The two of them were hiding in the dark.

After Andy's reminder, Harry realized that he couldn't completely cover his whereabouts now.

He didn't want to be discovered that the Hogwarts warrior was sneaking around Hogsmeade wearing an invisible cloak.

After a simple thank you, Harry hurriedly left with Hermione.

As soon as they left, Moody walked into the Three Broomsticks.

"Andy, have you seen Potter?"

Qiu Zhang tacitly didn't answer immediately, leaving it to Andy to deal with.

Andy said, "No, Professor, what do you want to talk to him about?"

Moody said, "It's not me, it's Hagrid who wants to talk to him about something. If you see him, can you help pass on this message?"

Andy smiled and said, "No problem. It just so happens that I haven't seen Hagrid for a long time."

"I was just about to look for you, Professor. The first project is about to start. Do you have any good suggestions?"

Moody's eyes twitched. Do you still need suggestions?

He thought about it and replied, "Stay calm and use your abilities."

"Okay." Andy's eyes were as admiring as always.

After being together for so long, Moody has gotten used to it. After saying that, he nodded to Andy and left. He didn't plan to eat any food in the bar and always only drank the liquid in his own wine bottle.

Qiu Zhang asked, "Why did Hagrid look for Harry?"

Andy: "Maybe he wants to inform him about the content of the first competition."

"What?" Qiu Zhang was shocked, "Aren't warriors not allowed to know the content of the competition in advance?"

"That's the theory." Andy smiled, "But in theory, students under the age of seventeen cannot participate. Cheating has always been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament."

Qiu Zhang worried, "What will you do? If Hagrid knows the content of the competition, Karkaroff and Madame Maxime may also know it."

Andy said, "Don't worry about me. If I guess correctly, Harry knows it, which means I know it. He will tell me."

Qiu Zhang glanced at Andy, and that inexplicable confidence came again.

But she already had experience. Whatever Andy said, regardless of whether it made sense or not, it was very likely to be right.

"Why are you so sure?" Qiu Zhang couldn't help asking.

Andy: "Because Harry is a good person."

He pulled Harry's favorability hard, wasn't it just for this moment?

Although Andy didn't really need it.

The next morning, after a good night's sleep, Andy just walked down the common room and saw Pavard's red face saying to him: "Andy, someone is looking for you, at the door of the common room."

"Thank you."

Andy walked out the door, but saw a figure with a waterfall of silver hair.

Furong turned around and said impatiently: "Why are you so slow?"

Andy: "Why is it you?"

"Who else could it be if not me?"

Furong looked around and pulled Andy to an empty corner at the end of the corridor.

"Listen carefully, I will only say it once, the goal of our first competition is to deal with the fire dragon!"

"I don't know how you still have the time to wander around."

Andy was a little surprised: "Thank you."

Furong glared at Andy: "I'm not kidding! This is what Madam Maxim told me last night, she won't lie to me."

Thinking of the blazing flames, fear was unconsciously reflected in her pupils.

Andy said, "I know, I believe you, I just didn't expect you to come here to tell me this."

Fleur: "Forget it, if you have that time, you might as well think about how to survive the dragon's mouth."

Andy nodded and said, "Okay, then we're even."

Fleur took a lot of risks by coming to Ravenclaw to find Andy in person, and Andy couldn't help but express his gratitude.

Fleur didn't say anything else. After she told Andy about the dragon, she finally breathed a sigh of relief. She hurriedly said goodbye to Andy and walked down the Ravenclaw Tower.

Andy didn't return to the common room, but came to the hall.

Since we're up, we might as well have a meal.

Today is Sunday, and the day after tomorrow is the day when the first project starts.

The atmosphere in the hall is getting more and more heated.

Wherever there are people, the topic always revolves around the Triwizard Tournament.

Andy walked along and declined most of the conversations.

As soon as he sat down at the Ravenclaw table, he heard a familiar voice next to him, whispering his name.

Andy looked in the direction of the voice, but didn't see anyone, so he asked the air, "Harry?"

Harry, wearing the invisibility cloak, responded, "Thank God, you're finally here."

It was the invisibility cloak again. Andy calmly took the food on the plate, served himself a bowl of cereal, poured in chopped nuts and milk, and ate while talking.

"Professor Moody asked me to give you a message. Hagrid is looking for you, but I don't think you need it anymore."

"That's right!" Harry said excitedly, "I saw Hagrid last night. You won't believe what we saw!"

Andy laughed and said, "It can't be a dragon."

As soon as the voice fell, even though Andy couldn't see Harry's expression, he felt that he could see the shock on his face.

" did you know?"

After a long time, Harry said.

"Fleur has just told me."

"This...Is that so? I am being nosy."

"Not at all. I am very grateful for your doing this. You could have said nothing."

Harry hummed a few times and said, "I just think it would be unfair to you if you didn't know. I dare say Krum knew it a long time ago."

"Since you already know the news, I will leave."

"Wait." Andy stopped him, "Do you have a way to deal with the dragon?"

Harry's voice showed a trace of confusion: "I was so nervous last night that I didn't sleep much. Now my head is still confused."

"Is that so." Andy smiled, "Then you might as well try the Eye Spell, which is a good spell for dealing with large animals."

"Eye Spell?" Harry thought about it. He had never heard of this spell.

Andy seemed to be able to see through Harry's thoughts and said, "If you don't understand, you can ask the professor or senior students. Professor Flitwick must be very good at this spell."

"Professor Flitwick won't appreciate me very much." Harry muttered, and said excitedly, "But thanks! I will try this spell, maybe Hermione will know it!"

Seeing that more Ravenclaw students were surrounding him, in order to conceal his presence, Harry hurriedly said goodbye to Andy and left quietly.

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