The letter was sent to Andy, who was very surprised.

Andy looked at the owl in confusion and asked, "Is it for me?"

The owl rolled its eyes, impatiently dived into Andy's arms, threw the letter in its mouth into his hand, and left without looking back.

"This is impossible!" Qiu Zhang said excitedly, "Andy, you are also a wizard?"

"That's a letter from Hogwarts!"

Qiu Zhang looked at Andy in surprise. She really couldn't see any trace of magic on Andy before.

"Owls usually only send letters to wizards. Did you see the power I used just now? That's magic..." Qiu Zhang explained quickly.

Halfway through her speech, she suddenly realized that it was too difficult for her to explain everything to Andy here.

Andy: Actually, you don't need to explain, I know everything.

Unfortunately, Qiu Zhang didn't know what Andy was thinking. She pulled Andy deeper into the alley and urged him, "Open this letter quickly. If I'm not mistaken, it's the admission letter from Hogwarts!"

Andy had no choice but to open the letter obediently.

This is indeed an admission letter from Hogwarts.

The letter was written in neat words:

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Principal: Albus Dumbledore (President of the International Confederation of Wizards, First Class Medal of the Order of Merlin, Grand Wizard, Chief Wizard of the Wizengamot)

Dear Mr. Hall:

We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Attached to this letter is a list of required books and equipment.

The semester is scheduled to start on September 1st.

We will wait for your owl to bring your reply before July 31st.

Vice-Principal, Minerva McGonagall,


P.S. In view of your special situation, Mr. Hall, we will send a professor to meet with you and explain in detail. Please wait patiently.

Qiu Zhang also came over and saw the contents of the letter. He looked at Andy in surprise and said, "This is actually an admission notice. I never thought that Andy would become my classmate."

Andy read the letter over and over again, including the list of required textbooks and essential supplies attached to the letter, and finally confirmed that the letter was indeed for him.

"Well, it's like this." Andy said, "This is probably a mistake, because I'm just an ordinary person, not a wizard."

Qiu Zhang said, "It's impossible. Hogwarts will never make a mistake. If they send you a letter, it means you are a wizard. All children who show magical talent will automatically become students of Hogwarts."

Looking at the original owner's past memories, let alone magical talent, there is not even a little bit of difference from ordinary people.

Andy was just an ordinary person, who could steal at most.

Being able to steal several wallets in a row without attracting attention on the street, is this considered a magical talent?

If it wasn't robbed by William's gang later, Andy would think it was.

Not surprisingly, Andy can't even cast a single spell now.

But Andy thought of the God's Eye ability he had just obtained.

He had just completed the task and got the God's Eye, and then he received a letter from Hogwarts.

Could it be that Hogwarts certified the system's ability as a magical talent? !

Hogwarts sent out admission letters very quickly.

What he got was the God's Eye that originally belonged to Lisa, and Lisa's identity in the game happened to be a magician and librarian of the Knights of Favonius.

No matter how you look at it, it fits the background of Hogwarts.

Andy asked, "Hey, system, what's going on? I remember that only wizards can be admitted to Hogwarts, right? But I have never shown any talent for magic."

"Do you have any way to help me solve this problem? For example, post a task or something."

[Of course! As long as you do what I say, after all, you just got a God's Eye. Please put your consciousness on the God's Eye you just got and try to use it. 】

Andy did as he was told. As soon as he covered his consciousness with his God's Eye, some complicated information flooded into his mind.

It includes the basic theory of magic, knowledge of element combination, and some basic spellcasting techniques, etc.

At the same time, the two gray circular icons in the lower right corner of the field of vision were also lit up.

These two icons each represent a skill, exactly the same as in the game, Andy

It can be used according to the situation.

So that's how it is. The Eye of God that Andy obtained will also be accompanied by a series of abilities of the original characters.

Even in the world of Harry Potter, after possessing her Eye of God, Andy can also use some simple magic.

Andy spread his right palm upward, and a thick arc of lightning appeared on his hand, crackling and exploding.

Andy swung his hand, and the lightning hit the brick wall next to him, exploding a fist-sized hole.

Damn, it's so powerful?

Andy just connected to the Eye of God, and there was such an effect. He was glad that he didn't try to use the two skills attached to the Eye of God just now, which might have blown up the whole alley.

"Andy! I knew you were a wizard!" Qiu Zhang was shocked. She and Andy were very close, and the lightning just now almost hit her.

Andy waved his hands quickly: "Don't panic, don't panic."

"System, what's next?"

[Next, you have successfully proved that you are a wizard, please accept the invitation to enter Hogwarts happily! ]

I'm so fucking crazy...

Andy was mad, this is admitting that he is a wizard!

Andy was a little unhappy and wanted to refuse.

He has the Eye of God now, why not do something else now? Why must he get involved in this mess?

Based on the results just now, he can still use magic with the Eye of God.

There is no need to go to Hogwarts.

However, the voice of the system came.

[The main task starts "I come, I see, I sort": complete the admission procedures of Hogwarts on time according to the requirements in this school year, and enter the corresponding college. ]

[Task reward: Eye of God-Sovereign Throne of the Rock King. ]

[Failure penalty: All task rewards obtained before are taken back. 】

Seeing that Andy was not interested in Hogwarts, Qiu Zhang still tried to persuade him earnestly: "Andy, you don't know, Hogwarts is actually really good, the magic is beyond your imagination..."

Andy's face changed instantly: "Okay, I agree."

"Eh?" Qiu Zhang was stunned, "What happened?"

"Nothing, I just suddenly felt that going to Hogwarts is also a good choice. After all, it is the only school willing to accept me now." Andy said, "Let's go, more and more people are looking at us."

The lightning just now caused a lot of noise. Now there are already several passers-by standing at the entrance of the alley, peeking in.

Qiu Zhang woke up and hurriedly pulled Andy out of the alley.

Andy asked, "By the way, is there nothing wrong with the letter you received?"

Qiu Zhang said with a guilty conscience, "It should be. The letter said that the final decision on my punishment has not been made yet. Logically, we are forbidden to use magic in front of Muggles, that is, ordinary people who can't do magic, but my behavior today should not be serious enough to be expelled, because you can see that the situation just now is quite urgent."

"Then I can explain that I was forced to use magic to help you."

She walked and asked, "Andy, where are you going later?"

"You asked me a question that stumped me." Andy replied, "I was just kicked out of the orphanage. Now I have no place to live and I don't know where to go."

In short, Andy is now a "three-no" person, with no money, no home, and no identity.

Qiu Zhang suddenly stopped, looked at Andy, and suggested, "Is that so? Then come with me. I know a place where you can have a good rest."

"Really? Where are we going?"

"My home."


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