In the crowded crowd under the marble staircase in the foyer, Andy also saw the prefect Pavard, who was one year older than them.

Pavard also found Andy and Qiu Zhang and greeted them: "Hi, I heard that you were deducted points by Snape again today."

Andy pointed to the large notice under the stairs and said: "Being deducted points by Snape is not news. When he stops deducting points will be news."

"What's written on it?"

Pavard said excitedly: "Triwizard Tournament! Students from the other two magic schools, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons, will arrive next Friday evening."

"By then, everyone will attend the welcome dinner."

"Guess who will be the champion of Hogwarts?"

Qiu Zhang glanced at Andy and said: "If it's two years later, I would say it's Andy."

"Hehe, that's right, but unfortunately there is no if." Pavard laughed, "Andy can't be a champion now, you're not seventeen years old."

Andy asked: "Then who do you think it will be?"

Pavard said: "Far away in the sky and close at hand."

"You want to be a champion?" Andy and Qiu Zhang were surprised at the same time.

Pavard nodded affirmatively: "Of course! Who else can Ravenclaw College have besides me?"

"You won't not support me, right?"

Andy said: "If you want to ask me if I support it, then I definitely support it."

"But don't you think Cedric has a greater chance of becoming a warrior?"

Hearing Cedric's name, Pavard became dejected: "I know Cedric is popular, but can't you at least give me some hope?"

Andy patted Pavard on the shoulder: "If I have to vote, I will definitely vote for you."

"Thank you." Pavard smiled.


On the morning of October 30th, the whole castle became brand new.

Filch has been frantically cleaning various corners this week, wiping off the dusty paintings, and cleaning the armor standing in various corridors.

Whenever a student dirty the corridor in front of him, he will be furious.

Fortunately, he can no longer put students in confinement at will.

After the last abuse of power, Filch was formally warned because Cedric and Harry, two unlucky guys, kept cleaning the Quidditch stadium stands until 2 a.m. before being allowed to leave by Filch.

So Filch yelled at every student who didn't pay attention to hygiene, and many students now avoided him.

The hall was redecorated by professors.

A huge silk banner hung on the wall, with the colors and representative animals of each school.

Gryffindor with a red background and a golden lion, Ravenclaw with a blue background and a bronze eagle, Hufflepuff with a yellow background and a black badger, and Slytherin with a green background and a silver python.

The four animals gathered and connected on the wall behind the professor's seat, forming a huge H representing Hogwarts.

In the evening, Andy and Qiu Zhang's Charms class ended half an hour early, and Professor Flitwick asked them to go back and put away their schoolbags and textbooks, and to gather in the entrance hall as soon as possible.

When Andy and Qiu Zhang arrived at the scene, almost all the students had arrived. They stood at the end of the fifth-year team.

All the students lined up under the leadership of their respective deans and stood outside the castle.

Andy saw many students who were so excited that they could hardly control themselves. He also saw Dennis Creevey, who was assigned to Gryffindor. He stood in the first-year team and was chatting with the people around him. Finally, Professor McGonagall had to come out and ask him to be quiet.

The weather was very cold. The teachers and students of the whole school stood in the cold wind for a long time, and no one from the other two schools showed up.

When many people were impatient, Dumbledore, who was standing in the back row, suddenly shouted loudly: "Great! I think the representatives of Beauxbatons are here!"

The students looked around and did not find anything unusual. The woods were indifferent and the cold wind was blowing.

Pavard raised his head, pointed to the sky and shouted: "There! What is that? A house?"

Everyone looked up at the sky again. Pavard was right. A small black dot appeared in the sky at some point and was flying towards Hogwarts.

As the black dot got closer, everyone realized that it was a spectacular powder blue carriage.

The carriage was as big as a house and was pulled by twelve silver-maned horses with wings spread, each of which was as big as an elephant.

Then, a deafening roar sounded, and the horse's hooves landed heavily on the ground.


The wheels were vibrating, and the golden horses were shaking their huge heads, with their big red eyes flashing.

The door was inlaid with a coat of arms of two golden wands crossed together, and three bright stars burst out from each wand.

The door opened as soon as it landed, and a boy in a light blue robe jumped out of the carriage. He bent down and opened a golden spiral staircase on the floor of the carriage.

He stepped back respectfully and greeted a huge black high-heeled shoe extending from the carriage. Then, a burly woman slowly walked out of the carriage. Her huge size amazed everyone.

Dumbledore was the first to applaud, and then everyone woke up from their dreams and followed suit to express their welcome.

"Welcome, dear Madame Maxime."

Dumbledore stepped forward and kissed the woman's palm.

Dumbledore's height was already considered tall among ordinary people, but he didn't even have to bend down when kissing.

Madam Maxime bowed her head and smiled, "I hope everything is well with you, Dumbledore."

"I'm fine, thank you." Dumbledore looked up and smiled at Madam Maxime.

Madam Maxime waved her hand, and more than a dozen students, both male and female, aged about eighteen or nineteen, walked down from the carriage behind her. They were all wearing silk robes and shivering with cold.

Dumbledore briefly chatted with Madam Maxime for a few more words, and Madam Maxime led the students of Beauxbatons into the castle.

After the representatives of Beauxbatons left, Andy and the others waited for a while, and it was getting later and later.

Suddenly, the black lake in front of them broke open, rippling, and a gurgling sound came from under the water, and a tall mast first stretched out from under the water.

Then, a huge ship gradually surfaced, and the whole looked gloomy and terrifying, like a wreckage that had just been salvaged.

The boat sailed out of the center of the lake and docked at the shore. A group of people walked down from the boat. They were all wearing thick fur coats and wrapped themselves tightly.

The two people in the lead were the headmaster of Durmstrang, Karkaroff.

There was also the star player of the Bulgarian team, Viktor Krum, whom Andy had met before.

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