Filch held the wooden box and placed it upright in front of Dumbledore.

Dumbledore thanked Filch and then said to everyone: "The competition items for this year's Triwizard Tournament have been reviewed by Mr. Crouch and Mr. Bagman."

"Ministry of Magic staff The professors and I have made a lot of efforts to ensure the perfect competition. "

"The competition of this college will be divided into three events in total, which will be held at different time periods. "

"These events will comprehensively test the warriors' Various magical talents, courage, intelligence, and of course the most important strength. "

"Therefore, Mr. Filch also asked me to remind everyone that in order to ensure the smooth progress of the game, the Quidditch field has been closed. Please Don't enter the court during your free time to avoid accidents."

After saying that, Dumbledore glanced at the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables.

Harry and Cedric sat seriously, trying to Pretend to know nothing.

Dumbledore continued, "Each school will send a warrior as a representative to participate in the competition."

"The judges of the jury will score the warriors according to their performance in the competition. After all the projects are completed, the one with the highest score will win. The champion will represent his school and win the Triwizard Tournament. "

"Many people have asked me curiously how the champions are selected."

"Now it's time to reveal everything, it is - the Goblet of Fire. "

Dumbledore took out his wand, tapped the wooden box three times, and opened the lid of the box.

Then Dumbledore reached in and took out a rather crudely carved wooden goblet.

On the wooden goblet Inside the cup, a blue-white flame was constantly burning, attracting everyone’s attention.

"Every student who wants to participate in the Warrior election must write his or her name and the school he or she represents on parchment and throw it into the Goblet of Fire."

"From now on, the Goblet of Fire will be stored in the entrance hall. Students who want to become warriors must sign up within 24 hours. "

"Tomorrow, on Halloween night, the Goblet of Fire will select a total of three warriors. "

"Of course, in order to prevent students under the age of seventeen from experiencing To avoid temptation, I will impose a small restriction on registration." Dumbledore changed the subject and said with a smile, "At that time, there will be an age limit. Any applicant who does not meet the age requirement will be detected by magic. "

"Finally, I need to remind everyone that signing up for the competition is actually signing a contract with the Goblet of Fire, which cannot be violated. No matter what, being chosen by the Goblet of Fire All warriors who have emerged must participate in the competition. "

"So, before signing up, please think carefully about whether you have the determination to face all this."

"That's all I have to say. Good night, everyone!"

Dumbledore announced After the meeting, he walked down the podium and talked quietly with Ludo Bagman and Barty Crouch in the professor's chair.

His words made the atmosphere in the auditorium even more lively.

Although He said good night, but everyone started talking excitedly about the Goblet of Fire and the Triwizard Tournament.

It was impossible for anyone to fall asleep at this time.

Except for Andy who had prepared well and those who had no intention of signing up. .

Everyone stood up and filed out, discussing the candidates for the warriors from each school as they walked.

Qiu Zhang looked at the leisurely Andy and asked curiously: "Age cutoff, some people are completely unable to sign up, are you disappointed?"

"Disappointed? How could that be possible." Andy said, "Don't worry, I I have my own way."

"Oh? Then I'll wait and see."

Fleur and Gabrielle were about to return to the carriage with the students of Beauxbatons, but when they heard the conversation between the two, they stopped.

Fleur asked, "You too Want to participate in the Triwizard Tournament? "

"Yes." Andy admitted frankly.

Furong showed a face of seeing a joke: "But you are not yet seventeen years old, how can you sign up?"

Andy said: "Well , just take it one step at a time, there will always be a way when the time comes. "

Furong snorted, Andy obviously has his own plan, but he won't tell her.

Gabrielle also chimed in: "Andy, you are lying You can't get past Professor Dumbledore's age limit. Madam Maxime said he is the greatest

One of the greatest wizards."

Andy smiled and squatted down, saying to Gabrielle, "If I succeed, I can help you sign up as well."

"Do you want to be a Beauxbatons warrior?"

Gabrielle's eyes widened: "Really? Well then..."

Fleur stepped forward, protecting Gabrielle behind her, and said angrily, "Please don't let my sister have such dangerous ideas. She is still a child. I brought her here just because I don't want her to stay alone in Beauxbatons."

"I don't think you can break through Professor Dumbledore's age limit. It's better for people to know themselves."

Andy asked back, "What if I really succeed in signing up for the competition and am selected as a warrior?"

Fleur was completely angry with Andy, and sneered, "Okay, then I bet you can't do it at all."

"If you really succeed, then I can promise you a request, you can do anything you want me to do. "

"On the contrary, if you can't put your name into the Goblet of Fire, you must change your contemptuous attitude and apologize to me and Gabrielle."

After saying that, Fleur pulled Gabrielle and turned away without waiting for Andy's response.

Pavard happened to pass by and heard Fleur's words. His face instantly turned petrified. He looked at Andy and muttered to himself: "Anything is fine..."

Ron Weasley also showed the same expression. He, Harry and Hermione walked behind Pavard and heard Fleur's words.

"She is so beautiful..." Ron looked at Fleur's back and couldn't forget it for a long time.

Harry coughed twice, tugged at Ron's clothes, and said: "In fact, the girls in Hogwarts are also very good. Ron, don't look at them. They have already gone far away."

"Hey... Qiu..."

Hermione slapped her forehead in despair, thinking that these two people were completely hopeless.

Andy was still standing there and asked: "How did I offend her? "

Is it a sin not to lick?

Qiu Zhang looked at Andy with a smile: "I don't know, but I really want to see you give in and apologize now."

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