Lying on the silver-blue velvet was an extremely delicate wand.

The handle of the wand is like a whole piece of sapphire, with a gray crystal structure spiraling up, connecting the wooden body of the wand to the sapphire handle.

Ollivander seemed to be looking at a treasure, "This wand is very special. It doesn't even apply to wand theory. It doesn't have a truly clear wand body and wand core."

Weizet had an indescribable feeling. He felt that the wand in front of him should belong to him.

Perhaps as Ollivander said, this wand was waiting for him to be his companion from the moment it was made.

Thinking of this, Weizet held the wand in his hand without any hesitation.

A silver-blue light appeared in his mind, and the "Wizard's Practical Guide" suddenly opened up, and countless pages were flying in his mind, as if boiling.

At this moment, the wand slowly disappeared from his hand and appeared in his mind.

The flipping pages were like a school of fish, circling around the wand.

The wand at this moment was like a sea-fixing needle, and the gray crystal holding the wand lit up, emitting a silver-blue light.

The dark shop became brighter, and countless silver-blue rays of light overflowed from all directions, flying towards Weizet's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the entire Diagon Alley flashed for him, emitting a silver-blue light!

Ollivander opened his mouth slightly and stared at everything in front of him with wide eyes, looking at Vizette floating in the air.

Weizet looked forward, as if he were a god standing on the long river of history, observing the rise and fall of Diagon Alley from ancient times to the present.

He saw Ollivander's ancestors come here, build a shed, and sell the first wand;

He saw the goblins also appearing here. They seemed to have a premonition that this place was about to prosper, and they started to build a snow-white building;

He saw more and more shops appearing, building a commercial street called Diagon Alley around Gringotts and Ollivander's Wand Shop...

He seemed to be able to vaguely glimpse the nature of magic, how wizards obtained magic back then, and the more ancient past...

Weizet concentrated his attention and tried to see clearly. An inexplicable strong dizziness suddenly appeared, making him feel like the world was turning upside down...

At the end of the Leaky Cauldron, Dumbledore intertwined his fingers, showing a scrutinizing gaze, staring at the person hiding in the shadows.

"Professor Quirrell, as far as I know... you went to the Black Forest of Albania to gain practical experience in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Did you get any inspiration?"

"Of course... of course!" Quirrell stammered, "I met... I met a blood-sucking... vampire, and he... they were very... very unfriendly to me..."

At this moment, a burst of silver-blue light suddenly flashed through the Leaky Cauldron Bar, and the drinkers opened their sleepy eyes.

"What just happened? Did you see the light?"

"Not only do I see it, but I believe in light. Look... fluorescent flashes!"

"Did you drink too much and got confused? Burp! Tom! Two dozen more sherrys!"

Dumbledore looked towards the bar, his eyes seemed to see through the bar to the small patio, and then through the small patio to see Diagon Alley.

He felt the ancient magical power from the silver-blue light and searched for the source of this power. "Is it Ollivander's Wand Store? Is it Vizette?"

"There is also... there is an old witch... she is very scary..." Quirrell still stuttered, "Principal Dumbledore, what were you talking about just now?"

"It's okay." Dumbledore shook his head slightly, "I'm listening, go on, what did that terrible witch do?"

"That... that old witch raised... raised a lot of snakes... all poisonous... venomous snakes! She drove... drove the venomous snakes to attack me!"

The second floor of the Leaky Cauldron, the guest room Quirrell rented.

Voldemort, possessed by the Pointy-nosed Viper, woke up from his slumber and felt a strange power.

He stuck his head out of the quilt, climbed up to the window quickly, and looked into the distance.

"Such an ancient magical power!" He made a hoarse, harsh voice. "This body is too weak. It can only allow me to sense the source here. I have to let Quirrell get the magic stone as soon as possible..."

Before he finished speaking, the snake's body collapsed, its scales and flesh turned into ashes, and a black smoke-like mass appeared from it.

The black energy slowly came to the corner of the room, where there was a net cage full of venomous snakes.

These poisonous snakes fell into a deep sleep, and the black air stayed in the air for a while. Finally, they selected a poisonous snake and pounced on it...

Wizette woke up from the bench in the shop.

Everything around has changed.

There are countless lines on the ceiling. These lines are like dry brushstrokes, and only an extremely dim silver-blue color can be seen.

The same goes for the wands on the shelves, wrapped in glowing lines.

Some are eye-burning red lines, some are warm orange lines, and some are soft silver lines...

"Child, you're awake!" Ollivander appeared in front of him, "Has the world in front of you become different?"

A mirror appeared, and in the mirror was a pretty face, with a little baby fat that was unique to this age.

"What's wrong with my eyes?" Weizet looked at the mirror and slowly moved his hand to the position of his eyes.

These eyes are like lakes under the moonlight, with silver-blue light filling the pupils, giving them a different kind of mysterious beauty.

He blinked his eyes, and all the silver-blue light converged. He blinked again, and the silver-blue light filled his eyes again, as he pleased.

"Magic Eyes, an extremely rare talent..." Ollivander said in an envious tone, "The most coveted talent of the Ollivander family!"

"The first-generation Ollivander staff maker was a wizard who mastered the magic eye. He observed the magic of the world and summarized the laws and mysteries contained in it."

“His incorporation of discipline into wandmaking has made our wandmaking technique unique and able to continue as a family foundation.”

"There have been many wand-makers in history, but when it comes to wand-making families, our Ollivander family must be the only one!"

"It's really amazing!" Weizet exclaimed with emotion, and his consciousness sank into his mind.

"Wizard's Practical Guide" has turned a new page, with records of the Magic Eye on it.

"Elementary Magic Eye": Discover the ancient magical power brewed over time...absorb it to help the Magic Eye grow...see the magic circuit...

The so-called seeing the magic circuit means being able to see the light wrapped around the wand.

And this is only the ability of the primary magic eye.

If we continue to absorb the power of ancient magic and let the magic eye grow and evolve to intermediate and advanced levels...what will we see?

Vizette tried to drive the Obscurus, but unfortunately the ancient magical power produced by the Obscurus could not be absorbed by the Magic Eye.

Since Obscurus had no way to go, he didn't force it. The first priority was to obtain a wand.

"Mr. Ollivander, the wand you gave me just now has disappeared. What should I do?"

Chapter 13 Magic Eye and Magic Wand Making

"It's okay, maybe it will become a key, the key to unlock the magic eye." Ollivander's tone was gentler, like the tone of an elder comforting a younger one.

"Let's start choosing wands again. Maybe this time... you will get something unexpected. What color wand do you like? Do you have any requirements for the wand core?"

Wizette asked in confusion: "Didn't you say before... that wizards and wands will choose each other? Can I make a request?"

"Well..." Ollivander murmured, "Of course this is the normal situation, but you have magic eyes! Tell me about the style you like!"

Weizet recalled the bunch of wands he had just tried, "Elderwood, Fire Dragon Heartstring, Thirteen Inches... It would be better if they were harder."

"You remember it all!" Ollivander smiled brightly, like a sunflower facing the sun, "To carry the power of Obscurus, you really need an extraordinary wand configuration!"

He already knew the locations of all the wands in the store.

With just a wave of his magic wand, a wooden box flew out from the deepest part of the shelf and fell into Weizet's hands.

There was a jet-black wand lying in the wooden box. There was not much carving on the whole. It was straight and sharp, as cold as a military thorn.

With the help of the Magic Eye, he felt the exquisite skills contained in the wand, and the overall magic circuit was very smooth.

The only flaw is that the magic circuit at the tip of the wand is a bit bloated, like a tangled ball of thread.

Weizet grabbed the wand. The handle of the wand was round and concave, and fit perfectly in his hand.

The ancient magical power was activated and quickly spread to the wand body.

The power is gathered at the tip of the wand and merged into the bloated magic circuit.

Wizette is like playing a tumble-rope game. He needs to sort out the magic circuit to make the overall magic circuit of the wand smoother.

I don't know how long it took, but he finally smoothed out the magic circuit. Cyclone-like lines appeared on the wand, and the wand was slightly warm at this time.

Vizette subconsciously let go of his hand, and the wand floated in mid-air uncharacteristically, letting out a sweet moan.

He could feel the wand calling to him, in stark contrast to the previous silence.

Not only this wand, but all the wands in the shop groaned with the same call.

"It's amazing! It becomes even more perfect!" Ollivander showed a satisfied smile, "Do you understand? The wand chooses the wizard."

"You have the magic eye, and you can make the wand even better. No wand can deny this!"

"In a sense, these wands are really interesting!" Weizet laughed.

He remembered a sentence from his previous life: Today you ignore me, but tomorrow I will make it impossible for you to reach high.

"Vizet! I hope that after you graduate, you can learn how to make wands from me." Ollivander's tone was full of expectation.

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