Seeing her little painted face, Luna looked left and right, as if enjoying it, and even imitated the cat's cry in a low voice: "Meow!"

"Little tabby cat!" Weizet said with a smile.

Luna looked at Weizet aside, suddenly stretched out her fingers, gently touched Weizet's face, and made three marks.

"You've turned into a kitten too!" She picked up the blank card and took a picture of it for Weizet, letting out a laugh like wind chimes.

Wizette felt as if he was melting, and stood up quickly, looking around blankly and forgetting what he should do.

Hmm... need to find a towel to wipe Luna's face.

He walked into the bathroom, scooped up a few spoons of water and poured it on his face, just like a melted candle encountering cold wind and finally solidifying into a block again.

Touching his cheek and seeing a few spots of black ash on his fingers, Wizette couldn't help but laugh.

He shook his head slightly and murmured: "Am I not a wizard? I still want to get a towel... I know so many magic tricks to clean stains..."

Now that he had come, he still sighed, wetted a towel and returned to Luna, carefully wiping away the traces for her.

Luna asked softly: "Is it clean?"

"It's clean, there's nothing left." Weizet put down the towel and wanted to take a picture of the blank card to show Luna.

Before he could show the blank card, Luna also picked up the towel and helped him wipe off the traces. "It's also very clean, leaving no trace at all."

"Let me use it too..." Xenophilius's nasal voice was heavy, and he grabbed the towel and wiped it directly on his face.

He cried the hardest, so there were the most marks on his face, and the towel quickly turned into a dusty ball.

After cleaning up the towels and bread crumbs on the table, Weizet completely calmed down and thought about what happened to the bread.

It reminds Luna of her mother...

It would also make Xenophilius choke...

Perhaps it was because of what he had experienced in the past two days that he couldn't help but pour too much pure emotion into it, so it resonated with him.

After summing up, he didn't know why, but somehow he remembered the bread left in the principal's office a few nights ago.

I wonder what Principal Dumbledore’s reaction was after eating the bread?

Compared with the bread made today, the bread made a few days ago was more complete. I'm afraid the pure emotion contained in it won't be any weaker, right?

Weizet shook his head repeatedly, trying not to think about what Dumbledore would be like if he cried...

It has been concluded to this point. In fact, if you want to solve it, the method is very simple. You only need to restrain your emotions and just think about making the bread delicious.

Thinking of this, he restrained his spell-casting emotions and recreated a piece of magic bread.

Perhaps because practice makes perfect, the color of the owl bread this time is a little better than before.

At least the case is brown, with no signs of carbonization or black ash.

After Luna and Xenophilius ate the bread, they both gave positive comments: Although there were still some flaws on the outside, the inside was soft and the texture and taste were very good.

After a long day of tossing, Wizette returned to his room and checked the "Wizard's Practical Guide" in his mind.

In one school year, many pages were added to the originally blank "Wizard's Practical Guide".

Looking at the somewhat confused pages, he communicated with the "Wizard's Practical Guide" and planned to classify the pages in it.

Scan "Guardian Meditation Method", "Intermediate Magic Eye", "Ancient Magic: Improvement", "Ancient Magic: Purifying Soul Spell", "Ancient Magic: Self-Shaping (Devil's Network State)".

He divided these pages into auxiliary magic based on his past life experiences and the functionality of these ancient magics.

As soon as the idea was conveyed, the pages of the book immediately started to move. The pages of the book that I had just looked at had a blue mark that read: Auxiliary Magic.

Weizet nodded with satisfaction and continued to classify.

For example, "Ancient Magic: Levitation Spell" and "Ancient Magic: Improved Lights-Out Spell (Elementary)" can make people levitate or engulf light. They are control magic.

There are two attack-type magics, namely "Ancient Magic: Improved Cutting Spell (Elementary)" and "Ancient Magic: Throwing Mastery", both of which can directly produce attack effects.

There is one power magic: "Ancient Magic: Improved Summoning Spell (Intermediate Creature Capture)".

Control magic has a yellow mark, and attack magic has a white mark. Power magic is marked in purple.

With this sorting, the originally messy pages became much more orderly.

He turned to the last page with interest and found that he had missed an ancient magic.

This magic has just experienced growth in the mirror world, and even its name is different: "Ancient Magic: Shield/Twisting into a Shield".

Weizet examined the page carefully.

"Ancient Magic: Shield": Guided by meditation and gestures, the power of ancient magic is condensed and spread into a magic barrier...

This is the first magic he has cast after obtaining the "Wizard's Practical Guide", and the content above has not changed.

There is just one more introduction below.

"Ancient Magic: Turn into a Shield": No need to guide with gestures, gather ancient power and instantly support the magic barrier, which cannot be retained for a long time...

He captured the key message: no need for gesture guidance, instant support, and short-term retention.

Weizet looked at the context and tried to deduce more clues.

No need to guide through gestures, which means that the Guardian Meditation Method is still needed...

There is no doubt that this is a magic with more practical significance.

At least literally, this magic requires a certain combat awareness and accurate grasp of the timing of the attack to play its due role.

He first classified it as a protective magic, gave it a golden mark, and then tried to cast it to see what the specific effect would be.

Vizet stood in the center of the room and took the lead in casting the Guardian Meditation Method. He felt a sense of blessing coming to his heart, which made him subconsciously drive the Obscurus Core.

The Obscurus Core was like a second heart, suddenly pumping out the ancient magic power.

The ancient magic power was like a bubble, suddenly spreading outward, forming a small magic barrier around the body.

The magic barrier was transparent throughout, with an extremely weak silver-blue light, and it would not affect the field of vision at all.

Just when Vizet was about to observe carefully, the magic barrier disappeared like a bubble, as if it had never existed.

"It can't last for a long time... Is that really the case?" He murmured and tried to cast "Ancient Magic: Shield in a Moment" again...

After several rounds of attempts, he had a deeper understanding of this magic.

The duration of "Ancient Magic: Shield in a Moment" is not long, and the magic barrier will only exist for about two seconds. If you want to cast it again, there will be a cooling time of about two seconds.

Starting with casting "Guardian Meditation", the meditation method controls the Obscurus Core to pump out ancient magic power to form a magic barrier...

Chapter 10 "Ancient Magic: Shield in a Moment"

The entire operation process takes about two seconds, and Vizette defines it as "casting pre-shake".

The duration is only two seconds, plus the "casting pre-shake" of two seconds, it seems that the word "instant" in "Ancient Magic: Shield in a Moment" is somewhat unworthy of its name.

If it can only produce this effect, in real combat, it can actually not play a big role. It is better to directly cover the whole body with the devil's net state, and perhaps the protective effect will be better.

Vizet came to the window sill, looking at the lush grassland outside the window, wondering if there was a possibility of streamlining it.

"Perhaps using the magic wand as a medium can shorten the "casting pre-swing"..."

He hummed and pulled the magic wand out of his pocket.

Casting the "Guardian Meditation Method"...

A feeling of inspiration...

Vizet gently raised the magic wand, and a bubble-like magic barrier appeared, wrapping him in it.

The "casting pre-swing" was reduced to one second, indicating that his guess was correct.

The magic wand can shorten the time for the "Guardian Meditation Method" to control Obscurus, thereby reducing the "casting pre-swing".

Not only that, the magic wand seems to be able to play the role of a "receiving antenna".

He can feel the process of the meditation method controlling the core by holding the magic wand.

Although this feeling is extremely weak, it is better than nothing. As long as more records and summaries are made, I believe that the "casting pre-swing" of "Ancient Magic: Instant Shield" can continue to be reduced.

Vizet has a feeling that the "casting pre-swing" should be shortened by half.

When he is familiar with this control process, he may be able to shorten the "casting pre-swing" of this magic in the wandless state.

With this idea in mind, he continued to practice this magic.


"Welcome to the Ministry of Magic, I hope you have a pleasant day."

As the heroic male voice fell, the Viking warship statue slowly moved away, revealing an exquisitely carved spruce door with a picture of a Viking warship conquering the sea.

The middle-aged man with a goatee smiled slightly, and gently stroked the door with his fingertips, "The brave Viking wizards of the past no longer exist. Now they are just a group of cowardly Swedish wizards, aren't they?"

The fair-skinned man beside him lowered his eyelids, showing some hatred, "Yes... that's right!"

The man with a goatee nodded with satisfaction, "Then let's get started! Department of Mysteries..."

"I know." The fair-skinned man waved his hand, "I want the gun, and if there is still time, I will take the eyeball away."

"Okay, welcome to the Ministry of Magic, please!" The man with a goatee opened the wooden door and made a welcoming gesture.

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