His eyes showed nostalgia, and he said to the three middle-aged men: "Don't worry! They will all be punished! Don't worry!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the reindeers twitched all over, and a very faint blood-red light appeared.

However, there were many reindeers on the stage, and although the blood-red light was extremely weak, it could gather into a scarlet light ball.

Faced with such a scene, Vizette immediately concluded that the vitality of the reindeers transformed by the wizards was constantly fading and gathering into the scarlet light ball.

The light ball kept spinning, as if it turned into a vortex, and the speed of absorbing vitality was also increasing.

The reindeers transformed by the wizards twitched violently, the luster of their fur became dim, and their bodies began to shrivel.

The circus director held a cane, coughed and showed an excited expression, and kept cursing the reindeers who were like epilepsy.

"You killed them all! Now I'm going to make you pay! This place has to pay!"

"This country has to pay too! You're all sinners! Bastards! You're all going to die!"

Xenophilius heard the circus director's words and had a puzzled look on his face: "Why did he say that?"

"Is he the kid... Sigurd? But that's not right... Isn't he already..."

Before Xenophilius finished speaking, the circus director's body trembled, looked at Xenophilius and interrupted: "How do you know my name?"

However, at the same time, Vizet and Luna shook their heads at the same time, as if answering Xenophilius' question, "No, he definitely can't be Sigurd!"

The circus director's face changed, and he spat out blood again, mixed with black air, "Why do you say I'm not! You don't know what I've been through!"

"The cowards on this island! They watched us die when we brought them joy! If it weren't for them! How could I be in this state now? ? "

"What a good family we were! How many wizards did we bring joy to together? Do you know? You know nothing! "

"You don't know that family is my treasure! They destroyed all my treasures! I lost everything!"

"I don't know who you are, but you are definitely not Sigurd!" Luna's tone was particularly serious, and even a hint of anger could be heard.

"Your family members are in pain, but you don't see it. You just let them support you and make expressions that they are worried about you."

"Real family members won't be like this!" Vizette understood why Luna was angry, took a step forward, and stood beside her, "I can't see that you cherish them!"

"You just asked them to do something, and everything else was verbal, even the so-called revenge was the same... I don't think the real Sigurd would do such a thing. "

"The two words of Vizette and Luna made the circus leader cough several times in a row and spit out several mouthfuls of blood. The black air in the blood seemed to be getting thicker.

Vizet even had a feeling that if he continued to talk to Luna, maybe... the circus leader would cough and spit blood and die?

The circus leader gasped and held his cane tightly, "I know them very well! Look! I cherish them very much!"

"You are a liar!" The three clowns nodded, "He is Sigurd who cares about us the most!"

"Did you hear that?" The circus leader smiled with satisfaction, "I know! You are denying the fault of this island! You are also accomplices! You are equally hateful!"

He pulled the cane forward, and the three clowns turned into sharks again, swinging their tails quickly in the air, opening their bloody mouths and rushing towards the three people.

Vizet saw the three sharks so obedient, and the circus leader vomited blood accompanied by black air...

Combined with the various characteristics of Momoran, he had some guesses in his mind.

He did not hesitate at all, and put it into practice directly, suddenly raised the magic wand, and the ancient magic power flourished.

"Ancient Magic: Purification Spell"

He drew a smooth "S"-shaped arc in the air and shouted loudly: "All the dust and dirt will go away!"

The cyclone appeared from under one of the sharks, quickly covering the three sharks and sweeping out a ball of deep black air.

After extracting the black air, the shark could no longer move in the air, fell straight to the ground, and struggled painfully again.

"It is indeed Obscurus! Headmaster Dumbledore told me that this is its other extreme, extremely plastic!" Vizette swung his wand violently, and the black air dissipated in the air.

"You can be the criminal who attacked the Swedish Ministry of Magic, or you can be the head of this circus, but you can't be Sigurd."

"I am him!" The head of the circus still said so, like a paranoid who is difficult to reason with.

"You know everything about his past?" Vizet frowned, "Then what would you say when you ask for a reward?"

The circus leader hesitated, "What else can I say... Of course, thank them!"

Vizet continued to ask: "Wouldn't you say... 'Thank you, sir, I wish you happiness and health'?"

"Isn't that just thanking them?" The circus leader's tone was extremely irritable.

Vizet calmed down: "I just said it casually... Maybe all your experiences are lies and stories."

"Isn't Sigurd dead?" Xenophilius said suddenly, "I asked other wizards last night..."

"They said that the original circus members have been buried by them, and they will always repent for what they did."

This sentence had the effect of finalizing the matter. The circus leader seemed to be poked in the sore spot, "You are lying! Don't think that you can save them with these few words!"

He clenched his crutches in anger and slammed them to the ground.

The scarlet light ball spun violently, and the reindeer became more shriveled, like a lizard dried in the desert, almost losing the last trace of life.

Depriving vitality is a very common method of curse.

During the time studying with Professor Quirrell, Vizette accumulated a lot of relevant knowledge by studying curses.

In addition to the corresponding breaking spell, he also has a convenient and quick way to break this curse.

Vizette raised his wand again and drew a round "S" arc in the air, "The dust and dirt are gone!"

A cyclone flew up from the bottom of the scarlet light ball, and it only took one blow to directly disintegrate the scarlet light ball.

Life force returned to the reindeer, and their bodies were like inflated balloons, finally returning to their original state...

Chapter 33 World Tree

After this back and forth, the reindeer all closed their eyes and fell unconscious, lying there without moving, only the chest and abdomen were still rising and falling.

The Purification Spell drew out another trace of black air, which was no different from the black air just stripped off.

"What are you? Pure Obscurus?" Vizet asked in confusion, "Why is all your magic based on Obscurus?"

"Such a seemingly stable... yet extremely fragile control ability? What on earth do you rely on to exert this power..."

The circus leader in front of him has many puzzles on him, which seems to be worth studying.

Vizet turned his brain quickly and turned his eyes to the hands of the circus leader, "Could it be that crutch?"

The scarlet light ball was disintegrated, and the circus leader coughed violently again. It was not just as simple as spitting out a mouthful of blood. His facial features seemed to be bleeding blood and black air.

His face was as pale as paper, and he was so haggard that he seemed to be dying at any time.

"I won't let you stop me..." The circus leader gasped and hugged his cane tightly, as if he wanted to rub it into his chest.

His body shook violently, and without reciting a spell or casting a spell, a bowl-thick plasma burst out of the cane...

The plasma was extremely dazzling and powerful, and it burst out with a thunderous roar, hitting Vizette's face directly.

"Ancient Magic: Shield in an Instant"

When the plasma was about to hit, Vizette quickly raised his wand, and the magic barrier came out of his body, blocking the plasma lightly.

"La Wei Ah Sa!"

He quickly counterattacked, and with an "Ancient Magic: Levitation Spell", strangled the circus leader's neck and raised it high in the air.

The circus leader kept struggling, and even his cane accidentally fell, piercing straight into the ground, emitting a cluster of light.

Vizette frowned, he really didn't expect that a wizard who could break into the Swedish Ministry of Magic would be so weak.

It seems that apart from being able to freely cast the magic of transformation, he is extremely unskilled in the use of other magic.

It's like someone who has not received orthodox learning and has only mastered a small amount of magic by talent.

The circus leader tried desperately to get rid of the magic shackles. The more he struggled, the more blood he vomited, and the whole person exuded a sense of ruin.

Until countless black air came out of his facial features, and in an instant he turned into a ball of black mist.

It was Obscurus.

Obscurus flashed in the air, vaguely condensed into a human form, but then spread again and returned to the state of Obscurus.

Seeing such a strange change, Vizette suddenly had a bold guess-since wizards can generate Obscurus, can Obscurus generate wizards?

He vaguely felt that if he could figure this out, he might be able to truly control Obscurus through himself...

He could even go a step further and deeply understand the soul from the perspective of Obscurus!

Before he could think about it, a strong light burst out from the position of the crutch, and the light illuminated the entire cyclone pattern, and a huge vortex took shape in an instant.

The vortex had a very clear target, aiming directly at the floating Obscurus, and completely absorbed it.

In just a moment, Obscurus was swallowed up, and the whole island began to shake violently.

At the moment when Obscurus was swallowed, the reindeer finally woke up and regained their human form.

They ran to the side in panic, as far away from the stage as possible.

A green sprout emerged from the center of the cyclone pattern, as if it was not Obscurus that was sucked in just now, but a seed with strong vitality.

The sprout looked delicate, but it had the power to push the crutch away, and the crutch fell to the side.

The sprout quickly grew into a sapling, and soon turned into a tall tree, with countless branches extending horizontally.

The branches not only lifted up the crutch, but also lifted up the struggling sharks, breaking through the circus tent.

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