The last thing Andy wanted to do was to go to school.

When Andy returned to the Ravenclaw common room, it was already late. The common room was dark and there was no one.

As soon as Andy entered the door, there was a loud bang.

"What is that!"

Andy was startled and took out his wand reflexively.

The lights in the common room suddenly lit up, and Ravenclaw students came out from all corners.

Andy saw the crazy girl Luna holding a huge eagle horn and blowing it hard. The eagle opened its mouth wide and made a sharp cry that echoed throughout the Ravenclaw tower.

Qiu Zhang held two Filipu fireworks in his hand and rushed towards Andy excitedly: "Don't leave, Hall! Catch him!"

Andy turned around and wanted to run, but Pavard had blocked the door. He and another student grabbed his arms on the left and right and lifted him into the crowd.

Andy screamed and was lifted up to the top of his head by the student closest to him, lying on his back.

"Warrior! A warrior of Ravenclaw!"

"Andy! Andy! Andy!"

The common room was full of joy.

For Ravenclaw, who had not won any honors for a long time, Andy became a warrior of Hogwarts, which really made them proud.

Andy shouted above the crowd: "Put me down! Pavard! You are still a prefect! You should turn off the lights and go to bed at this time!"

"Don't touch my butt! Put me down! Professor Flitwick won't let you be so presumptuous!"

Andy turned around and saw that Professor Flitwick was standing in the corner of the common room, watching this scene with a smile.

He was too short and was blocked by others just now.

Andy said angrily: "I didn't expect that even you, a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would..."

Before he finished speaking, he was thrown into the air by the people below, and Andy was so scared that he quickly put on a shield.

If the people below didn't catch him, it would be funny.

The next day's "Daily Prophet" would become: The warrior of the Triwizard Tournament withdrew from the competition due to excessive excitement. What happened to this school?

Fortunately, this kind of thing did not happen.

The Ravenclaw students made a fuss for a while and then let Andy down.

The common room was decorated as a small party scene.

Senior students contributed snacks and butter beer bought from Hogsmeade, and the food filled the table.

There were colorful ribbons hanging from the ceiling, and Luna also made a necklace made of various shells and hung it on the eagle-shaped bronze door knocker at the door.

Qiu Zhang would take out a firework from time to time, set it off, and then use a spell to eliminate the smoke and smell, leaving only the visual effect.

Andy asked, "Didn't we buy this when we were in Diagon Alley?"

Qiu Zhang: "Yes, there is no Quidditch this year, but it is better to celebrate your becoming a warrior."

"Have you used them all?"

"No, I still have some left, and I will set them off when you win the Triwizard Tournament."

Andy sighed, "You really have confidence in me."

"That's right!" Qiu Zhang patted Andy confidently, "Since you have become a warrior, you must win!"

For senior students, this is also a rare moment of relaxation.

The later the semester goes, the heavier the schoolwork will be.

Pavard sat next to Andy and said enviously: "That's great, you are a warrior and don't have to take the final exam."

Andy: "I don't have to take the final exam, but I have to take the O.W.L.s exam, otherwise I won't get the certificate."

Pavard was happy: "Then give me the warrior's place. I'm in the sixth grade, and the final exam will be held normally. There will be a big exam next year."

Andy: "Okay, you can fight the trolls on my behalf. I heard that the first project is to defeat five trolls with bare hands."

Pavard immediately turned his head: "I suddenly remembered that I have a disease that will kill me if I get close to trolls."

The party to celebrate Andy becoming a warrior lasted until late, and Professor Flitwick drove them all back to the dormitory to sleep.

Everyone had a lot of fun, only Andy felt weird.

Ravenclaw has always been called the Eagle House, and there was a party in the common room...

Forget it, don't think too much.


The next day, Andy woke up early and went to the auditorium with Qiu Zhang to have breakfast.

He has become completely famous, and everyone who sees him greets him.

In the eyes of some Hufflepuff students, Andy has taken the champion spot that originally belonged to Cedric.

But that is normal competition, Andy and Cedric

All of them put their names into the Goblet of Fire.

In the end, the Goblet of Fire chose Andy as the champion among all the people.

In the face of this situation, no one can say anything, after all, you can't reason with the Goblet of Fire.

No one knows the selection criteria of the Goblet of Fire.

It is only known that it can indeed select the strongest applicant as the champion representing his school.

So even in Hufflepuff, many people choose to support Andy, the first champion of Hogwarts.

From the moment Andy's name was read out in public by Dumbledore, he actually won the support of the whole school.

Andy usually has a good relationship with people, excellent grades, and handsome looks. Such an image is really hard to make people feel bad.

But with Harry, the situation is completely opposite.

He suffered the most serious targeting and attack in history.

This caught Harry off guard.

Everyone thought that he had put his name into the Goblet of Fire.

Information spread very quickly.

Two or three days later, there were rumors that Harry used magic to change the Goblet of Fire so that he could become a champion, and used the Imperius Curse to control Dumbledore and Crouch.

On the night that Harry became a champion, a celebration party was held in the Gryffindor common room.

Like Ravenclaw, the Gryffindor students were also very happy.

But Harry, as the protagonist, was not very happy.

Because almost everyone, including the Weasley twins and the Creevey brothers, believed that Harry had found a way to deceive the Goblet of Fire.

No one believed Harry's statement.

Their logic was very simple. According to common sense, there would only be three champions.

Now there are four champions, and there must be something wrong with them.

But the champions are from Gryffindor, so even if there are problems, they are considered no problem.

As the fourth champion, Harry was naturally questioned by many people.

Even Harry's best friend Ron didn't believe him.

He stopped talking to Harry since Harry became a champion.

Among Harry's friends, only Hermione still believed in Harry, but this didn't help him much.

Hermione couldn't convince anyone either.

In the next few days, Harry finally understood what Andy meant by what he said.

Except for the Gryffindor students, everyone in the castle was sneering at him.

Ravenclaw and Slytherin students were undoubtedly supporters of the real warrior Andy.

Wherever Harry went, they would laugh at Harry loudly.

They sang songs insulting Harry and sang them everywhere.

While walking in the castle, someone would suddenly appear in front of Harry dressed as the Goblet of Fire.

As soon as Harry looked over, the human-shaped Goblet of Fire shyly covered its face and ran away shouting "I will make you a warrior", causing a burst of laughter.

After a few days of fermentation, the situation reached a climax.

Draco Malfoy from Slytherin took the lead in making a large number of badges with the words [Andy Hall, a true warrior who supports Hogwarts]

Just press this badge and the words on it will change to [Potter Stinky Shit]

Many courses of Slytherin are taken together with Gryffindor.

Now every time in class, under the leadership of Malfoy, Slytherin students will collectively wear this badge to try to anger Harry.

For this reason, Draco Malfoy even ran to Andy to show off.

To be honest, Andy was really surprised that Malfoy took the initiative to talk to him.

Andy stared at him for a long time and finally concluded that Draco Malfoy was not pretending, he was really stupid.

This guy really didn't know that Andy had beaten his father.

Lucius Malfoy obviously didn't tell his son that the Malfoy family and Andy had such a connection.

So Andy had to look at him with caring eyes to express his gratitude.

After that, Malfoy jumped up and down even more vigorously.

According to common sense, Malfoy would not be Andy's friend.

Unfortunately, Harry and him obviously have a deeper hatred.

And the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Malfoy automatically and consciously regarded Harry as his and Andy's common enemy, so he hurriedly made this batch of badges to show his support for Andy.

Among the other three colleges except Gryffindor, only the students of Hufflepuff remained relatively neutral and did not go too far with Harry.

They first supported Cedric of this college, and then Andy.

Cedric has been quite depressed recently, and the entire Hufflepuff College has fallen into silence.

For all this, Harry can only endure it alone.

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