The two of them were very happy.

Cedric walked in surrounded by a group of Hufflepuff students with a smile on his face.

He saw Qiu Zhang and Andy were about to go out, and stopped immediately, knowingly asking: "Can't sign up? Right? Because of the age limit."

Andy said: "Well, I just want to have breakfast."

Cedric smiled confidently at Andy: "There is no need to explain, and it's not your fault, Andy. Underage wizards are not ready to face this challenge."

It was the first time that Cedric beat Andy in something. Even if he could only say a few words, it was so cool.

He smiled heartily, and under the encouragement of others, he crossed the dividing line and threw his name into the Goblet of Fire.

Of course, the Goblet of Fire accepted him without any surprise. The blue-white flame rolled up the parchment and turned it into a fiery red color, and then returned to normal.

After Cedric finished the registration, he walked to Andy and said, "Do you want to register? Maybe I can help you? As long as you give me the parchment, I will help you throw it into the Goblet of Fire."

"I know you want to participate too. To be honest, your strength is really strong. It's a pity that you can't become a warrior."

Qiu Zhang pointed at Andy and said, "You don't have the same idea, do you? Don't even think about asking others to register for you."

"This is cheating."

Andy said speechlessly, "Don't you know that everyone can only register once?"

"The Goblet of Fire will definitely limit this. If you have submitted the parchment yourself, you can't register for others again."

"Ah?" Cedric and Qiu Zhang were stunned. They really didn't know this.

Andy spread his hands and said, "According to common sense, if this registration method is not restricted, it will soon breed an industry chain of intermediaries who register on behalf of others."

"Those students who do not plan to register themselves can use this to earn some pocket money."

"Because there are still many students like Fred and George who have enough strength but cannot meet the hard requirements."

Cedric and Qiu Zhang suddenly realized that what Andy said made sense.

If the Goblet of Fire did not have a relevant mechanism, it would indeed evolve into what Andy said.

Qiu Zhang said excitedly: "That means we can take this opportunity to form a team to specialize in this business?"

The students around him burst into tears when they heard this. It was so dark, so dark, why didn't they think of this.

Some people have already sneaked out of the lobby, intending to grab market share in advance.

Andy said, "There's no chance. It's such a simple thing. If I can think of it, there must be others who will think of it."

"There are too many people who are eligible to register but don't want to register. There is no threshold at all."

"Only the first person who takes this step can use the time difference to earn a few Sickles. Then he will face an endless price war, starting from two Sickles, to one Sickle, and finally down to only a few Knuts, which is not enough to cover the time wasted for this."

"As the price is lowered, the final result is the collapse of the market, and no one can play."

"So it's not worth wasting time to earn this kind of pocket money."

Andy really thought about it earlier, whether to use this mechanism to earn some pocket money and be the first person to eat crabs.

He is quite famous in Ravenclaw. Whether it is because of the sorting ceremony or because of good grades, most senior students know him.

In addition, Ravenclaw students have a stronger sense of self-awareness. Andy knows that many people are not interested in registering at all.

Andy can completely integrate these people and sell their places to Gryffindor students.

Finally, Andy thought about it and decided not to do it.

In addition to the competitive pressure, the main reason was that the time was too short.

From the time the Goblet of Fire was taken out to the deadline for registration, there were only 24 hours.

The registration was closed in the time it took to sleep.

As soon as Andy finished speaking, a Slytherin senior student who didn't believe in evil walked to the Goblet of Fire and tried to throw two pieces of parchment in.

As a result, his first piece of parchment was received by the Goblet of Fire, but the second piece was burned to ashes by the blue-white flame, and the Goblet of Fire did not react at all.

"Oh no! I really registered for myself successfully. What if I become a warrior?" The senior student said in panic.

He said a few words and found that his friend looked like a fool.

He looked at him like a fool, so he had to cough twice and said in defense: "It is possible after all..."

"Okay." Seeing that the senior student failed, Qiu Zhang and Cedric were relieved.

Neither of them wanted to see Andy have a loophole to exploit.

Qiu Zhang was worried about Andy's safety, and Cedric simply didn't want to compete with Andy.

If Andy didn't participate in the competition, he would most likely be the champion of Hogwarts.

But with Andy, it's hard to say.

Cedric smiled reassuringly, "It seems that even if I want to help you, I can't."

Andy looked at him strangely, "This is another point of confusion for me. Why do you think I have to rely on others to sign up for the Triwizard Tournament?"

Cedric was stunned and asked reflexively, "You should not be seventeen yet?"

Andy smiled, "Indeed, but I never said that I would be trapped by the age limit, right?"

"What do you mean?"

As he was talking, the students of Beauxbatons, led by the tall Madame Maxime, lined up and walked into the entrance hall.

Like the students of Durmstrang, they came to sign up.

Fleur, who was walking in front, immediately noticed Andy and the others.

She raised her head and whispered a few words to Madame Maxime.

Then, Madame Maxime looked at Andy with sudden realization and signaled all the students of Beauxbatons to stop.

Madam Maxime's authority in Beauxbatons is unquestionable. At her command, all Beauxbatons students immediately stopped where they were.

Now, Andy was the one closest to the Goblet of Fire. It looked like the students of Beauxbatons were waiting for Andy to complete the registration.

Fleur folded her arms and stared at Andy with a sneer.

She wanted to see what Andy was going to do.

If Andy didn't dare to register in front of everyone, he would naturally be shorter than Fleur.

But if he insisted on putting his name into the Goblet of Fire, Andy would grow a full beard like the Weasley twins who just ran by.

In Fleur's opinion, she would not lose no matter what.

She just waited to see Andy's joke.

The same was true for Cedric. At this time, he was not in a hurry. He also stepped aside and looked at Andy.

Qiu Zhang pulled Andy's clothes and whispered, "Let's go."

Andy ignored the pressure and smiled, "I really plan to sign up."

Qiu Zhang glared at Andy and lip-synced: Are you crazy?

Andy took out a small piece of parchment with his name written on it from his pocket and walked to the age limit of the Goblet of Fire.

[The Rock Man, the Six Directions Lead It as Bones]

His God's Eye flashed, and a huge force burst out from Andy's body, soaking the entire lobby.

Andy waved his hand casually, and the space around him suddenly shook, scaring everyone.

The sand and dust that fell from the ceiling seemed to have their own goals, and they gathered in Andy's hands automatically and consciously.

Finally, it condensed into a fist-sized cube, floating in the air. It was not amazing, but it contained great power.

Before anyone else could figure out what was happening, Andy pushed the small cube with his index finger and took a step towards the Goblet of Fire.

He had surpassed the age limit set by Dumbledore!

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