The reason why Andy wanted to take Gabrielle away by force was that he suddenly remembered that according to the original plot, Fleur had not completed the second event at all.

Gabrielle was rescued by Harry later.

The news from the mermaid team also confirmed this situation.

Fleur was trapped by the Grindylows and had no way to reach the mermaid village by her own strength.

This was actually not a big problem. Andy knew that Dumbledore would not let the warriors' treasures be harmed.

The warriors except Harry were all voluntary participants.

But if Ron, who was a hostage, got into trouble, the parents could tear down Hogwarts.

No matter which school or country, the fighting power of students' parents is always at the forefront of the times.

But Gabrielle was too young and had been in the water for too long. Even though Andy knew that her life would not be in danger, he could not sit idly by.

Gabrielle even gave him a Christmas present.

The chocolate was delicious.

Furong could not get down. Since Andy was going back to the shore anyway, he might as well take Gabrielle with him.

Andy put away his wand, held Qiu Zhang in his left hand and Gabrielle in his right hand, and swam very fast in the water.

When coming here, he still needed to identify the direction, but it was not so troublesome to go back. He just had to swim to the water above his head.

After a while, Andy surfaced and returned to the shore.

At this time, only ten minutes had passed since the start of the game.

This also included the time to negotiate with the mermaid leader, otherwise Andy could have been faster.

Seeing Andy return to the shore so quickly and bring back two hostages, the cheers in the stands suddenly rose.

The second event was far less entertaining than the first event.

The audience was almost bored to death.

After the warriors entered the lake, they could only see the mermaids passing information back and forth, and then learn what happened under the water through Ludo Bagman's commentary.

Although Ludo Bagman tried his best to create a new genre of non-physical commentary, the audience was still confused because they could not see the situation on the scene.

"Unbelievable! The game is not even halfway through! Andy has returned to the shore!"

"Our game time limit is a full hour!"

"And I wonder if I saw it wrong? Why did Andy bring back two hostages?!"

Andy stepped on the ground and put Qiu Zhang and Gabriel on the ground.

He took out the vitality tonic and the antidote for the living hell potion from his pocket, one bottle for each person, and poured it into Qiu Zhang and Gabriel's mouths.

They were not injured, and the healing potion they had prepared was no longer needed.

When they were underwater, they were protected by Dumbledore's magic. Once they left the water, the magic was automatically lifted.

After a while, Qiu Zhang was the first to wake up.

Qiu Zhang saw Andy's face and the cheering crowd around him, and he was relieved as expected, but then he became nervous again.

"How long has it been? Didn't you exceed the time limit?"

Andy: "We are the first to return."

Qiu Zhang smiled.

She turned her head and saw Gabrielle lying next to her, with a puzzled look on her face.

Andy explained: "Fleur is trapped by Grindylow and can't reach the bottom of the lake."

Qiu Zhang looked at Gabrielle's cute sleeping face, and her heart melted: "Gabrielle is very brave. When she heard that she had to stay in the water for an hour, she agreed without hesitation."

"So I brought her up too." Andy, "By the way, how did they convince you to be the hostage I want to save?"

Qiu Zhang thought for a while and said: "It's mainly because I want to help you."

"Professor Dumbledore also promised that there would be no danger, and he told me that if I didn't agree, he would ask Hermione if she was willing."

I always feel that the latter sentence is the key point.

Madam Pomfrey rushed over with the medical team and surrounded Andy and Qiu Zhang.

Fleur was wrapped in a blanket and looked very embarrassed. She rushed to Gabrielle and cried, "How is she? Is she still alive?!"


Madam Maxime followed Fleur, patting her shoulders and comforting her softly.

Madam Pomfrey took her away: "Calm down! She's fine! She just needs a little time to wake up."

The nurses lifted Gabrielle onto the stretcher and conducted a temporary examination.

Madam Pomfrey checked for a while and said, "She is not used to the water environment, but the potion she just drank is taking effect. She should be fine in a while.

Wake up."

"Well done, Mr. Hall, your potion helped a lot. I believe Professor Snape will be happy that he has taught such an excellent student."

Andy smiled: "Of course, I think he is very happy. "

Snape's face turned black in the stands, and he looked around subconsciously.

He always felt that someone was calling him, but he didn't know who it was.

Fleur's eyes were red, her body was wet, and she looked at Andy with a moving expression: "How do you know I..."

Not long after Fleur entered the water, she met the Grindylows.

She didn't swim as fast as Krum, and was soon left behind.

When passing a reef, the Grindylows came out in groups and attacked her with teeth and nails.

Fleur's reaction was not slow, and she immediately took out her wand and repelled a Grindylow.

But the difference between her and Andy is that her spells are too weak and there is no way to fire them continuously.

In addition, the Grindylows had been angered by Andy before, and they fought to the death.

Not good at swimming Fleur only lasted a short while before she was surrounded by Grindylow.

Grindylow was very fast in the water, and when Fleur was not paying attention, he broke her Bubblehead Charm.

Fleur completely lost her composure, the lake water choked her lungs, and she couldn't breathe, and her wand was taken away.

Later, seeing that she really couldn't hold on, she was rescued and brought back to the shore with the help of the mermaids patrolling the competition venue.

Because Fleur had lost her wand, she was judged to have failed to complete the second competition.

Even the wand was returned by the mermaids threatening Grindylow.

Andy said: "When I went to rescue Qiu, the mermaids said that a long-haired wizard was stopped by Grindylow. Thanks to them for being so gossipy, I immediately knew that you and Gabrielle were in trouble."

For the first time, Madam Maxime smiled gently at Andy and said: "I thank you on behalf of Beauxbatons, Mr. Hall, you have shown a very noble character. Beauxbatons will always support her friends. "

Andy: "Just call me Andy, Madam Maxime."

Madam Pomfrey interrupted their greetings and said, "We have to treat them. They must rest now."

Madam Maxime nodded to Andy and prepared to take Fleur and Gabrielle and leave with Madam Pomfrey.

Fleur followed Madam Maxime for a few steps, suddenly turned around, rushed over excitedly, hugged Andy and kissed him on the face several times.

"Thank you! You saved Gabrielle!"

Fleur's eyes were red, and she sobbed while hugging Andy.

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