The truth is, it's a lie.

Andy looked at Hermione and asked, "Do you have any evidence?"

Hermione shook her head and said, "Not yet, but I have my own reasons."

"Last year, before you came to Hogwarts, Harry and I found an illegal Animagus in the school."

"His name is Peter Pettigrew. He can turn into a mouse named Scabbers. He has been hiding in Ron's house for more than ten years."

"Animagus can't completely abandon the emotional and behavioral characteristics of being a human. It's just that no one pays attention to them at ordinary times."

"I know you may think I'm dreaming and saying something unrealistic, but I know you can understand me, please believe me!"

Andy knows what this is about.

This is also a classic plot of Harry Potter.

Harry's father James Potter used to have a good relationship with Peter, Sirius Black and Lupin.

Among the four of them, Lupin is a werewolf, and the other three are self-taught Animagus.

During the wizard war when Voldemort rose, they all joined the ranks against Voldemort.

The information known to the world is that Sirius, as the secret keeper of Harry's parents, betrayed them.

But in fact, Peter Pedrill was the one who really betrayed Harry's parents, causing his parents to be killed by Voldemort, and directly causing Harry to have an extremely painful childhood.

Sirius Black took the blame afterwards and was imprisoned in Azkaban for more than ten years.

It was not until last year that Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban and sneaked into Hogwarts, wanting to seek revenge on Peter.

Harry and Hermione learned the truth.

However, Sirius Black was not able to officially clear his name in the end, and is now on the run.

Andy was surprised at the right time: "Peter Pettigrew? Didn't he die a long time ago?"

Hermione hesitated: "It's a long story, but I have experience facing Animagus. I am sure that even if Rita Skeeter is not an Animagus, she can definitely use Transfiguration to hide herself well!"

"In fact, I found out after Harry became a warrior and you were asked to perform the wand inspection ceremony."

"After that, there were always some small animals around me and Harry."

"Maybe I'm overthinking, but if Rita Skeeter is really an Animagus, her method can almost be called perfect!"

"She can disguise herself as a being that will never be noticed by others!"

Andy smiled and said, "I believe you."

Andy's belief surprised Hermione.

"You, you believe me? Don't you think I'm talking nonsense?"

Andy nodded: "Yes, I believe you."

Hermione's plan coincided with his, both of which were to catch Rita Skeeter.

Now that Hermione can point this out, there is no need for Andy to do anything unnecessary.

Hermione was so overwhelmed by this sudden trust that she couldn't even say a word of the words she had prepared to try to persuade Andy.

"Hermione, Hermione!"

Andy waved, wondering, what happened? Why was he stunned?

Hermione reacted and said in surprise: "I actually have a few guesses about Rita Skeeter's Animagus transformation."

"Just when I entered the Great Hall, I happened to find one of the beetles at the gate. It followed me closely. I always see it recently. It was also there when Harry and I were in the school hospital."

"I don't want to miss this opportunity, so I ran out again."

Andy: "Do you suspect it's Rita Skeeter?"

Hermione said frustratedly: "Yes, but I lost it."

"If she is really Rita Skeeter, she is really cunning. She turned into a beetle and flew into a garden like this. We can't find her again."

"Don't worry." Andy said, "Can you describe to me what the beetle you saw looks like?"

Hermione was a little confused, but still said: "It looks like an ordinary beetle, with a single horn and only some unique patterns on the head."

"It looks... like it's wearing a pair of glasses."

Hermione was stunned after she said that. How could a beetle wear glasses?

But what she saw was indeed so.

"I'm not sure, I'm just guessing, what do you want to know about the beetle?

? "

Andy smiled and said, "Of course, find it out."

"How to find it?"

Andy did not answer, but once again simulated the water divination plate he had just used.

Hermione looked at Andy in surprise.

Another kind of magic she had never seen before.

"The shadow of fate, reflected in the water..."

Andy tapped his finger lightly, and the starlight on the water divination plate began to move rapidly, turning into the shape of a beetle.

The starlight focused on the beetle's head, showing the pattern that Hermione had just described, depicting the correct image.

Once the beetle was formed, the entire star map burst into light, and a wave of water suddenly emerged, forming a bulge, condensing into an arrow at the edge of the water divination plate, pointing to Andy's back.

At the same time, Andy had received the information in his mind.

Rita Skeeter is indeed somewhere in this garden!

"Let's go. "

Andy turned and walked back.

Hermione was surprised, lifted her skirt, and hurriedly followed, asking as she walked: "What kind of magic is this?"


"Divination?!" Hermione couldn't believe it, "How can you trust divination for such a thing?"

In the castle, Hermione can be said to be Professor Trelawney's number one hater.

She likes all classes, but she doesn't like divination.

"Why not?" Andy smiled, "Magic is very profound. In this world, there are still many things we don't know. Sometimes we have to trust the revelations brought to us by fate."

"I don't have time to explain it in detail now, but just like I believed in you just now, please believe me too. "

Hermione was a little helpless, but this sentence convinced her.

She just said so much, and she felt it was outrageous, but Andy didn't refute it.

Andy led Hermione back to the path behind him, then moved a bouquet of roses and walked to the other side of the garden fountain.

Andy suddenly stopped, and Hermione looked at him puzzledly: "What's wrong? "

Andy looked around: "She's right here..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a panicked figure suddenly jumped out from a bush nearby and ran to the side.

She was wearing a dark green women's gown with lace and a pair of ugly thick glasses on her face.

In her hand was an automatic writing feather pen and a thick roll of parchment, on which the content was half written.

Such a conspicuous feature was undoubtedly Rita Skeeter.

Hermione looked at Rita Skeeter who appeared out of thin air in surprise. Andy's divination actually found her.

The next moment, Rita Skeeter's body suddenly shrank, her back hunched up, and she fell to the ground.

"She's going to run away!" Hermione said anxiously.

Andy calmly pointed his hand and shot a thin electric light, which accurately hit the half-deformed Rita Skeeter.

"Ah!!! "

Rita Skeeter fell to the ground twitching, the Animagus transformation process was interrupted and she returned to her original form.

Andy and Hermione walked over.

"You really made it difficult for us to find you."

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