The size determines the strength of the card. The four suits have their own functions. Clubs are good at attacking, spades are good at defense, hearts can heal other cards in their own camp, and diamonds can draw another card."

"Knock down all the opponent's cards, and you will win."

Ron exclaimed in surprise: "It looks similar to wizard chess! But it is more free, and the cards have their own abilities."

Fred and George's eyes lit up and said in unison: "Cool!"

They grabbed their own cards and played them separately. One was the 8 of clubs and the other was the 4 of diamonds. The two number cards were spread out and turned into two little people with the corresponding numbers on their heads. They looked at each other and immediately fought each other.

Not long after, Fred's 8 of clubs beat George's 4 of diamonds with his fists, and he had a clear advantage.

"Haha!" Fred laughed.

Before he could be happy, the 4 of Diamonds crawled back to George's hand in a rage and pulled out the next card, which was a 5 of Hearts.

The 5 of Hearts patted the 4 of Diamonds on the shoulder and healed its bent arm, then the two cards joined together and rushed towards the 8 of Clubs.

This time it was the 8 of Clubs' turn to suffer. Two fists could not beat four hands. It was beaten and kicked by the 5 of Hearts and the 4 of Diamonds, and it was miserable.

"Hahaha!" George fought back.

Fred was not angry, but asked Andy excitedly: "Then what? How should I play the card to fight back?"

This is much more fun than any crackling explosion!

Andy: "I haven't thought about the rules in detail. It's probably that everyone starts with a fixed number of cards in their hand, and they decide the order of playing cards by themselves. Whoever's cards stand last wins."

"Oh, by the way, you can actually command them to fight."

Andy pointed his wand at the three cards that were mixed together, and the Club 8, which was just crouching with its head in its hands, suddenly realized the true meaning of martial arts and fought back.

It endured the risk of being bruised and swollen, and suddenly swept the 5 of Hearts to the ground with a sweeping kick, then forced itself to stand up, and used a beautiful shoulder throw to throw the 4 of Diamonds to the ground.

The 4 of Diamonds screamed and was broken into two halves.

George followed suit and played another card.

This time it was a Queen of Hearts, a queen in a dignified long dress, who came out with dynamic modern dance steps, and slapped Fred's Club 8, making it stagger.

Seeing this scene, Harry and Ron couldn't wait to join the battle with their own cards. They were very excited.

Hermione was surprised: "Did you cast a spell on the entire deck in such a short time?"

The difficulty of this Transfiguration is extremely high. Hermione felt her scalp tingling just thinking about it.

Even the top student Hermione couldn't do it, so it was naturally even more difficult for the others in the box.

Harry and Ron definitely couldn't use it without thinking, because their Transfiguration was not very good.

Qiu Zhang and the twins might be able to transform one or two of the cards, but they couldn't do it as easily as Andy, and the range of transformation was not that large.

On the rest of the return journey, everyone was playing the card battle game newly created by Andy.

Except for Andy, the rest of the people happened to be in pairs, Qiu Zhang and Hermione in one group, and the twins fought against the two brothers Harold and Ron.

"Your life is like a candle in the wind!"

"Really? So what? My turn! Draw a card!"

"Come out, my friend!"


Time passed quickly, and before they knew it, they had returned to London.

When the Hogwarts Express stopped on the platform

When the train was stable, all the cards that were played stopped as if the stop switch was pressed, and then collapsed instantly, turning back into paper cards.

Andy's magic also expired.

The table in the box was already full, and Fred and George were so excited that they stood all the way and started a duel on the ground.

They were almost crazy, and when they saw the train stop, they wailed in tacit understanding.

There was no more fun when the train arrived.

There was no choice, and several people packed their luggage and got off the train together.

In the crowded crowd, Andy had already seen the figures of the Zhang couple in the distance.

The twins were still eager to play: "What's the name of this game? We want to play more."

Andy: "I haven't thought of a name yet. If you want, you can call it Hogwarts Express Random Card Brawl."

Qiu Zhang: "This is too random!"

Before leaving, Fred came over and winked: "Well, Andy, you know that our pocket money has been spent, right?"

Andy: "Tell me, what do you want to do? Let me make it clear first, I won't lend this to you to make a profit."

"That's not what I meant." Fred denied.

George continued, "We are wondering if you can teach us this trick. You know we are in the business of magic props for pranks."

"Lee Jordan and I were originally planning to put canary cookies on the shelves next semester. We will first conduct a small-scale pilot at Hogwarts, and then expand the scale if it sells well."

"Your card game is so fun, it must be more popular than Wizard Chess."

Fred said excitedly, "That's right! We can give you dividends! After the sale, we only need to take 30% of it!"

Andy thought about it and said, "I don't think so."

As soon as he said this, the two of them looked at Andy disappointedly, but Fred nodded afterwards: "Okay, it's understandable. After all, it's nothing to you."

Andy smiled and said, "No, your words inspired me, and I suddenly had an idea."

"I want to invest in you to open a prank prop store."

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