That’s right! After you finish reading this letter, the method to get to the secret room will also appear...

Serena Pendragon wants to retire but doesn't want to be bored

When Weizet saw the last signature, the letter in his hand burned and then turned into ashes.

Sure enough, when the letter disappeared completely, a road map appeared in his mind, marking the way to the Guardian's secret room.

The previous guardian seemed to have told a lot of secrets, but these secrets had no beginning and no end, and some of them were hard to guess their meaning, like riddles.

"The Riddler..." Wizette rubbed his eyebrows, "It's all just nonsense..."

Chapter 35 The Eight-Legged God Masleipnir

From this letter, Weizet got several key pieces of information.

First of all, the black magic power of Obscurus must have an extremely long history, otherwise it would not be called the "original power" in the prophecies of the Isaiah Society.

Secondly, Isaiah will continue to push the wizards to hide for some purpose, making them more and more closed;

Weizet even had reasonable doubts that Gellert Grindelwald's actions against pure-blood families were based on countermeasures taken against the Isaiah Society.

Finally, the previous Guardian named Serena Pendragon had a cooperative relationship with Gellert Grindelwald in order to promote something;

Whether it was the "Wizard's Practical Guide" or the wand that allowed him to obtain the Magic Eye, it was all provided by Serena Pendragon;

The incident against Ollivander, Dumbledore hid something from him, was actually an operation against him;

This time, the matter involving Dumbledore, the Swedish Ministry of Magic, the former Guardian and the Goatee Mastermind was the result of the prophecy mentioned in the letter;

And the circus leader who has been devoured...has been a puppet from beginning to end, a tool used to advance the prophecy;

The Isaiahs who fought against the former guardians must have very mysterious origins and instigated Muggles and goblins to persecute wizards;

After thinking about it this way, it can explain the behavior of the circus leader...

Weizet shook his head, suddenly learning how such a mysterious organization could live a worry-free life.

At this moment, a huge noise suddenly appeared above. It turned out that the waves were rising higher and higher, gradually covering the sky and the sun.

"They said... you can solve this problem too." Dumbledore glanced at the rising waves, "Is that true?"

"I need to reach the top of the clouds." Weizet nodded and looked at Fox aside, "Fox, can you please take me up there?"

Fox lowered his head and shook his head, showing a somewhat frustrated look.

"Vizet, it contains magical power that we cannot use." Dumbledore stroked Fox's feathers, "You should understand what I'm talking about."

"This magical power is too strong and will cause all kinds of interference... In fact, Fox can fly up alone, but he can't take you up through magic."

After hearing the conversation between the two, Luna walked over and asked, "Are you going to the clouds?"

She opened her backpack, and the long horn belonging to the Snorlax was glowing at the moment.

The ruby-like long horns seemed to be able to breathe, shining with bright red light.

Luna's eyes were as gentle as water, and she held the long horn above her head.

The bright red light smeared her white hands, and her long horns were like ripples on a stone entering a lake, creating halos one after another.

Luna opened her eyes wide and looked at the magnificent halo, her eyes full of expectation.

The long-horned halo spread outwards, and there was a sudden sound in the direction of the World Tree.

It was a sound like an egg breaking its shell, although it was slight, it stirred the soul.

Weizet looked around and saw a crack in the roots of the World Tree, and a tall horse strolled out.

The horse's body is as clear as if it were carved from ruby, its hooves are like sapphire, and its tail is golden-green like a fringe.

Its eyes are as dazzling as diamonds, there is a long rhinoceros horn on its forehead, and its whole body is covered with a light silver luster.

The movement of the horse was extremely graceful, it just lifted its hoof forward slightly and then lowered it, moving a certain distance in the blink of an eye.

Only then did Weizet notice that there were phantoms of four hooves surrounding the horse's four hooves.

When the horse steps and moves, the four phantom hooves will flash red, as if casting some kind of magic.

Newt's voice sounded, "Glaring? Or Sleipnir? This magical animal... is not a legend?"

As the World Tree completely grows, the surrounding magical energy field is also lifted.

Newt burst out with physical strength not belonging to the elderly, bursting out with the speed of a sprinter, quickly rushed in front of the horse, and smiled infatuatedly.

"Merlin's beard! It's so beautiful..." He put down the box, raised his hands, stood in front of the horse, and discussed in a soft voice, "Can I... touch you?"

The horse snorted, still holding its head high, as if it didn't hear Newt's words.

Newt sighed with regret. He respected magical animals. If he didn't get a response from the horse, he would naturally not make any further moves.

At this moment, a little beast jumped out of his box.

The little beast is covered in fluffy black fur, and the fur is shiny and oily. It looks like it has been well cared for.

It has a long snout, like a combination of an echidna and a platypus, and its round head is very cute.

When Vizette saw the little beast for the first time, he recognized it as the magical animal Niffler, who was extremely enthusiastic about all shiny objects.

When Niffler saw the golden green tail of the horse, his attention was immediately focused, and he couldn't wait to pounce forward, trying to grab the shiny tail.

However, before he touched the tail, the misty silver luster burst into lightning, and instantly bounced Niffler away.

Newt stretched out his hands very skillfully, took Niffler into his arms, and said helplessly: "You are all like this!"

"Being able to release lightning... This is not Graling's ability." He continued to look at the horse, "Graling is gray, and according to records, the eight-legged horse is red..."

"Sleipnir still exists?" He scratched the head of the Niffler, and wisps of gray smoke came out from the fur, "Fortunately it is very gentle, otherwise you would be in danger!"

The eight-legged horse came to Luna and looked down at Luna, as if examining and thinking about something.

Luna lowered her hands, held the long horn in front of her, and asked leisurely: "Your name is Sleipnir? Or is it the Crooked Horned Snorkle? Or... would you like me to give you a name?"

The eight-legged divine horse tilted its head, and its eyes, as bright as diamonds, revealed a somewhat complicated look.

Luna also tilted her head, always keeping her eyes on the eight-legged divine horse.

She took the long horn into her arms, tiptoed forward, and wanted to touch the eight-legged divine horse's cheek.

Vizet hurriedly stepped forward and stretched out his hand to hold Luna's hand.

He had just seen the lightning of the eight-legged divine horse, so he was naturally worried that Luna might be injured.

Luna turned her head to look at him, shook her head slightly and said: "I think... it's very good, it won't hurt me."

Vizet looked at Luna's smiling face, did not continue to stop her, took out a piece of parchment from his pocket, and turned it into a ladder.

"Thank you." Luna smiled slightly, stepped on the ladder and stretched out her hand, getting closer and closer to the eight-legged divine horse's cheek.

Vizette felt her heart tighten, ready to catch Luna at any time to prevent her from getting hurt.

Luna's fingertips touched the eight-legged divine horse, but no flash of lightning hurt her.

Instead, the eight-legged divine horse trembled slightly as if it had been electrocuted, and a tear slid down its bright eyes.

The tears splashed on the ground and turned into a mistletoe.

The mistletoe turned into a light spot, circled around Luna, turned around and bypassed Vizette, and disappeared into the air...

Chapter 36 Mistletoe Bracelet

With the help of the long horn, Luna had a long-term communication by touching the eight-legged divine horse.

"No one has remembered you, you must have been lonely for a long time!" Luna stroked the eight-legged divine horse's cheek, "Can I call you 'Frigga' in the future? I can be your friend."

The eight-legged divine horse neighed and nodded, the sound was like thunder.

It looked up at the sky, the waves were getting higher and higher, almost reaching the crown of the world tree, the magical cloud.

After being named Frigga by Luna, the eight-legged horse lowered its head, and the long horns on its forehead collided with the long horns in Luna's arms...

The long horns in Luna's arms suddenly turned into streams of light, and after hovering in the air for a circle, they turned into a string of mistletoe bracelets and appeared on Luna's wrist.

The mistletoe bracelet flashed red light and sent Luna to the back of the eight-legged horse.

"Vizet, we should go!" Luna sat sideways on the back, she stretched out her palm, wanting to pull Vizet up.

The eight-legged horse stepped on its hooves, and a string of mistletoe bracelets also appeared on Vizet's wrist.

The bracelet conveyed a warm feeling, but in a blink of an eye, he also sat on the back of the eight-legged horse.

The two were ready, and when the eight-legged divine horse was about to take a step, Xenophilius took a step forward, his eyes showing some expectation, with an expression of "what about me".

The eight-legged divine horse shook his head, appeared behind Xenophilius in a blink of an eye, and instantly came to the roots of the world tree.

Vizet and Luna turned back at the same time, as if they wanted to shout something, but before they could speak, they merged into the world tree and disappeared.

And Xenophilius had a string of nettle bracelets on his wrist.

There was a bit of loneliness in his eyes, and he sighed: "Obviously I was the first one to get the long horn... or I put the long horn in the baby's backpack..."

Dumbledore smiled and took a step forward, comforting: "Maybe it's full? Or maybe they care about you, so they don't want you to take risks?"

"Maybe so!" Xenophilius nodded and looked at the roots of the world tree, "I really didn't expect... to encounter such a thing..."

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