The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next meal.

Qiu Zhang blushed slightly, walked slowly to Andy and took his hand.

"You look so beautiful today." Andy exclaimed, and then immediately added, "You have always been beautiful, but today is the most special."

Qiu Zhang chuckled and looked at Andy's expression with satisfaction: "You are quick to react."

After saying that, Qiu Zhang pulled the hem of her skirt unnaturally. It was obvious that she was not very used to wearing high heels. She whispered: "Thank you for your gift."

This was not the party dress Qiu Zhang originally chose.

She originally wanted to wear a cheongsam that once belonged to her mother.

This pure black evening dress was a Christmas gift from Andy.

After thinking it over, Qiu Zhang put it on even though it was a bit out of season.

"Oh, sorry."

Andy realized that Qiu Zhang's outfit was good in every way except that it didn't block the wind, so he quickly took off his coat and put it on Qiu Zhang.

Qiu Zhang shook her head slightly, signaling Andy not to use it, and went upstairs again, and came down again after a while.

She had a well-tailored black coat for women on her, similar in style to the one Andy was wearing.

"A gift from your uncle and aunt?" Andy saw it at a glance and asked, "Why didn't you put it on right away?"

Qiu Zhang smiled triumphantly and said, "I just wanted to show you first, isn't it nice?"

Andy smiled and nodded.

"When did you buy this outfit? We've been together all day, how come I didn't know?" Qiu Zhang was a little confused.

Andy: "When we went to Hogsmeade."

"We passed by Fengya Wizard Clothing Store by chance last time. You didn't notice it, but I thought this dress would suit you, so I quietly ordered it. Do you like it?"

Qiu Zhang smiled and said, "Of course I like it, but where did you get the money? Even if you save up all your pocket money, it wouldn't be enough, right?"

Where did Andy get the money?

He actually didn't pay at all, but just sent a letter to Fengya Clothing Store to ask about the price.

The next day, the dress and the matching outfit were sent to Andy.

The only requirement of the store was that whenever someone asked, Andy had to mention the name of the store, and send them a few photos after the ball for promotional purposes.

So that everyone would know that Andy Hall's dance partner who successfully defeated a fire dragon was also wearing a Fengya dress.

Qiu Zhang looked at Andy in disbelief after hearing this.

Who would have thought that Andy would take on an endorsement without knowing it.

Andy was also surprised by all this. He could only say that he and Qiu Zhang underestimated the influence of becoming a champion in the Triwizard Tournament.

Andy and Qiu Zhang arrived at the door of the auditorium on time before eight o'clock.

It was already crowded here.

Some people were looking for their dance partners, and there was a lot of noise everywhere, as if Hogwarts had become a large social venue overnight.

Andy saw Fleur in the crowd.

She was wearing a silver-gray satin robe with an evening dress of the same color underneath, as soft as the surface of water.

Accompanying her was Cedric.

The two handsome men and beautiful women looked equally pleasing to the eye, but for some reason, they only had a forced smile on their faces.

Seeing Andy and Qiu standing together arm in arm, the two became more melancholy.

Harry was also not very happy.

But he was in a much better state of mind than Cedric and Fleur, because he and Qiu Zhang had not had many opportunities to talk before, and this was just his wishful thinking.

Harry's dance partner is Parvati from Gryffindor, and her name is very similar to Pavard.

Parvati also has a twin sister Padma from Ravenclaw, who is one year lower than Andy and Qiu Zhang, and now becomes Ron's dance partner.

"Have you seen Hermione?"

Harry came over and asked.

"No, shouldn't she be with you?"

Ron waved his hand impatiently and said, "No, she still doesn't want to tell us who her dance partner is. Who cares? Maybe she doesn't want to come at all."

At this time, the gate of the castle opened, and the students of Durmstrang walked in under the leadership of Karkaroff.

Krum walked in front, his face as gloomy as always.

The dance partner next to him was not Hermione, but a girl from Beauxbatons, who was very beautiful.

However, the two of them were obviously not in tune. Krum's dance partner kept shaking his arm, trying to make him smile more, but Krum was unmoved.

Professor McGonagall walked in, letting all the brave

The judges and their partners stood together, and the rest of the students who participated in the dance entered the hall first.

A path was separated in the crowd, and Andy and his friends walked to the edge of the door, then reunited and poured into the hall.

Under the arrangement of Professor McGonagall, after everyone was seated, Andy and his friends lined up with their partners and followed her into the hall.

Dumbledore and the judges sat at a large round table in front of the hall.

More than half of the seats on the round table were empty, which were reserved for Andy and his friends.

Barty Crouch did not come, and the person who replaced him was a red-haired boy who looked a bit like Ron.

That was Percy Weasley, another brother of Ron, who was now Barty Crouch's personal assistant.

The Weasleys had seven children, and it was a bit difficult to recognize them all at once.

The hall had completely changed its appearance, and the walls were covered with shining silver frost.

The ceiling presented a starry night sky, with hundreds of wreaths carefully woven from mistletoe sprigs and ivy hanging in between.

The original four school tables disappeared, replaced by a hundred small tables decorated with lanterns, each with a dozen people sitting around them.

Without much opening remarks, Dumbledore simply welcomed everyone, then took the menu and said clearly to his plate: "Pork chop"

The next moment, a well-cooked pork chop immediately appeared on his plate.

Seeing this, others followed his example and ordered their favorite food.

The cooking skills of the house elves at Hogwarts were as good as ever. After everyone had eaten and drunk enough, Dumbledore signaled everyone to stand up together.

The highlight of the ball was just beginning.

He took out his wand, moved all the tables in the middle of the hall to the corner, and conjured up a stage near the wall.

The current top band in the magic world, Weird Sisters, walked onto the stage amid the deafening cheers of the audience and began to play.

Andy stood up and invited Qiu Zhang.

Qiu Zhang grabbed his arm without hesitation and led him to the dance floor.

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